First Installment

Look Closely
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Yoongi was invested in an angry shouting match with the other two rappers in the studio when a loud smack resounded the small recording room echoing off the soundproof walls. A sheaf of music sheets ruffling his brown locks. Yoongi grit his teeth fiercely to stop the string of curses that almost escaped his lips. He turned around with anger spitting from his eyes to stare into the glaring eyes of Bang PDnim.

"Shut up" stated the man with a tone of finality.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and with an urgency hinting in his voice. "But PDnim. He is just not good enough. He can't even hold a note properly and we've been training for-"

He was cut short by the stout man that spoke with an unimpressed drawl. "It doesn't concern you whether or not he has trained for three years or one or a day. If I say he goes, he goes. And need I remind you that you too were just like him once?"

"And I improved myself over a period of three freaking years of hard work!" Yoongi knew he was crossing the limit but this wasn't just adding another fruit to a custard. This was adding a new member to their already decided team! "Not to mention my underground experience too."

If Bang PDnim was angry, his face didn't show it. A pokerface covering his visage the man bit out challengingly to the boy, "I was the one who chose you. The moment you held that mike, I knew you were talent in a pale body. Do you think I was wrong in choosing you? Or Namjoon or Hoseok? Or any of the others for that matter?" 

Yoongi was speechless. It was true. The man had sat stoic during the entire length of Yoongi's audition and only spoke once after. His words still kept Yoongi up at nights sometimes. He had patted the fourteen year olds shoulders and smiled and said, Your talent speaks for itself, Kiddo. But without hard work, that talent is as useless as a pet rock.

He remembered his disappointment at the addition of Taehyung two years ago. The kid was loud, weird, couldn't rap or dance properly, and his voice was annoying to Yoongi. Two years later, he couldn't even imagine the team without their eccentric member beside him screeching nonsense. He couldn't imagine any of his songs without the base that only Taehyung's voice could make provide.

Now when he looked back into those same eyes, he found that the eyes that had told him to work harder right, were staring back into his hard. Yoongi couldn't do anything but mutter back feebly, defeated, "no sir."

And it was settled.


It had been three weeks since the fiasco in the studio. Three weeks of Yoongi silently stewing in the corner not responding to either Hoseok or Namjoon's words. Three weeks of Seokjin trying , and failing, to get Yoongi to come out of the recording studio. Three weeks ended too fast.

Jimin, or as Yoongi like to refer to him as, Newb (not original, I know. But Yoongi had claimed that even thinking of a derogatory name for the kid was a waste of his time), was supposed to move into the dorm tonight after their individual practice was over. Which meant today was the last day that Yoongi could call the team a tet. Today was the last day they'd get individual practice too, because now that the team was 'official', group practices were going to start. And though it wasn't a big deal, this had happened with Taehyung too before, Yoongi just didn't want it this time. 

That day everything went by a blur. Yoongi remembered little to nothing of the evening. He did remember all the members being present. He maybe remembered Seokjin talking about food and Hoseok jumping up and down about some girl group song. He thinks he saw Namjoon break a chair leg and maybe Taehyung was dangling off the arm of the Newb. He does remember Jungkook sitting quietly beside him the entire night, albeit only somewhat, before he excused himself to bed. The glare Seokjin and Namjoon sent his way did little to waver his resolve though. 

He was not, NOT, going to get chummy with the Newb!

Though, as he lay restlessly awake that night, living and reliving the evening's happenings, he couldn't help but replay the one thing he did clearly remember. The one thing he was absolutely sure had happened. It was the one thing that kept him up and somehow that only made Yoongi dislike Jimin the Newb more.

It was the way Jimin's eyes filled with tears as he thanked the members for accepting him. His eyes disappearing behind his sunshine smile. 

"Thankyou." He had said with tears creating a rivulet of salty water down his plump cheeks. "Thankyou. I-  I know... I- I know." One thing he hated about the Newb. Stammering. "I know it's unfair. To su- suddenly add me to the t- t- team." Jimin ducked his head down to avoid eye contact

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cuzie65 #1
Chapter 1: Shouldn't it a fluff? I thought it was fluff?? But ut hurts in the end, poor chim chim
kpopbrazil #2
Chapter 22: Hello, thanks a lot for recommending my story.
Chapter 21: Wow. I don't know where to start. This was amazing. Perfect! The emotions and feelings described in such lovely manner. The dialogues - what? Were you planning on killing me?
Jimin trusts Yoongi with his life???? I almost died at that! :o And there were so many lines like that! I didn't think I'd make through this story in one piece. You are one amazing writer. I think it's safe to say that you satisfied my Yoonmin feels to a large degree. Thank you thank you thank you so much :* I love you^-^
And me! I died at Blood, sweat and tears too. Yoonmin frenzy :D
You are awesome! Bless you :)
kookieofmylife #4
Chapter 19: Damn that was too much for my hearteu. They're soooo cute I can't handle ♡
rollingpie #5
Chapter 19: gawd this is so cute T___________T
*coughs loudly at your author's note*
myloveforjimin #6
Chapter 19: This is sooooo cute omg I love them (BTS) soo much
Aimz19 #7
Runaina #8
Chapter 17: Lol that last sentence..
You should just do it. *wink*
tristin #9
Chapter 17: it's ok if I do t have holy water I'm going to hell anyway
JimintSugar #10