
Call Me Baby

He was about to tackle the guy who kissed Baekhyun but was stopped abruptly when a hand pulled him back roughly causing him to lose his balance but not enough for him to fall down on the floor. After regaining his balance, he looked up at the man in front of him only to give the man his deadliest glare that he could master which the man responded with a smirk on his face. Of course it would be Kris.


He spat at the man with so much venom that Kris' smirk only grew because of amusement. Man, never thought it would be this fun to tease someone who likes Baekhyunnie.

"Whoa there. What got you so worked up, Park? Chill, man!"

And Chanyeol almost beat Kris to death not until Baekhyun showed up in front of them smiling cutely like nothing serious happened. With Baekhyun being there, the atmosphere around them thickened even more enough to suffocate someone. But Baekhyun being his usual self, didn't notice that something's wrong. 

"Annyeong! What are you guys doing here?"

Baekhyun spoke, breaking the tense atmosphere around them while sending both of the tall men his cute eye smile that is the cause of everyone's death (not really) especially Chanyeol's. Kris sent one last teasing glance to Chanyeol who's glaring at him before responding to Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol and I just happened to walk into each other and talked about our daily lives. Nothing serious. Haha. Oh, about Kim Taehyung, are you perhaps dating him? 'Cause we saw you kiss."

Kris said while making kiss-y faces which irritated Chanyeol to no end. He almost wanted to kill the other giant but held himself back just because Baekhyun was there. But, there's something wrong. Chanyeol was confused because why is Kris acting like that? Kris is Baek's boyfriend, right? So, why aren't he acting like a jealous overreacting boyfr-- Wait, he wouldn't act like that if they weren't--!

"You two aren't together, are you?"

Chanyeol asked with so much disbelief because ING YES!!!!!! But then, he feels quite a little embarrassed because he jumped quickly into conclusions.

"What?! Kris hyung is my cousin. Why would I date him?"

Chanyeol's jaw dropped because of the news. What the actual f--?! All this time I was jealous because of nothing?! He feels ashamed now thinking of how he acted towards Kris who is blood related to Baekhyun. He slowly looked at Kris who would laugh any second now because Oh Krisus, look at that face! So hilarious. 

"O-oh! S'that so? He-he. Should be going off now. Uhh. Bye?"

Chanyeol said awkwardly before running like he was being chased by a group of gangsters who wants to end his life. After a minute or so of running, he finally sat down at a bench while gasping for breath. After a minute of calming down, he looked at his surroundings and found out that he was in a park near Han River. [let's just think that there is really a park nearby Han River. HAHAHA]

He immediately relaxed just by looking at the nice view in front of him, a father feeding his 5 years old son strawberry ice cream. Oh how he wishes to have kids. With of course, the infamous Byun Baekhyun. Without even realizing it, a small smile crept through his lips just by imagining his future would be like with Baekhyun in it.


Inside a fancy cafe, Chanyeol was peacefully having his daily dose of coffee with a slice of blueberry cheesecake while reading a book, he was interrupted rather harshly by a certain blonde tall man with a loud and deep voice.

"Chanyeol, my friend! I've never seen you after--"

"Don't even."

Chanyeol warned, too embarrassed to talk about the incident that had happened yesterday. Well, who wouldn't after you made a complete fool out of yourself in front of your crush's cousin. Kris, being his jerk-self, took a sit in front of Chanyeol not even minding the dirty glance that Chanyeol sent him.

"What? Chill, man. I'm not going to steal your crush. He's all yours."

Kris can not help but tease Chanyeol again because it was so fun to see his reactions when he teases him about Baekhyun. Chanyeol opted not to entertain him any longer because Kris is a plain idiot and an .

After a few minutes, Chanyeol almost thought that he was already alone and that Kris already went but not until he heard a voice sweet like honey that was enough for his heart to skip a beat.

It was no other than, Byun Baekhyun. He didn't even notice that he placed down the book he was holding (not after marking the page where he stopped) to stare at Baekhyun's beauty.

"Hey, Baek."

Chanyeol heard Kris say while he was patting the space beside him which Baekhyun responded with a small smile gracing his lips and shaking his head.

"Sorry, I'm with Kyungsoo and Luhan right n--"

"OH MY KAI! HI CHANYEOL! He's that guy, right?"

Chanyeol was startled because, suddenly there were two excited short guys standing in front of Baekhyun and screamed his name like there were no people around them. But, being the dumbyeol that he is, didn't hear the last thing the black haired guy said.

"Uhh, w-what?"

"Oh, it's nothing really! Think we should go now, Baek! Bye Chanyeol and Kris!"

The one with the blonde hair said and dashed out of the coffee shop with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Joonmyeon in tow. Chanyeol followed them with his eyes until he can't see them anymore and sighed because he didn't even have the chance to say 'hi' to his crush.

"You know, just confess to him already, will you?"

"Shut up."



To Be Continued

I updated bc I'm happy and sad at the same time. See you next chap~
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O_isabella_O #1
Chapter 4: Please update soon it’s so cute!
KagamineMiku #2
Chapter 4: Aww thank you for updating!~ Jealous ChanBaek is my favorite ChanBaek mwahaha >:3
Chapter 4: Its so cuuuuute~~ Thanks for updating~
Chapter 3: This is cute, can't wait for the next update! Baekhyun is adorable in this~!
Chapter 2: Baekhyun is so cute i have to refrain from squealing...
exostorysxx #6
Chapter 2: I like this ♡
dellusionallady #7
Please continue this story :D