
i like you

Woozi's pov

I had so much fun with this dorks. They are funny. And there's this boy, who I met at the supermarket, is very different. I thought he'll be a serious guy but I'm totally wrong. He's weird along with the other.

I look at my watch. It's 4 p.m. and I need to go back home cause I've promised my mum that I'll be back home at 4.

"guys, I go back home first."

"uh? why so early?"

"I've promised my parents that I'll be back home early."

"oh, okay. drive safely."


I put on my jacket and grab my bag. I was about to go out when Hoshi call my name. I look behind me.

"wait for me."

"Hosh, you're going to?"

"yeah. We need to do the group assignment today. I'll be at his house so, if you guys are looking for me, just come to Woozi's house. bye."

"oh, okay. bye."

He sling his arm around my shoulder and we go downstairs together. I get in my car and drive home followed by Hoshi's car behind. I park my car and get inside the house.



"I'm home!"

"Jihoon, dear. Thank god you're home."

"mom, dad."

"Jihoon, who's this?"

"oh.... he..."

"Kwon Soonyoung. His friend."

"Kwon Soonyoung? Is your father the chairman of Kwon Group?"

"y-yes, sir. I'm his son."

"oh my god. long time no see, Soonyoung. how's your father?"

"umm.... he's fine. may I know, have we met before?"

"of course. do you remember the banglo near the beach in Busan?"


"you always go there, right?"

"yup. every weekend. what's wrong with it?"

"do you remember the little kid with dark hair?"

"yes. he's my best friend. I always play with him."

"he's shy. right?"


"that's Jihoon."

I was shock. Is it true? Am I dreaming? It can't be true, right?

"u-uh.... e-excuse m-me?"

"the little kid. your best friend is our son, Lee Jihoon. if you don't believe. please take a seat in the living room."


Jihoon and me take a set beside each other and wait for his mum.

"here. look at this photo."

"yes, that's him."

"him is Lee Jihoon."


"yes. didn't Jihoon told you about this?"



I look beside me and Woozi is smilling cheekily. This boy.

"you k-knew a-about it?"

He nodded. How could he? Seriously? God!

"Jihoon, didn't you told your favourite friend about this?"

"it's not like I don't want, mum. It's just....... we don't have time, okay."

Don't have time, huh? We're together like 24 hours everyday at school and you said we don't have time?

"okay. Soonyoung, listen here. please listen to what I want to tell you."

I nodded.

"do you remember anything you said when you were child?"


"so, do you want to know what you said?"

I nodded.


"okay. you said that you want to marry Lee Jihoon."

"oh..... w-what?"

did I mistaken the name? or did I heard it correct?

His mum chuckle. "you said to us, infront of your parents, that you want to marry Lee Jihoon."

gosh. that was so embarrasin.

"did I mistaken the name or what?"

please, please. god, help me. just this time. please say yes. please, I beg you.

"no. you heard it. Lee Jihoon, my son. you said that you want to marry y son infront of us and your parents."

"no. this can't be true, right?"

"of course it is. If you don't believe it, I'll call your mum."

"okay. sure."

His mum dial my mum's number and press the call button. We wait and finally we heard voice on the other side.


"Mrs. Kwon, is this you?"

"yes, I am. may I know who is this?"

"oh great. Don't you remember this voice?"

"ummm........ is this Mrs. Lee?"

"yes. it's me."

"oh my god. I can't believe it. it's been a long time now since Soonyoung and Jihoon were born."

"yes, it is."

My mom said Jihoon. She knows Jihoon. Oh god, am I dreaming?

"so, why did you call?"

"your son wants the evidence that he said to us that he wants to marry with my son. so, I call you since you and Mr. Kwon were there that day."

"oh, about that. Is Soonyoung there at your house?"

"yes. he is. do you want to talk to him?"

"yes, please."

"Soonyoung, your mum wants to talk to you. here."

I take the phone.

"h-hello? mum?"

"son, what are you doing there?"

"u-uh........ me and Jihoon has a group assignment to do, so I went to his house to help him."

"oh, Jihoon in your school?"


"good. about the thing you said when you were child, it's true. I, as your mother, listen everything. you even raise your hand and promise Jihoon in front of us, that when you two are like 17 years old and met at the same school, you're going to confess to him in front of us. that's your promise."

s-seriously?! I p-promise t-that?! I'm totally red now.

"r-really? I said that?"

"yes. so, now, you two are 17 years old already. when will you confess to him?"

"m-mom........ just wait."

"okay. we wait until that day come. bye."

"bye. and.... I won't be home toni-"

"are you staying at your soon-to-be-boyfriend's house?"



"y-yes. bye. I love you. muah."

"bye. I love you too. muah."

I give back the phone to Mrs. Lee.

"so, believe it or not, we have evidence. you said it in front of us."


"now, go upstairs. Jihoon's waiting."

"o-okay. night."

"night. dn't sleep too late, boys."


I knock on the door and get inside. Jihoon is laying down on his bed. I put my bag on the couch and lay beside him.

"hmmmm.... still wants to do the work?"

no answer. I look beside and see his eyes, his nose, his pink lips. oh, he's very beautiful.

"hey, do you still wants to do the assignment?"

he look at me.

"what if I say no?"

"good. cause I don't want too."

he chuckle.

"so..... you knew about us?"

he nodded.

"why didn't you told me?"

"I'm a shy boy, okay."

"oh....... but you don't mind if I'm gay?"


"then....... do you mind if I kiss you?"

he look at me then smile. he close his eyes and lean forward. I close my eyes and lean forward too. I press my lips against his. oh, this felt so perfect. maybe this is the reason why I want to marry him.

After a while, we pull away. I put my arm under his neck and pull him closer to my body. I rest my head on his. He snuggle his head on my neck. I smile because of his cuteness.



"will you- mmm..... do you- huh. will you-"

"will you what?"

"will you-"

"come on."



"will you be my boyfriend?"

He look at other place before nodded. "y-yes. I love too."

I turn is face to face mine. I lean forward and whisper in is ears. "remember that, you'll always be in my heart, baby."

I kiss his earlobe. I could see his blushing right now. He smack my chest lightly.

"I love you too."

"I know."


"goodnight. sweetdreams."

 I kiss his forehead and we both drifted to sleep.

"boys, are you- oh..... sleep tight, boys."







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