ㅡNew Beginning


It was the morning on the first day of school, and of course I just had to wake up late.

"Aish.. stupid crap." I attacked my phone as if it was a living thing before eventually tossing it aside and covering my eyes with my arm, taking a long deep breath before finally rolling my lazy self out of bed. A shower usually took twenty minutes but for today it was done in less than five, and just one getting dressed.

I scurried down the stairs and just shoved a piece of bread in my mouth, kissing my mother goodbye and running out of the house.

A few minutes passed by before finally realizing I had forgotten about my backpack and glasses.

"...this is the worst day of my life."

I grumbled and pouted unconsciously before running back to my house to find my mother on the doorsteps, my backpack and glasses in her hands.

"Seriously.. what would I do without you?"

All I could do for now was give her a big hug.

"Just take care of yourself today and promise to have a great day." She spoke in the softest tone, giving me a boost of confidence.

"Hwaiting!" I shouted before running off once again.

I made it just in time for the bell, panting heavily against the wall, I knew I looked like a mess, but for once in my life, I honestly didn't care. I just wanted to get this horrible day over. 

My teacher slowly gestured me to come in, I curled my fingers into my uniform and stood in front of the class, I was in school for literally a minute and I could already feel the judging stares of my classmates.

"I-i'm.. Jeon.."

There was an awkward silence before I finally realized that was just my last name.

"Wonwoo! I'm Jeon W-wonwoo."

I hanged my head low in shame as my teacher told me to sit in the back desk, slowly I walked down the desks, hitting some on the way and just apologizing, I knew today was going to be bad but not this bad. 

"You are always late! Seriously at least try to be a good student!" My teacher yelled out of the top of her lungs, I sat up as quick as lightning before realizing she wasn't speaking to me but a tall, tanned skin student. I felt my heart stop for a bit as I stared at him, he was seriously the most handsome person I have ever seen in my life, and trust me I watch a load of dramas.

There was two seats open, I prayed to God that he wasn't the one that sits next to me.



Bam, all hope was lost when he sat next to me.

All I could do was hide my face in shame on the backpack that laid on the desk, my fingers nervously playing with the zipper.

"Hey, you new?"

His voice made my cheeks heat up, it was soft but deep, and wow.. he smelled really good.

Can you just imagine cuddling with him..? Wait what?-

Immediately I snapped out of my daydream when I felt a poke on my shoulder, turning my flustered face to him.

"N-no I'm Wonwoo.."

He raised a brow in confusion.

"I mean..! Y-yes I'm new!"

"Well.. nice to meet you new, I'm Mingyu."

I honestly wanted to die on the spot, the cutest guy I've ever seen and I already blew it and made a fool out of myself. Again, my heart started pounding when he leaned over, fixing my glasses and patting down on a spot of my hair.

"Cute.. did you just wake up?"

C-cute? Did he just call me cute? I'm a mess!

All I did was give a nod, my cheeks turning into a shade of light pink.

"I can tell.. but it kinda suits you. You look like.. a kitten?"

Mingyu gave me the most charming smile, he had the cutest little fangs.

"You suit you.."

You suit you? Wonwoo what the hell are you saying!?

"Woah? Complimenting me? I like you already, I can tell we're going to be great friends."

Mingyu tossed an arm around my shoulder and grinned, I felt my heart burst as I looked out into the window, maybe this day wasn't going to be so bad..

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