Chapter 4

[AllKook] Into the novel, change destiny



     Leave the shopping mall, Jungkook felt really uncomfortable. Naturally he wanted to come here and relax, but finally to find out that lovey-dovey couple hand in hand. What an eyesore!

- this day! – Said that, he caught a taxi back to home



     - Mom, I’m home, I have present for you!

     Jungkook happily ran inside. But after looking the three uninvited guests, the happiness was replaced with a murderous look. His eyes are getting colder and colder and the deep hatred can be seen in his eyeround.

     Let he list for you! In these three people, there’s “the boy”’s “father”, or more correctly, his “father”.

     His mother and that man used to have a marriage settlement but they don’t even love each other. In front of the adults, they pretended they were in love, but when just the two of them, they don’t give a damn anymore. Few years later, well..”First make friend, then make love”! His mother loved that man and even loved deeply.

      Using this, he often broughts women to home….


     A five-year-old boy, ran happily to home, brought back his high mark from today’s test to brag his mother. Because of the rain, all his clothes were all wet. Back to home, in front of you was a dark place, just some places shined because of lights.

     Didn’t care, he looked all around, searched for his mother. Nothing. He came to her room.

     Opened the door, welcome him is Mrs. Jeon’s vulnerable figure, sitting in the corner and crying. She cried very low, but if knowing how to watch and listen, you will see her thin shoulders were shuddering every minutes, and her sniffs could be heard all over the room.

     - Mom, what happened? Are you okay? – he frightened, immediately ran to his mother’s side.

     - Darling? I’m okay. I just felt sick, my nose stung so my tears just fell. Don’t worry.. – Calm down his nerves, she gently his head.  

     - Ah! Mom, look! Today, Kookie’s test is 100 points again. Is Kookie a good boy? – he smiled and half closed is eyes, brought his test in front of his mother.

     - My boy’s done a good job..—she couldn’t take it anymore, her tears fell again

     - Sweet! I will go and tell Dad – he stood up and just the second he went away, his mother stopped him.

     - No!..Your father has work to do, don’t disturb him.. – she said, her eyes were full of tears.

     - Okay…

     He was sad, another get-in-touch with Dad was ruined.

     Out the door, he walked back to his room.

     Crossing father’s room, he heard a strange noise. Half-opened the door, Jungkook glanced inside.

     Inside there was a man and woman clinging to each other inseparably. The woman’s face looked satisfied and that man moved like an animal.

     Is that…his father? Dad? Who was that woman? What were they doing??...

     Jungkook’s dazed, suddenly heard the knife sound in the kitchen. He ran downstair, his Mom was making the dinner. Looked at the shoes in the shelf, he pulled his mother’s shirt and asked:

     - Mom? Whose shoes are they? You don’t have these shoes? Yours are black while these are red.

     She cried again, hugged her little baby boy and his back:

     - Tomorrow, soon. We will leave this house, darling..

     After tomorrow, Jungkook and his mother went right away. She didn’t bring any riches, just her baby boy. And the next story, you guys have already known.


     Standing next to him, It’s no other than the woman he had seen when he was young. The other person was their daughter, Yoo Jihyun.

     - What the hell are you doing in here? – Going to the sofa, Jungkook sat down next to his Mom

     - I just want to pay a visit to my ex-wife and my son – he jested

     - Son? Ex-wife? Do you even deserve to call us like that? Wake  up. You don’t have that kind of privilege. You and that over there, please get the hell out of my house. Pollute the air! – he spoke elegantly, his face didn’t change a little

     - You!!..

     - I have kind heart to visit you. Why did you say like that? – Even anger rising, he still smiled, but corner of his lip frozed

     - Your kindness, we don’t dare to receive it. Please bring it back and give it to those women you paid attention to – This time was his mother. She wasn’t weak anymore, she disgustingly looked at him

     - You!... We’re back home! – This time, he and that wife didn’t take it anymore. Blood rising, he immediately pulled Jihyun back home.

     - How dare you did that to me! Let’s see how you will pay – Jihyun turned back, angry as hell looked at him

     - I’ll wait.


     Tomorrow will be the day Jungkook has to arrange his books to prepare to go to school few days later.

     Finished, he jumped on the bed, lied down without moving. Just that.. he’s thinking.

     According to this bad memories, Yoo Jihyun has a brother. He went with Father’s last name, while Jihyun went with mother’s last name. Reason? He didn't even care. But what more importantly is, this brother was also in the girl’s “harem” (you get it?? =)) It’s main boy character too! It’s uous!

     Not to mention, that brother is that wife and his “father”’s son, Jihyun was just an adopted child, but get spoiled by them. Since then, she always acts high and mighty to him.

     Today will be the day the brother came back, took over father’s company. The novel had said, “Jungkook” will meet him at the airport.

     Oh god, he doesn’t care even more. How could he meet him if he didn’t go out, right? Well, the best way is Staying away from the main boys characters (a.k.a Jihyun’s harem) or else he will be doomed.

     - Father, I will try this out. This time, my enemy is you again. Let’s see how you gonna make it.

______________________to be continued______________________

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Chapter 5: Wow, this is such an interesting concept. Please update this fic!
Kuroko_Tetsuki #2
Chapter 5: I'm seriously looking forward to the update of this fic
6rcf5553 #3
Chapter 4: Please continue!!