
One of a Kind Ceremony

Jimin never expected to get chosen. For every royalty, there are two people chosen to marry them in the future—one male and one female. It’s a custom that was started a few generations ago because the royal family decided to give their line a choice between their partners. Even with the choice, every member of the royal family had chosen the member of the opposite to marry, so Jimin never expected to get chosen. Not since he was one of the two selected from birth to marry the crown prince.

Maybe that’s why he was so scared right now, despite having spent his entire life preparing for this moment. He had spent his life learning about how to take care of the prince who would, possibly, one day be his husband. He had instructors to show him different positions to please his royal husband. He spent many days preparing himself for pleasing his future husband, but never prepared himself for actually being selected.

The wedding ceremony was the easy part. Jimin came face-to-face with his fiancé for the first time. Taehyung was much more beautiful in person than Jimin had remembered him being in any of the painted pictures he had seen of the prince before. Even with the entire royal family and many of the citizens from the capital there to watch Jimin be cloaked in the royal colors, Jimin wasn’t nervous.

He didn’t become nervous until Taehyung picked him up, princess-style, and carried him down from the stage. Taehyung was a lot stronger than Jimin had expected, and he carried the smaller one with ease.

The cheering was loud, and it did nothing to calm Jimin’s nerves as Taehyung carried him to his bed chambers. The castle was a lot bigger on the inside than Jimin had ever imagined it being, and the walk to the chambers seemed like it took a lifetime. Jimin was certain that an entire cycle must have passed before Taehyung carefully set Jimin on the bed, walking back to the doors so that he could close them.

“Did you enjoy the dinner?” Taehyung asked as he made his way to the bed. He sat next to Jimin, leaving enough space between them for another person to fit. Jimin wasn’t sure how to take that. Maybe he wasn’t everything the prince had imagined, and he didn’t want to sit next to Jimin as he found him to be repulsive.

Jimin avoided eye contact, fiddling with his own hands. He heart pounded in his chest as he thought of how to answer that question. “Y-yes, your grace.” Jimin stuttered.

If there was one thing Jimin remembered the most about that night, it was that Taehyung was always gentle with him. He reached out a hand, taking Jimin’s into his own. “My sweet,” Taehyung had whispered in a low voice. “There’s no need for formalities. We’re married now, so we should feel comfortable together.”

“I’m sorry,” Jimin apologized, still speaking formally. “It’s just hard to feel so comfortable with someone I met only a few hours ago. Nonetheless a prince.”

In Taehyung’s smile, Jimin could only see friendliness and gentleness. He knew he didn’t have anything to be afraid of. No matter what they did tonight, the prince wasn’t going to hurt him. No matter what the prince had planned, Jimin could be assured that he’d take care of him.

“Relax, Jimin,” Taehyung said, intertwining their fingers on the hand that Taehyung had taken hold of earlier. “Have you ever done anything like this before?”

Jimin wasn’t sure how to answer that question. He had been taught to deal with many things throughout his life. He was taught how to act as the prince’s husband. He was taught how to take care of the prince and fulfill his every need, but he was never taught to discuss his ual history with the prince. He had heard that some men like their partners fresh—they like to believe they are the first ones. But he had also heard about men who liked seasoned partners—those who knew what they were doing.

Deciding that being honest was probably the best decision he could make, Jimin shook his head. “I mean, I’ve been taught positions and different ways to please you,” It was a little more than uncomfortable to admit that to the prince. “But no one’s ever touched me before.”

“So you’re a ?” Taehyung had asked for clarification, and Jimin nodded.

It was hard to tell if Taehyung was satisfied by that answer. Sure, there was a small smile on his face, but he didn’t seemed to eager to take Jimin right then and there. Not that Jimin was complaining. No matter how beautiful the prince is, Jimin wasn’t ready to give himself to this man whom he had just met.

“Good,” Taehyung said after a short while. “Then I’m not going to do anything to you either.”

“Y-you’re not?” Jimin asked. He couldn’t understand why, but he felt kind of offended by the prince’s words. Maybe he really did find Jimin to be repulsive. Maybe he was already regretting his decision to choose the male that had been selected for him rather than the female. Maybe it was just that Jimin was a disappointment in general. Taehyung didn’t want to bed the likes of him.

Taehyung shook his head with a chuckle. “No, my sweet.” Taehyung assured him. “I am not going to do anything until you want me to. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re remarkably beautiful, and I’d love to bed you right now. But I want you to trust me and fall in love with me on your own terms. Not because you were forced to.”

Jimin had heard many stories about the royals while he was growing up. Most of the time, it was stories about how selfish they were and how they thought they could have anything they wanted—even if it meant taking things from other people. If that’s how the royal family was, Jimin was glad that Taehyung seemed to be different. He promised not to take Jimin’s ity before Jimin was ready to give it to him.

“Of course,” Taehyung continued. “We are going to have to make everyone believe that I did bed you.”

“How are we going to do that?” Jimin asked before even giving Taehyung the chance to explain if he were going to.

The smile on Taehyung’s face this time was a smile that proved the prince was very mischievous at heart, and, if there was a way to make people believe that these two did anything, he would know the answer. “You have to make a mess with me.” Taehyung told Jimin, shoving one of the pillows at him. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I need you to scream my name and make as many suggestive sounds as you can. They need to hear us, and the bed needs to make a sound, so we’ll have to jump on it.”

“Are you being serious?” Jimin asked, laughing as he imagined the two of them doing what Taehyung had suggested.

“Absolutely serious,” Taehyung told him, leaning in closer to Jimin’s ear. “If they find out we didn’t do anything, my father will send in guards to watch me and make sure I you properly. It’s extremely important that the royals consummate their marriage on the day of.”

One thing is for certain. Jimin feels a lot more at ease than he did when Taehyung had first brought him to the chamber. If this went like Jimin had thought it was going to, Taehyung would already be balls deep in him right now. Instead, they’re having a friendly conversation about how to make everyone think Taehyung made it balls deep in Jimin.

“So, come on.” Taehyung said, hitting Jimin in the head with another one of the many pillows on his bed. “Let’s make them believe I ed the life out of you.”

He stood up on the bed, offering out a hand to Jimin to help him up on the mattress as well, and the two started off with a pillow fight. Jimin hadn’t really been taught about ‘suggestive sounds’ but he figured that him laughing and screaming and a little bit of , all while saying Taehyung’s name, would be enough.

The bed rattled and banged against the wall as he and Taehyung bounced on it together, and Jimin fell onto the mattress as he lost his balance. Taehyung collapsed down on top of him, though probably on purpose, and he tugged on Jimin’s hair a little to make a mess of it. “Can I mark you?” Taehyung asked.

“What do you mean?” Jimin questioned. He was already tired from so much jumping and hitting Taehyung with the pillows, but the way he fell breathless underneath his husband was entirely different.

Taehyung leaned over Jimin, bringing his lips right next to Jimin’s ear again. “I mean, can I mark you?” Taehyung asked, not clarifying anything at all. “Like, put my mouth on you and mark you up?”

“T-to make it believable?” Jimin asked, feeling like he was falling into some kind of trap. Like Taehyung wasn’t being completely honest with him, and he was about to take advantage of Jimin’s naivety. Of course, Jimin can’t very well refuse a request from the prince—even if he is his husband.

“I promise I won’t do anything more.” Taehyung gave his word.

Jimin gasped just after giving his permission, Taehyung ripping his shirt off. Taehyung’s lips attached themselves to Jimin’s collarbone, and biting there, and the sounds that Jimin let out then must have been much more believable than whatever he had been doing before. He couldn’t help it. Taehyung’s lips felt so good against his skin.

Taehyung promised he wouldn’t do anything more, and he didn’t do anything more. He just placed his marks all over Jimin’s perfect skin, and he helped Jimin up once he was done. The two continued making a mess of the room—Jimin groaning and and whining as Taehyung shoved him against several pieces of furniture, knocking over whatever trinkets he had set up on them.

By the time Taehyung was satisfied enough, Jimin was out of breath. Taehyung walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out silk robe. He handed it over to Jimin. “You can go behind the dividers and put this on.” He said, looking Jimin over. “My mother should be coming to check on us at any minute, and you can’t be in real clothes when she gets here.”

Jimin nodded. He took the silk robe from his husband, and he went behind the dividers to change into it. Robes aren’t supposed to be well-fitted, but Taehyung’s robe was extra lose on Jimin, which made it hard to cover himself properly with it. Still, he walked out from behind the dividers when he had it tied around his waist, only to find Taehyung dressed in a robe as well.

“There is one more thing,” Taehyung said. He grabbed Jimin’s hands and lead him to the bed. Jimin sat, joining his husband on the mattress, and he waited for Taehyung to continue. “You’re lips aren’t swollen. You don’t look like you’ve been kissed at all.”

Jimin was just about to ask if there was anything that they could do about that, but a knock came to the door. “Did they ever teach you how to kiss?” Taehyung asked quickly. Shocked by the question, Jimin just shook his head. “Well, you’re about to learn.”

Just as soon as Taehyung attacked Jimin’s lips with his own, the doors to the bed chamber came open and Taehyung’s mother came walking in. Taehyung paid no mind to her existence as he continued to kiss his husband, biting at Jimin’s lips and slipping his tongue into Jimin’s mouth. Jimin didn’t know that it was possible to make someone moan just by kissing them, so he was slightly embarrassed that Taehyung was able to get him to do just that.

“All right,” Taehyung’s mother said, shoving her son off of his husband. “You are going to break the poor boy if you keep going all night. Give him a break.”

Taehyung smiled as he pulled back. It had only been a few hours since meeting him, but Jimin was already beginning to learn the different meanings of the many smiles Taehyung had to offer. This one seemed to be a proud smile that meant that he knew his plan had worked exactly as he wanted it to. “I can’t help it,” Taehyung said, kissing Jimin more gently this time. Jimin was sure he liked that one better. “I was lucky enough to have such a beauty selected for me.”

“Well, get some clothes on your beauty and bring him to the solar. Your father has a few words he would like to say.” Taehyung’s mother had said.

“I’d love to, but can it wait for the morning?” Taehyung asked, offering a pleading look to his mother. “I’m sure my sweet is worn out by now, and he just really needs to rest.”

The queen looked from Taehyung to Jimin and back to her son again. “You know your father doesn’t like to kept waiting.” She said with a sigh. “But I guess we can make an excuse this one time.”

With that, the queen left from the room.

“I’m sorry,” Taehyung apologized once the door closed behind his mother.

“For what?” Jimin asked, genuinely curious.

“Kissing you like that,” Taehyung said. “I just really needed her to believe that we—”

“I wouldn’t mind if you did it again.” Jimin cut him off. “Gently and slowly this time.”

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XueXing #1
Chapter 3: I don't think I can emphasize more than just I LOVE YOUR STORY. I just love how most of or all your fanfic has a concept of consent in it.
There is some fanfic I have read that mentioned about consent but is unlike your type of consent in your story. Hmm, how do I say it, something like the development of the story along with the concept of consent? I don't if it makes sense to you.
But whatever it is, please keep it up. It kinda shows that it is your style of writing. I really love it.
Pikapandalien #2
Chapter 3: Oh. My. God. Taehyung was the sweetest gentleman ever and Jimin so so cuuuute this little fic was so pleasant to read they're the perfect couple and you made such an amazing work I.. I have any words for that just thank you thank you thank you author-nim like I said before it's one of my favourites fic eveer I love you ♡♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #3
Chapter 2: It's so beautiful T..T I think that it's one of my favorite stories ever :") thank you so so much ♡♡♡
Pikapandalien #4
Chapter 1: Oh my god I already love it so so much *.* Amazing thank you author-nim ♡
Chapter 3: Love this pairing so much (^_^)) Vmin ♥♥♥
karen667 #6
Chapter 3: Taehyung is such a gentleman*-* this little fic was really beautiful, it would be really cool to see Taehyung's work as a royal and all that kind of kingdom au, thank you for your hard work lovely Yomi <3
Chapter 2: Love the story author-nim (^_^))
Chapter 2: I love this!! ^^ they are soo sweet <3 <3
Thank you for this sequel..maybe more??
Chapter 2: that was so cute... will we get a part 3? maybe? Please?