Chapter 5

[AllKook] Into the novel, change destiny

     - Mom, Can you not go out today? Stay home play with me!

     He yelled loudly inside the house. He had decided! Today, he’s not going out. He didn’t want to meet the 2nd main boy character that soon.

     - Okay, I know. But go to the supermarket and buy me some things first, okay? – his mother stopped what she’s doing, gave the need-to-buy list to him

     Crying inside. Why today??

     - But…

     - No buts. Hurry up, or you won’t have dinner today. Which one you’ll choose? – she threatened

     - Okay, I got it. – He took the list from his mother, lonely walked out of the room.

     The plane will have landed in 9 o’clock, now just 8. No worry! Still has time.

     He ran fast in the gara and took the car. It wasn’t much time left,  he had to drive then.

     Drive fast to the supermarket with the light’s speed. But why were so many obstacles in his plan?? How many the traffic’s lights were in each streets, he stopped at each of that time. Not to mention, the crowded street too. How unfair!

     Jungkook maybe didn’t know, today’s destiny is unlikely to be changed…

     Took the car to the parking lot, he run fast into the supermarket.

     Looked at the things-need-to-buy list, how annoying. Why did it have to be so much like that? Strawberry jam, beef, bacon, vegetables, cheese,…

     - Oh God, jam, where are you?? – He drew the shopping cart, went to each rows

     - Ah, here, found it. – Jungkook rose his hand up to take the strawberry jam which was in the last deck of the shelf.

     Well,.. he’s not that tall, so to take it is also a difficult thing too.

     - Being a shorty like that, uncomfortable huh? Move, let me do it!

     From behind was a disdainful voice. Jungkook stopped tiptoe-ing, stood back normally, turned around to see who just said.

     Greeting him was a broad chest. The man’s even one head and few centimeters taller than him.

     - Even you helped me, I’m not going to thank you. – Take the jam from the man’s hand, Jungkook replied without looking at his face.

     - Huh, how emotionless? – the man smiled lightly, gruntedly

     - Who said you told me shorty?? – he stood with his hands on his hips, raised his face up. His face was fierce, but so cute.

     The man watched Jungkook closely this time. The skin’s even smoother than baby’s. The hair covered both of the eyes, small “slightly- open” pink lips. Completely normal. Make him cannot help bursting out laughing.

     - Kid, you are really impolite, you know. – he pinched his nose, smiled.

     - What? Who’s impolite? – Jungkook raised his nose up.

     - I’m Jimin, Park Jimin. And you are? – Ignored his question, he introduced.


     How is it possible? Jimin? Main boy character! He tried to dodge but why still met? He must be in the airport now?? What’s he doing here?

     Well, not to mention, he’s very handsome! Big brown keen eyes. High nose. Straight bridge of the nose. Shining black hair. Perfect angular face. Height’s nearly 1.85m (6ft). Perfect prince.

     But however, he still had to kept off him.

     - Ah, I’m kinda busy, sorry, I need to go. – Jungkook turned away and ran fast, not to let him say any words.

     - Strange. But you think, how long can you hide from me?


     - Phew. That was close. – he panted, bowed down to breath.

     - How unexpected, I thought you’ve already changed. But, you still like that. Whenever you are, whenever the boys are!

     Jin went from the far. He himself watched all he and Jimin’s doings, he became hot-headed. He’s angry without even listening. So led to misunderstandings. Still thought that in front of him he proved to be cold, in the back is back being a . Only Jihyun is truly innocent!

     - What is it again? Young master Kim, you still talked nonsense? – Jungkook raised his head up, did this guy just eat some ?

     - Huh! You should stop faking to get away my face! Your plot, it’s not that I don’t know. – Stone- cold, he stepped over him.

     - !

     Jungkook cursed then continued with the job his mom gave him. He’ve already met them, what do he need to fear now? Just relax and do it.

     The morning ended with annoying problem. Lied himself on his bed, he’s really bored and bored now.

     He suddenly remembered. This body… from the old boy, the boy knew martial arts? What the.. learned martial arts at the age of 4, clean skills… He cannot remember who that was!

     Having doubts about his memories, he stood right up to test.

     The brain suddenly thought about some fight scenes in the movies, he shyly tested a few. Surprisingly, not only he did it, but also did it very well.

     Happily jumped in the bed. So he knew martial arts. It’s just that boy didn’t want to use.

     Ah, don’t even think about bullying me. You will pay for it. Especially you, Yoo Jihyun.

     Then, he sinked into his sleep.  


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Chapter 5: Wow, this is such an interesting concept. Please update this fic!
Kuroko_Tetsuki #2
Chapter 5: I'm seriously looking forward to the update of this fic
6rcf5553 #3
Chapter 4: Please continue!!