I choose you!

Island Kingdom 1

“I Choose Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo as my escorts."

The two men stepped forward and took a small bow.

Joonmyun nodded towards the chosen warriors before turning back to me.

“Excellent choice, Cassandra. Kim Jongin is the finest marksman I have ever seen and Do Kyungsoo is an artist with his swords. They will surely protect you well.”  


The king stared me right in the eye as he handed me a map of the kingdom.

“Before you leave, I must warn you – The moment the enemy hears news of you, a sorcerer, you are on a clock. Time is precious, my dear, do not waste one second or we will all die. Now go!”


Before long we found ourselves at the castle grounds, stocking up for the long journey ahead. I was still feeling shook up from seeing the king after so much time having passed. Memories of what had been done and said lingered as a cool shadow eating up he the last speck of light. Destroy the crystal bridges… A part of me couldn’t help but wonder if I could have ended the war before it even began. Before so many lives had been lost. As I stood, minding my own business someone bumped into me rather hard.

“Out of my way, witch.”

Do Kyungsoo had knocked into me and then pretended it was my fault? And the way he had called me a… a witch. His voice had been filled with such loathing it made my skin crawl but worst of all, I didn’t blame him.

“Sorry about him, Princess. He is on his period I believe.”

Just then a hand gently pressed down on my shoulder and when I turned towards the person I was met with a handsome face. Skin golden, eyes hazel-brown and there was a slight smirk playing on his lips as he leaned down to be face to face with me.

“Choosing me for this mission. I don’t know whether to thank you or dislike you for it. But one way or another, you will pay me back for the trouble.”

For a moment he just stared at me before breaking into a laugh.

“You are cute when you’re flustered. Now, let’s go! Bring me my horse, boy!” 

Three squires then came running with no less than three horses already saddled and loaded with equipment.

“Horses? We are going by horseback?”

 I nervously managed to stammer out my question but was merely met with a curt answer from Do Kyungsoo.


I bit down on my lip, hard. I had no idea how to ride a horse!

“What if we travelled by foot? I mean, wouldn’t it be more inconspicuous if we… walked?”

The two warriors glanced at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

“Are you kidding?”

Do Kyungsoo scoffed out before he set off towards the gates.

Jongin patiently stayed behind when it dawned on him what might be wrong.

“Walk? Princess, don’t tell me you don’t know how to ride a horse?”


Be honest - Go to chapter 2

Lie - Go to chapter 3

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