"I love you"

Necklace of Regrets

"Ugh.. Where am I?" Taeyeon asked herself as she got to her feet.

All around her, she saw nothing but a smal light in the distance. Like a fish, she found herself inching towards the source of light. A shadow sat by the fire, lonely and quiet as it stared absent mindedly into the flames.

Taeyeon stood there for a second before she recognized whom it was.

"Umma." she smiled as she greeted her mother and took a seat beside her.

"Annyong Taeyeon ah." her mother smiled, the wrinkles on her face clearly etched out like crinkles on an old photograph.

"Umma, what is this place?" Taeyeon asked, looking around at the pitch blackness that surrounded them, the fire being the only source of light in this god forsaken place.

To her surprise, her mother looked at her and simply smiled at her.

"No idea." she replied, seeming undisturbed that she was in an unknown place as compared to her daughter who was freaking out.

Suddenly, she changed the topic.

"Say.. Taeyeon ah, I've seen you with this girl called Tiffany recently." she stated, smirking when she saw her daughter flush red.

"What do you think about her?" she questioned, looking at Taeyeon questionably as she waited for an answer.

"Erm.. Well.. Tiffany's really nice.." Taeyeon replied, avoiding her mother's eyes, twirling her fingers nervously.

"Mmhmm. And?"

"She's really pretty and kind and everything.." Taeyeon continued, her face showing a huge transition in colour

"Mmmhmmmm.. And?"


"I'm in no hurry my dear daughter." she chuckled as she watched Taeyeon's expressions.



"And I think I like her." Taeyeon immediatly chided herself as soon as she spoke that very sentence.

"Wrong answer." her mother said bluntly, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"W-wha--" Taeyeon wanted to protest but her mother interrupted her attempt.

"You don't like her, you love her." she smiled warmly, patting her daughter's head like she would when her daughter was still a little girl.

"Umma.. You.."

"I can't say that I don't want grandchildren, but since you're already mature enough to choose your own happiness, I can't do anything, can I?" the woman chuckled.

Suddenly, Taeyeon felt herself being pulled away by an invisible force as she gradually began moving further and further frm her mother.

"UMMA!" Taeyeon yelled, kicking and thrashing as she tried to break away from the force that was pulling her in like a magnet.

"Looks like your time isn't up yet." Mrs Kim smiled as she stood up and said her final words.

"Umma don't leave me!"

"Taeyeon, remember to eat well and don't sleep so late at night. Listen to your supervisors and superiors, okay? And remember to be more alert and eat more vegetables ; you've always hated vegetables." Mrs Kim said.

"Umma! I don't wanna go! I want to stay with you!" Taeyeon protested, jamming her feet on the ground to try to bring herself to a halt, but her efforts were in vain.

"Remember to greet your elders and don't be rude to them. Be nice to your friends." Mrs Kim waved ,"And one more thing!"

"I'll treat Tiffany well!" Taeyeon said, potraying her mother's thoughts out exactly.

"That's my girl." Mrs Kim smiled as Taeyeon disappeared into the darkness.

Mrs Kim gave a small sigh as her daughter disappeared and she turned into another direction.

"Well, she's gone." she shrugged.


"Who's up for parteh?!" she suddenly yelled as she clicked her fingers and bright lights along with the sound of music coming from the DJ station in the corner.

"ALRIGHT! God, you were hella sappy with your daughter y'know?!" her friend remarked, slapping her arm playfully.

"Ah shut up!" she rolled her eyes as they danced away to the music.

"Taeyeon, I'll be watching you from here. Make sure you treat Tiffany well, otherwise, when you get up here, no parties for you for a decade." Mrs Kim said to herself before moving to the beat of the music.

"EVERYBODY PUT YOUR ING HANDS UP!" a voice trailed off from somewhere in the middle.

"Yah Hara, you're too noisy!" Mrs Kim laughed as she squeezed away to the petite girl and slapped her back gently.

"Haha araso. Neh Mrs Kim, how was Taeyeon?" Hara asked, her initial bright smile fading a little.

"She's all good. She's all good." Mrs Kim assured, patting Hara's shoulder.

Hara chuckled as she looked down at the floorboard and saw Tiffany asleep beside Taeyeon's bed.

"That Tiffany.." Hara smiled ,"She's a nice kid."

"I believe you're her age, so you're not in the position to be calling her a kid." Mrs Kim reminded.

Hara stuck out her tongue as she continued to look at the floorboard until Mrs Kim snapped her fingers and the image of Tiffany disappeared.

"You can look at them later, let's party first." Mrs Kim smiled, but suddenly, her smile faded.

"Mrs Kim?" Hara asked, waving her hand in front of the lady.

"I forgot to tell Taeyeon that 5 minutes in this land is equal to 3 days on earth." Mrs Kim said, bringing her palm to her face.

"You forgot?! She's been knocked out for over 3 days?!" Hara exclaimed as she snapped her fingers and allowed the image of Tiffany to reappear as she stared hard at the calendar and her initial expression of horror turned into that of what looked like a playful smirk.


"I guess it's okay." Hara smiled, pointing to the calendar.

Mrs Kim squinted to read the small wordings on the calendar that hung on the wall and she finally understood what Hara meant.

"Yeah, I guess it's fine." she smiled as they once again allowed the image to disappear.






Her eyelids felt heavy.

Her lips were dry.

Weakly, she stuck out her tongue to her lips to moisturize them before swallowing some saliva to smoothen her parched throat. She clearly recalled the dream that she had about her mother.

"Umma.. I'll do what you told me to.." she mumbled weakly as the bright dots within her range of vision slowly disappeared and she could see a girl sleeping soundly by the side of the bed, her arms folded and her face buried in her arms.

"Hehe." Taeyeon chuckled, trying to stretch her hand out to touch Tiffany, but unfortunately for her, her arms which were tucked under the covers were too weak to even lift up the blanket, so her hand slumped back on the soft bed limply, awakening Tiffany who was a light sleeper.

"Hmm?" Tiffany groaned sleepily as she woke up to see Taeyeon with her eyes half opened and looking at her.

"I-I'll get some water for you." Tiffany stumbled over her words as she stood up.

"Fa..Ny.." Taeyeon called out weakly, but words came out of in nothing more than a whisper and bypassed Tiffany's ears without her noticing.

Taeyeon scolded herself mentally as Tiffany walked away for a few minutes. "Be louder Kim Taeyeon." she said in her head as Tiffany returned and gently poured water into Taeyeon's mouth while removing the oxygen mask.

Taeyeon looked longingly at Tiffany while she drank.

"Pretty.." she mumbled.

But a moment's distraction made Taeyeon choke on her water and she immediatly began gasping for air as she coughed hard.

"Tae! Tae! Look at me look at me! Relax! Breath!" Tiffany yelled as she pressed the oxygen mask back on Taeyeon's mouth while holding the blonde girl's face, their eyes sharing contact with each other.

Taeyeon felt her spinning head stay still when TIffany held onto her. Their eyes greeted each other and with much difficulty, Taeyeon could detect a hint of love and want through the waves of worry and dismay that were distracting her from finding that needle in the haystack in Tiffany's eyes.

"Fa..ny." Taeyeon said more clearly this time, though the oxygen mask muffled her voice.

Tiffany pretended not hear her as she began walking towards the exit.

"I'll get you some breakfast, you've been asleep for quite a while, stay there, alright?" Tiffany said.

"Who am I kidding, you probably can't even scream even if someone stabbed you right now." she chuckled to herself as she opened the door.

"Fany." Taeyeon called out, her voice clear and distinct.

Tiffany stood there at the door, her hand resting at the handle but she was frozen in her footsteps.

"Tiffany." Taeyeon repeated herself, this time in her normal volume.

"My legs.. won't move." Tiffany said to herself as she stared down at her legs which were motionless, lamost as if gravity had strengthened it's pull on her legs.

"Tiffany.. Come.. Back.." Taeyeon said, her voice starting to sound more tired.

The fact that Taeyeon was getting weaker as the seconds ticked by quickly brought Tiffany back to Taeyeon's side.

Summoning half her remaining strength, Taeyeon pushed away a portion of the thick layer of blankets and put her hand on Tiffany's before mumbling some words that Tiffany could barely hear.

"Tae?" Tiffany said.

"Tiffany.. Tell you something.. Very important.. Don't go away." Taeyeon whispered hoarsely.

"Yes Tae? I'm listening?"

Tiffany's heart was thumping against her chest hard as she leaned closer. She could faintly feel Taeyeon's cold, trembling breath against her cheeks as Taeyeon whispered into her ear.

"Tiffany.. I'm sorry for shouting.. at you the other day.. Will you.. let me.. make up for my mistakes? On this.. special day.. Will you let me.. Have the honour.. Of having you as my girlfriend?" Taeyeon said in short pauses.

"Special day?" Tiffany asked, looking inquisitively at Taeyeon.

Taeyeon chuckled and pointed to the calendar on the wall which showed the date.

14th of February ;  Valentine's day.

Tiffany's smile erupted on her face as she turned back and found herself kissing Taeyeon soft, cold lips.

Quickly, she broke away from the kiss, leaving Taeyeon slightly disappointed.

"Did I say you could kiss me? I haven't even accepted you yet." Tiffany folded her arms and frowned.

Taeyeon's hopefuly face vanished and faded into disappointment  as she turned to the other side of the bed but she suddenly felt herself being flipped around as Tiffany reunited their lips.

"Kim Taeyeon, I accept your proposal. You may kiss me from now onwards." Tiffany said in between their small pecks.

Taeyeon giggled sleepily, her eyes drooping slightly as she almost fell back on the pillow, but she strained to stay awake.

"Go to sleep." Tiffany smiled.

"I wanna hear the three words.." Taeyeon said weakly as she tried to stay up but Tiffany forcefully pushed her back.

"Fine fine, just rest okay?" Tiffany ordered.

"I wanna hear them now~" Taeyeon whined, squirming in the bed.

"Okay okay. I love you." Tiffany smiled, planting another kiss on Taeyeon's forehead before flicking the spot she kissed, causing the girl to fall back on the pillow

"Fany.. Don't leave.." Taeyeon whined softly, trying her very best to summon energy to grab onto Tiffany's hand.

"Who said I was leaving?" Tiffany smiled.

"Promise?" Taeyeon asked, sticking out her pinky.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow at the pinky for a moment before she interlocked it with her own.

"Promise. Now go to sleep, pabo." she smiled, putting Taeyeon's hand under the covers but Taeyeon had pulled Tiffany's hand under the covers too.

"Just..to be sure." Taeyeon said weakly as she held Tiffany's hand and slowly drifted back to sleep.

Tiffany smiled and shook her head before resting her head on the bed.

"Dork." she chuckled before she started to fall asleep.

"Sica unnie? What're you doing outside? It's fine for you to go in y'know, anyway I need to check on Taeyeon's condition now." Yoona said as she took the door handle but Jessica stopped her just in time.

"Let's not disturb them for now." Jessica chuckled as she pulled Yoona away despite her ceaseless protests.














TAENY IS TOGETHER!!! SOMEBODY SCREAM!! Okay I know you guys have been waiting for this for like FOREVER.

So are you guys happy? xD You'd better be or I'll take away this chapter and drag their flirting on for a longer period .__.

In order for me not to do that, you should create more accounts to sub and also comment xD Currently 178 subscribers >< c'mon guys we're 22 more subs away from my target ): C'mon~ I wanna get this fic to the top 10.. so I need LOTS of subs >< Call the taeny shippers here to sub ! :@

Anyways for those who've sticked to the fic so far, thank you! For those silent readers who commented, thank you too! :D It's nice to see new commenters every once in a while. For those veteran commenters who've always supported my fics, thank you guys too xD.

Once again, Thank you! Anyways SooFanyShoShi24 is sick, I can't remember the details but she's very sick so please, pray for her to get well? Even though she's out of danger now. If you havent, author commands you to pray for her -glares-

Do a good deed once in a while LOL Anyways, author shi is tired so yea I'll go sleep. I'll need all the stamina I can for work tomorrow >< And from tomorrow onwards, I'm bringing books to work to read during my breaks >< y'know.. to improve my language so that I can do better in updating. I might even start buying books. Oh and once I learn how to comprehend Korean and read it with ease, I'm gonna order Korean books from overseas xD Kay, need..to..sleep..

Bbyes~! Support my other fic too! It's ALMOST at 200 subs. Literally.

It's at 199 subs LOL.

Okay so stay tuned for my next update and leave a comment alright? happy valentine's day and hope this valentine's day special made your day ^^

Maybe I should make Yurin get married or something -mumbles to myself-..




Time out~

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2022 and still waiting for the updates
hellsing418 #2
Chapter 75: Waiting for updates patiently
Waiting for the day when you update this one of the awesome story that i read :)
hellsing418 #4
Chapter 75: Me too.. Still waiting .. Update soon author ahii
suzukayamato26 #5
Chapter 75: still waiting here....
soummy #6
as i said before, this fic is so good. It's remains on top of my fave stories here. And I'm still waiting :/ we can still ship ys despite the events that occured a few months ago right? Pls find courage and ud this again. Thanks author-nim~
OfficialPao #7
Chapter 75: Hey.. Sica, you gonna continue this or nah? Happy new year btw.
dream1997 #8
Chapter 75: where are the updates author sshi?? ive been waiting forever and seriously yulsic being stucked here is kiling me please finish this amazing fanfic!!!
soummy #9
Chapter 75: Auhtor-ssi,I personally think the plot is really really great esp. because it's yulsic. Please gather more courage and update this story. I wanna read this until the end, your ideas are awesome. We will wait for you :)