Cold Queenka

If You Tell Me You Love Me

The next day she found herself waking up in her parents room. On each side of her were her sleeping parents. Not wanting to wake them up, she quietly got out of bed and wrote a note before getting ready for school. As usual she would ride her BMW to school but this time she's not the one driving, nope. It's her butler. Before getting out of the car she reminded her butler to pick her up also.

A crowd was gathered around her but she stared in front of her with a no expression

"Excuse me! EXCUSE ME!" Hoya yelled as he made his way towards Sarang "Hello, my princess! Can I-"

"Your in my way" She said coldly.

"Don't speak so coldly to me~ I'm oppa~" He cooed

"Whatever" She started to walk only to be stopped not by Hoya, But Woohyun.

"Let's walk to class together" Woohyun said looking straight at her

"I don't want to" She replied

Gasps were heard as she rejected him so coldly. "H-Huh?"

"Do you not understand Korean?" She scoffed as she scoffed her hands

"T-That's n-not..." He stuttered

"Can you please move. I said it nicely" 

"Hey Sarang~" Sungjong skipped to her. He linked their arms together but Sarang unlinked her from him and dusted off her arm before giving him a cold look

"I hoped my morning would be decent but everything seems to be going against my wished." She sighed

"Why are you like this?" Woohyun said with tint of pain

"Who are you to care for me?" She asked back'

"The guy you've been chasing for 5 years"

"I see you haven't gotten the memo."

"What memo?" L jumped

Sarang didn't realize that Infinite was already around her and that the other students were gone until she looked around


"I gave up on Woohyun already"

"What? Since when!?" Infinite shouted leaving Woohyun in shock at the information

"Since yesterday. It's the whole school gossip. I have nothing to do with you anymore so I can now go to other guys and hit the club once again"

"Yah Choi Sarang!" Hoya yelled angrily

"What" not giving him a glance

"What about Woohyun?"

"He's free. I don't care anymore. I need to give up on this hopeless love. Now that I answered your questions...Move"

The flustered Hoya moved out of the way and with that Sarang made her way towards the building. Infinite who was watching everything didn't know what to say or do. 

Woohyun who was in shocked, finally dazed out and ran to catch up with her

'Let me show you my feelings then' 

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Chapter 4: I made a poster for your story. I hope you like it.
Chapter 4: I need more!!! Loving it so far!
vmonster_ #3
Chapter 4: cant wait for the next chapter