
The Assassin and I

Once we were out of the Court's Room, SeungHyun let go of my hand. I noticed he was abit red as well, I think he just maybe like me?


"Where you wanna go?" asked SeungHyun,


"I don't know" I replied


"Well then follow me" said SeungHyun as he held out his hand,


I stared at his hand pretending not to understand,

"Well? Hurry up and grab my hand!" he said as he grabbed my hand.

Soon we were off running like two idiots in the royal palace, I'm pretty sure no one outside the palace would even recognise SeungHyun as a prince, well still, he doesn't act like one either! Soon we were out of the palace and on the streets of Sion. The streets were all decorated with paintings of flowers, rainbows and it seems like it's been polished by happiness. Lanterns were hanging onto any place you can think of. It seems like the world has only happiness, but sadly in real life it isn't true.




I was still in my wonderland before SeungHyun started dragging me to every store on the street, sometimes even buying things for me!







"Dara, this is my favourite place in the whole of Sion, maybe even in the whole world" said SeungHyun,

"Why?" i asked,

"Because I forget all of my worries on this street" replied SeungHyun.

At this moment, I would rather say I admire SeungHyun instead of like SeungHyun because at this moment I see a man with many doubts and many imperfections rather than a man that is perfect.

"Dara! It's getting late, let's go back" said SeungHyun,

"okay" I replied.



           When we arrived back at the Royal Palace, Umma, Appa and the King were happily chatting and when they saw me they became even happier!

"Ahhh Dara we have good news for you!" said Koosung,













"What is it Appa?" I asked,

" We  have arranged a marriage for you and Prince SeungHyun!" the king replied,

"What?!" SeungHyun and I shouted,

I of course was pretending to be angry but right now inside of me i'm screeching with excitement!

"Marrying a prince? Especially a hot one? AM I IN WONDERLAND?" I thought while drooling, but then, my excitement was ended by Appa reasoning.......

"Well....because the King has promised us if we let you marry Prince SeungHyun, the land rate will go down" said Yoona,

"So basically you, my Umma and you, my Appa are selling me just for a lower land rate?" I shouted, with my excitement jumping lower than the land rate.

"No darling, I mean SeungHyun isn't bad you know! And think, you'll be queen one day!" Koosung yelled,

"I don't want to be queen, I just want to be me!" I screamed,

"Well it's not your choice!" yelled Yoona and Koosung as he slapped me,

"You slapped me? I hate you guys! I am never coming back" I shouted as I began storming off.

You know what? I was lying, I do want to be queen but not this way......

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omg^^ ty first story :D
ktdg826 #2
i am the 1st subscriber!! haha update soon..it sounds interesting=] fighting~!!