Thirteenth Installment-Part 2

Look Closely
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"Umma! You're so short. Kekekeke" Jungkook slurred while leaning over Jimin, giggling at something that didn't make sense to either of the adults in the room.

"Why is he calling you his mother?" Yoongi asked with his head cocked to the side and look of pure curiosity on his face.

Jimin turned red at the implication behind the statement and hurriedly explained. "I don't know. Maybe it's a drunken habit." He looked down at Jungkook, who climbed into his arms bridal style, and frowned when the boy kept patting his cheeks like he were his pet cat calling him 'Umma'. 

Yoongi snorted and got up from the bed. "I'll make some coffee. It'll help." He stated while walking away. 

"I'll stay here" Jimin replied back, "being the ty puppy as you so generously put it."

Yoongi turned with apology in his eyes and was just about to state out another apology when Jungkook yelled uncharacteristically in Jimin's arms. He jumped from the cradle and leaped onto Yoongi's legs, almost making him fall. And if that wasn't crazy then Jungkook just topped it with a loud, "Appa!"


"He must be missing his family Hyung." Jimin pleaded. "Just this once. You only have to pretend Hyung, please!"


The three had moved to the living area. Jungkook had his thumb in his mouth and was holding Jimin's pinky finger like a three year old and was staring at Yoongi with starry eyes. The were sitting around the small coffee table, three empty cups sat in front of them. Jungkook looked too pleased with himself as he pulled his thumb out of his mouth and tipped the imaginary teapot into Yoongi's cup.

"Appa. Drink this tea. I made it myself." Jungkook gleefully filled the cup to the rim with some imaginary liquid Yoongi was supposed to imagine and looked at him expectantly. Yoongi looked at them cup, then at Jungkook. Then at the cup and then at Jungkook. He then looked at Jimin, who made the 'Just-Do-It-Already-Or-You-Will-Regret-It' look and Yoongi gulped before picking the cup and pretending to drink the coffe- or was it tea?- bottoms up.

Jungkook clapped his hands like a seal and cheered "Yay! Appa is amazing!" before turning to Jimin and doing the same.

And Jimin followed suit with a little performance of his own ruffling Jungkook's hair. He spoke the boy like he would to a toddler. "Jungkook-ah? Should'nt you sleep now? We've been playing for so long right?"

"But Kookie wanna play more Umma!" Jungkook whined shaking his body in an attempt at aegyo. Yoongi frowned because he actually found the boy's antics cute.

Jimin remained unperturbed though and replied back a little more stern than before, "Jeon Jungkook? You're a big boy now right?"

Jungkook nodded his head eagerly and stood up as he said, "Kookie even more longer than you Umma!" And he raised his hands above his head, and went on tiptoes as if to emphasize his 'longness'.

Yoongi smiled at the childish boy as Jimin pulled him down gently and continued his cooing, "exactly. You're so tall." He pinched Jungkook's nose and Yoongi wanted to melt then and there because Park Jimin! You complete Daddy you! "And you have to become stronger too. So you have to sleep."


"Nuh uhn. No buts." Jimin pulled Jungkook up with himself and Yoongi followed suit as Jimin ushered the younger boy into his room. "Growing boys need sleep Jungkook-ah. You don't be a weakling do you?" Jimin muttered as he pushed Jungkook under the covver and tucked him in.

"No!" Jungkook whisper yelled. "Kookie wanna be strong like Appa!" He sent Yoongi a bunny smile that Yoongi just had to return. 

Jimin smiled pleased and caressing the boy's hair whispered back, "exactly. And to become like Appa. You need to sleep." He tickled Jungkook's sides lightly and removed the fringes that got into the younger boy's e

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cuzie65 #1
Chapter 1: Shouldn't it a fluff? I thought it was fluff?? But ut hurts in the end, poor chim chim
kpopbrazil #2
Chapter 22: Hello, thanks a lot for recommending my story.
Chapter 21: Wow. I don't know where to start. This was amazing. Perfect! The emotions and feelings described in such lovely manner. The dialogues - what? Were you planning on killing me?
Jimin trusts Yoongi with his life???? I almost died at that! :o And there were so many lines like that! I didn't think I'd make through this story in one piece. You are one amazing writer. I think it's safe to say that you satisfied my Yoonmin feels to a large degree. Thank you thank you thank you so much :* I love you^-^
And me! I died at Blood, sweat and tears too. Yoonmin frenzy :D
You are awesome! Bless you :)
kookieofmylife #4
Chapter 19: Damn that was too much for my hearteu. They're soooo cute I can't handle ♡
rollingpie #5
Chapter 19: gawd this is so cute T___________T
*coughs loudly at your author's note*
myloveforjimin #6
Chapter 19: This is sooooo cute omg I love them (BTS) soo much
Aimz19 #7
Runaina #8
Chapter 17: Lol that last sentence..
You should just do it. *wink*
tristin #9
Chapter 17: it's ok if I do t have holy water I'm going to hell anyway
JimintSugar #10