Be Honest

Island Kingdom 1

“I… Can’t.”

Embarrassed I let my head fall down and awkwardly scraped the ground with my foot when a tinkling laughter echoed in my ears.

“Haha, you are just full of surprises aren’t you?”

If you only knew’. I thought to myself. The next moment Jongin, on his horse, stood next to me as he reached out his hand for me to take.  

“Well, then ride with me.”  


“Oh come on. I’m surprised you didn’t just cast a spell for the ability to ride.”

“It is not that simple. I do not use magic for my own gain…”

“Really? I could have sworn you had put a spell on yourself. How else did you become so pretty?”



With that, Jongin grabbed hold of my arm and with ease helped me up on his horse. Immediately scared for the horse to throw me off I quickly put both arms tightly around Jongin’s waist.

“Hold tight, Princess. Do Kyungsoo is not a patient man.”

With that the horse started to gallop away from the grounds after Kyungsoo. In my fear I somehow managed to look back at the castle and for a moment I could have sworn I saw the king waving his goodbyes.  


After an hours ride we took a break to go over our mission. Jongin helped me down from the horse and proceeded to tie it to a nearby tree next to Kyungsoo’s.

“Careful princess. Watch your step.”

Blushing, I stuttered my thanks before heading towards a tree stub and rolled out the map.

“From where we are now each bridge is the same distance away. We need to figure out which bridge we are to start off with.”

Kyungsoo crossed his arms while leaning against another tree.

“It’s simple. We take down the bridge furthest away and work our way towards the castle. That way we will be closer to home when finished.”

“I think we should start off with the one closest to the castle. Breaking the closest one first, the enemy will have to take the longer road if they want to seize the castle, right? That would definitely be an advantage.”

“You’re wrong, Jongin. As always.”

Kyungsoo pushed off the tree and pointed down at the map.

“Taking the bridge the furthest away may mean that the enemy will simple take the shorter road but the king’s army will also be closer. We will have that advantage when time is sparse and the enemy camps increases; the king’s army at our disposal.”

“The same can be said for my plan. The king’s army will start journey towards the last bridge and we will clash as far away from the castle as possible! Also…”

Jongin paused to look at me with inquisitive eyes.

“I wouldn’t mind taking the longer road home when we’re done with this. Perhaps stop at every inn we can find? What do you say, Princess.”

“…I erh…”

“You make me sick, Jongin. Sorcerer, you are the tiebreaker. Which bridge do we start with?”


Choose the furthest bridge - Go to chapter 4

Chose the closer bridge - Go to chapter 5 

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