
One of a Kind Ceremony

Note: Final part? I don’t know. I'll probably edit/rewrite this later...


They didn’t speak of bedding again, and the days carried on.

With each passing sun and moon, Jimin knew that he was falling for Taehyung. It wasn’t something that happened gradually enough to go by unnoticed. No. It was something that seemed to happen over night, by the passing of the daylight minutes, and right before Jimin’s very eyes. If Taehyung didn’t feel like home and safety to Jimin, the whole experience might have been a scary one, but he wasn’t scared. Not in the slightest.

Instead, he found himself embracing all of these emotions as they came to him. Smiling at all the ridiculous things Taehyung did or said, and laughing even when Taehyung wasn’t funny, but trying to be. Jimin fell for the way Taehyung would joke around and made everything fun, but he was serious when the time called for it. Serious Taehyung was so different from playful Taehyung, but Jimin decided he had a strong liking for both of them.

Suns passed and moon phases went by, but Taehyung never once complained to Jimin about anything. He never complained about how long Jimin was taking to come to him, and he never complained about his prince duties. Jimin could tell that the duties would stress Taehyung out sometimes, but he never complained about it. Not once. He wasn’t going to worry Jimin with his problems.

It didn’t get bad until some moons later when Taehyung’s father fell remarkably ill, and Taehyung was stressed with the duties of taking the throne. The hours he spent away from Jimin grew longer, and his absence was something Jimin couldn’t get used to.

It wasn’t until late one night when Taehyung came back to the bed chambers. Jimin had long since stopped calling it Taehyung’s bed chamber and accepted it as their bed chamber. Jimin lay on the bed, flipping through the pages of some old fairy tale, keeping himself busy with literature until the prince returned.

“Sugyeong, leave us to ourselves, will you?” Taehyung said to the handmaiden once he entered the chamber.

The maiden nodded and bowed before leaving from the room, and Taehyung joined Jimin on the bed, a hefty sigh escaping his chest. “Long day, my prince?” Jimin asked, crawling over to Taehyung.

Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders from behind, rubbing his hands over Taehyung’s broad chest, and he pressed his lips to Taehyung’s jaw.

A sigh escaped Taehyung again as he leaned back into Jimin’s touch. “Too long.” He agreed.

Jimin’s hands went to the clasps on Taehyung’s cloak, and he undid those before pulling the cloak off and dropping it to the floor. He pressed another kiss to Taehyung’s neck, working his way up to his ear, and he whispered, “You can relax now and come to bed with me.”

Taehyung moaned as he turned to face Jimin, his face ridden with concern and something else. Jimin didn’t know what. “Are you sure about this, my sweet?” Taehyung asked, gripping Jimin’s wrist.

Ever since their wedding night, Jimin had been waiting on Taehyung to make another move. He had wanted Taehyung to be the one to try to take him again, but Taehyung never seemed to realize when Jimin had decided that he was ready. He needed Jimin to make the first move if they were ever going to complete the ceremony.

“I am certain.” Jimin affirmed, cupping Taehyung’s face and kissing him on his own.

Seconds after their lips met, Jimin intended to pull away, but Taehyung wouldn’t let him. He pulled Jimin in, deepening the kiss and pushing Jimin further back on their bed. He sought entrance to Jimin’s mouth, and Jimin was all too willing to grant him access.

“Why,” Taehyung asked between kisses, his hands finding the clasps on Jimin’s cloak to remove them just as Jimin had done to his earlier. “Are you…wearing…so many…damn clothes.”

Jimin couldn’t find it in himself to voice a response. He just wanted Taehyung to keep kissing him. Keep touching him. Whatever Taehyung was doing—kissing him, running his fingers through his hair, and running his hands down Jimin’s body—Jimin didn’t want him to stop. Ever.

In his mind, Jimin came up with many scenarios on how this was finally going to happen. He imagined Taehyung getting impatient and shoving Jimin into the wall, ripping his clothes off and getting it over with quickly. He thought of himself waiting on the bed, prepped and and willing, to surprise the prince when he returned in the evening. He picture Taehyung going rough, being relentless and making Jimin scream. He visualized Taehyung being gentle and taking care of him and paying attention to him—and that was Jimin’s favorite.

He wanted Taehyung to go slow. He wanted the prince to be gentle and patient and let Jimin adjust. Just like he had waited all this time for Jimin to finally come to him.

With Taehyung above him now, arms on either side of Jimin’s body as if to keep him pinned beneath him, but also to protect him from the world, Jimin knew that slow and gentle was exactly what he’d be getting from Taehyung.

He was still scared, but he understood what Taehyung had said many nights ago. This time, it was a different scared than what he had felt the night of their wedding. He was afraid because he didn’t know what to expect, but he trusted Taehyung to walk him through it. He trusted Taehyung to guide him and protect him, and he knew that Taehyung wouldn’t hurt him.

“My sweet, sweet Jimin,” Taehyung hummed, helping Jimin out of his clothes. He takes his time with it, removing one article at a time, getting Jimin slightly frustrated because Taehyung still has to disrobe, too. “I’ve waited far too long for this.”

Taehyung slipped a knee between Jimin’s thighs, and Jimin’s head inclined on the pillow as Taehyung put a slight amount of pressure there. Jimin’s breath hitched, and a moan left his mouth, and he wished desperately for Taehyung to kiss him again. To give his mouth something to do other than just hanging open as he panted—all needy for Taehyung to satisfy him completely.

As if he could read Jimin’s desires, Taehyung brought their mouths together again in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss, muffling most of Jimin’s moans. Instead of taking off Jimin’s shirt by pulling it over his head, Taehyung just ripped it open and tossed it it to the side, and Jimin gasped Taehyung’s name as the prince’s lips attacked Jimin’s neck.

“We’ll replace it,” Taehyung promised, and Jimin just gasped when Taehyung’s lips made it down to his , kissing the hardening little bud.

“You are so beautiful, my sweet.” Taehyung said, pressing his thumb to Jimin’s other .

Jimin writhed and squirmed beneath Taehyung.

It was so unfair how the prince was able to affect him like this. It was the only thing Jimin hated about him, but also the thing he loved the most.

No one could make Jimin’s heart beat this quickly. No one could make his skin tingle or make him react to their touches like this. Jimin would know. He’s attempted to pleasure himself a few times, but it’s never felt this good. Not as good at Taehyung’s lips and hands, and his words. It was just crazy to Jimin how Taehyung could physically affect him just by speaking.

Jimin tensed and gripped Taehyung’s arm when he felt the prince’s fingers slip between his cheeks. He felt more scared than ever right now, and he almost changed his mind about being ready. Taehyung, however, seemed to pick up on Jimin’s worries, and he took Jimin’s small hand into his giant one, and he kissed the knuckles. “Are you okay, my sweet?” Taehyung asked, his voice gentle as ever. Deeper than usual, though, and that drove Jimin crazy. “We can stop if you want.”

“N-no,” Jimin begged, squeezing Taehyung’s hand. It was so kind of Taehyung to allow him to back out even after they’ve made it this far, but Jimin was determined. “I want this.”

“I’ll go easy,” Taehyung promised, and Jimin whined, tossing his head back as Taehyung’s finger breached the hole.

Taehyung observed Jimin’s comfort levels the whole time, watching the way his face scrunched up as Taehyung’s finger slid in to the last knuckle, but it never seemed to scream stop. Instead, Taehyung got the feeling that Jimin only wanted more, so he wasted no time in getting his second finger worked in there right next to the first.

“My pr—Taehyung,” Jimin panted and moaned as Taehyung ed him open with his fingers. “Taehyung, please.”

Jimin didn’t really know what he was begging for, but he could only hope that Taehyung knew. After all, Taehyung had done this before, and this was nothing that Jimin had ever prepared for.

Taehyung’s fingers ed in further until Taehyung worked in a third, and they parted and curled, and hit a spot inside Jimin that made him scream. “Oh—, Tae—ah,” Jimin screamed, gripping the bed sheets beneath him as if they were his only hold to reality.

Taehyung, being the evil little that he was, smirked at his Jimin in that spot a few more times just to pull out and get Jimin whining at the absence of his amazing fingers.

“Sweet Jiminie,” Taehyung hummed, nipping at Jimin’s ears. “You are so amazing, my love.”

Love. Jimin smiled as much as his could at the sound of that word, panting and breathless. Taehyung had never called him that before.

Taehyung reached back to the bowl of warm oil, slicking up his . Jimin thought of pushing himself from the mattress and helping Taehyung with that task, but he just waited. He was already too tired, or too much in a state of awe, to be moving.

Taehyung reclaimed his position above Jimin, aligning his with Jimin’s hole. Jimin liked this position much better. Instead of gripping the sheets below him, his nails dug into Taehyung’s back above him as Taehyung pushed in. Having Taehyung’s fill him was much better than his fingers. It was much more fulfilling, and it felt much more real to Jimin.

“Are you okay?” Taehyung asked, checking on Jimin.

Jimin nodded, saying again, “Taehyung, please.”

It was all Taehyung needed to pull out and right back into Jimin. He started with a gentle roll of his hips, kissing Jimin and telling him how good he was and how much he liked to hear his voice. Jimin’s nails dug into Taehyung’s back as Taehyung gradually picked up the pace, going harder on Jimin. Jimin found Taehyung’s hand, taking it into his own that wasn’t scratching up Taehyung’s back, and he held onto it to keep himself grounded as Taehyung tried to send him over the heavens with how good he felt.

If there was one thing that they learned that night, it’s that Jimin was definitely not a quiet lover, and everyone in the castle probably knew what they were doing by now. They were probably learning that Jimin and Taehyung lied about doing this the first night of their marriage because it didn’t sound anything like this.

Jimin wasn’t even quiet as he came, screaming out Taehyung’s name when he couldn’t hold back any longer. Everyone in the capital would know just who pushed him over the edge. A few erratic s later, and Taehyung was coming, too, biting onto Jimin’s shoulder to muffle his own groan.

He collapsed on top of Jimin, his body limp and heavy, but Jimin found it to be comfortable. So comfortable. It was the closeness he craved after reaching his , and he wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s back in attempt to hold him even closer as he took in the scent of the room. Of Taehyung. Of . It was all very intoxicating, and Jimin only craved more of it.

“I have a confession to make.” Taehyung said, and Jimin whined as he rolled off of him. Taehyung seemed to know why, and he wrapped his arms around Jimin to pull him close. “I’ve never ed a before.”

Jimin hummed, allowing his eyes to fall shut as he snuggled into Taehyung’s chest. “No?” He asked, taking in Taehyung’s scent once again and exhaling through his nose. “How was your first time, then?”

“Amazing,” Taehyung sounded almost breathless. “You were so reactive and amazing.”

You were amazing, my prince.” Jimin argued. “I’m pretty sure I forgot how to speak.”

Actually, Jimin was pretty sure he forgot everything. He forgot that there was a world outside of this room. He forgot that Taehyung was even a prince, and there was an entire kingdom that would soon rule over. And, if Taehyung hadn’t have kept repeating it, Jimin was fairly certain he would have forgotten his own name, too.

To that, Taehyung huffed a laugh, and he squeezed Jimin tightly. “Thank you, my love.” Taehyung said, peppering Jimin’s hair with all sorts of kisses. “Thanks to you, I forgot about my stresses and worries.”

According to the queen, it took Taehyung’s birth and then a few years before her and the king could finally fall in love with each other. With Taehyung and Jimin, it happened so quickly and so suddenly that Jimin doesn’t really know how or when, but he’s really glad that they waited on this. He’s sure he couldn’t be near as comfortable so quickly had Taehyung taken him on the first night like he was supposed to.

Really, it was the prince who was amazing. Jimin wasn’t going to accept any arguments otherwise.

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XueXing #1
Chapter 3: I don't think I can emphasize more than just I LOVE YOUR STORY. I just love how most of or all your fanfic has a concept of consent in it.
There is some fanfic I have read that mentioned about consent but is unlike your type of consent in your story. Hmm, how do I say it, something like the development of the story along with the concept of consent? I don't if it makes sense to you.
But whatever it is, please keep it up. It kinda shows that it is your style of writing. I really love it.
Pikapandalien #2
Chapter 3: Oh. My. God. Taehyung was the sweetest gentleman ever and Jimin so so cuuuute this little fic was so pleasant to read they're the perfect couple and you made such an amazing work I.. I have any words for that just thank you thank you thank you author-nim like I said before it's one of my favourites fic eveer I love you ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #3
Chapter 2: It's so beautiful T..T I think that it's one of my favorite stories ever :") thank you so so much ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #4
Chapter 1: Oh my god I already love it so so much *.* Amazing thank you author-nim ♡
Chapter 3: Love this pairing so much (^_^)) Vmin ♥♥♥
karen667 #6
Chapter 3: Taehyung is such a gentleman*-* this little fic was really beautiful, it would be really cool to see Taehyung's work as a royal and all that kind of kingdom au, thank you for your hard work lovely Yomi <3
Chapter 2: Love the story author-nim (^_^))
Chapter 2: I love this!! ^^ they are soo sweet <3 <3
Thank you for this sequel..maybe more??
Chapter 2: that was so cute... will we get a part 3? maybe? Please?