
If You Tell Me You Love Me

School had ended and Sarang already made her way home without any encounted from any member of Infinite or Seungyeon. Unlike usual, Sarang ignored all the greetings and smile she had gotten and returned them a blank emotionless face. Sitting on her bed she recalled the announcement she had made and how it already spread like a wildfire. It wasn't long she was confronted by WooRang shippers. She just told them a reasonable answer and thankfully, she was glad that they were understanding people. She also recalled the times where he had rejected her without a single feeling of guilt. How he wanted to accept a girls feeling but she was always in the way.

Recalling those times made her heart hurt. If only she realized sooner what she was doing, she would have stopped.

'But no one said anything'

Does someone have to say anything to point out the mistake?

'Why did you say anything Woohyun?'

"Because he was afraid for them" She whispered as her tears fell one by one

Clutching her hands to her chest, she sobbed loudly not caring if anyone heard her. Downstairs, the maids and butler can hear her cries. The pain in her voice. Yet they didn't know what to do then to inform the younger girl's parent's. As one maid went to make the call, the rest of the staff lowered their heads down as they cried in pain with her. Wondering what had happen and what she did to deserve such pain.

Just then they heard a glass shatter and a loud door slam. Everyone looked up in alarm as they rushed to her room. 


"Get the bodyguards! Hurry!" The butler yelled. Although he's in his 40s and didn't really care for anything, he treated Sarang as his granddaughter. The way she would laugh and joke with him even if he didn't crack a smile and sometimes he knew things that even her parent's doesn't. This was the first time her door was locked and he feared for his life that she doesn't try to harm herself.

A few seconds later, 3 buff bodyguards made an effort to break open the door and in a few seconds what happened in the room, made them shocked and scared for life. In front of their eyes, was a girl in the middle of the room with glass shattered everywhere around her. The mirror broken, books off the shelf, a picture frame that's beside her as she bawled her eyes out, her hands wrapped her knees as her legs were to her chest, and just like they heard earlier.

Everyone looks at her with painful eyes. Maids bring in the brooms and dustpan as the butler ordered the bodyguards to get her to the living room. Not one word being said but the whole house felt the pain the girl was in. Never had they seen her like this before no matter how many things had gone wrong in her life, she stayed positive but now she was broken.

Broken because of what? Nobody knows why. 

Setting her down gently on the couch, the 2 of the bodyguards left leaving 1 to care for her. Sarang didn't say anything but tugged on his hand. He looked at her but didn't say anything. She stood up and hugged him causing him to be flustered at the sudden action. He regained his senses when he felt her trembling as his black shirt started to feel wet. He wrapped his arms around the girl hoping she wold get better. But everyone knew.


She was hurting too much 

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Chapter 4: I made a poster for your story. I hope you like it.
Chapter 4: I need more!!! Loving it so far!
vmonster_ #3
Chapter 4: cant wait for the next chapter