Alt. Ending #2.

Summer Fling

[2year later]

"M-momm-y!" a toddler screamed as he ran to his mother.

"Yihan! Where's your uncle? Did you run off again? What did I say about running off?" Mark watched the young mother lecture the little boy.

Mark was back in Seoul again, the first time in 2 years. He was enjoying his afternoon after his client called, informing Mark that they weren't able to make it. Mark continued to watch the mother and son when a familiar man came into the picture. An old friend of his, Yugyeom. Mark then started putting the puzzle pieces together, if that is Heiyi then that means, that means the boy could be his son. Then that could be his family. 

He watched his first love interact with his old friend, jelousy started to burned within him. That should be him, not Yugyeom. Mark stormed out of the cafe he was in and made a beeline for the three. The little boy noticed him first, Mark noticed the resemblence of the child and his mother. Then Yugyeom noticed him.


The women the younger was talking to stiffened. She then scooped her son up and muttered something about thank you and proceeded to leave. Not one did she look at Mark. 

 "Heiyi." Mark's voice cracked.

The said women looked unaffected.

Tears well up in Mark's eyes, slowly the salty tears streamed down his eyes.

"Mommy, that uncle is crying, uncle don't be sad, it's going to be okay!" Yihan yelled with his little voice as his mother carried him further from Mark.

"Yugyeom, tell me, tell me that is Heiyi, tell me that is my son." Mark begged.

"Hyung, that is Heiyi and I'm not sure about Yihan, she just showed up a couple of years ago, pregnant and...."





The apartment's doorbell rings, Heiyi strolls to the door, curious about who it could be at half past 8 in the evening. She looks through the peephole and notices Yugyeom, she opens the door.



"Yugyeom? What's up?" she asks as she let's him in.

"I'm here to kidnap your son." he replies in a very serious manner.

"What?" she asks again, this time in disbelief.

Yugyeom brushes past her to her son, he picks him up and grabs his baby bag. 

"Thank you, I will return him, tommorrow morning." and he strolled out the door with her giggling son. hangs open as she stares at her open apartment door, she recovers seconds later and moves forward to lock her door. Suddenly a figure appeared, a man she did not want to see.

"Mark." she said, her voice cold and hard as ice.

"Heiyi..." he said, a bitter smile stretched across his face.

"Why are you here? " she asked.

"Heiyi.." he repeated, sounding somewhat afraid that she will disappear if he does anything else.

"Get out, leave, now!" she raised her voice as she attempted to push him out of her apartment.

"Why? Why are you like this, what happened? Is he my s-"

"No, no, no! Stop! Leave! Leave me alone!"

"Love, baby, love, stop look at me, stop." he whispered into her ear as he hugged her.

"Why didn't you come to me, he's mine isn't he?"

She slowly nodded into his chest, sobbing.

"What happened?" 

"I- you-I don't know.." she cries, tears streaming down her face. She finally broke after 2 years.

She remembers that day, that day when she showed up at his university in L.A. and she saw him kissing a brunette, she was so heart broken. They were so intimate, she was jelous and she felt so wronged, like he cheated on her, but she was a nobody, she was indeed just a summer fling. 

"Love, breath, calm down, and tell me what happened." 

"I- " her heart clenches for a second, but the memories of him kissing a random girl fires her up again, she changes from vulnerable to strong in a matter of seconds. 

She roughly pushes him away. The hatred in her eyes returns.

" off Mark Tuan. I don't need your pity, and he is my son and no one else's." she spat, her voice laced with hatred.

Confusion was written all over his face, behind the tear stained face was hatred, and behind the hatred was the beautiful, kind hearted girl he loved. 

"Heiyi, what's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"I don't need your pity, leave. Look I don't know what Yugyeom told you and I don't care." 

I don't care. 

His heart hurts as her words ring over in his head. 

"Love, what happened?" he asked, his eyes glassy with tears. 

"Nothing you need to know about, please leave before I call security."

Tears roll down his face. He reaches out to her, she quickly take a step back. 

"Don't touch me, you disgust me."

"Love, please, don't treat me like a contagious diease. You know I lo-" 

"Don't give me the love bullsh*t, I don't know what you want but go, leave."

Mark didn't even budge.

"Fine, I'll leave." she said.

He grabbed her wrist as she brushed past him.

"I'm sorry love, tell me where I went wrong."

"Fine since you're so desperate, you say you ing love me, but you could've been ing another girl before you walked through my doors."


"You said I didn't come to you? I did. And guess what I saw that day, in L.A., that stupid brunette you were pratically ing at your stupid school. That spring." 

Mark's expression turned unreadable.

"That was you." he lets out a hollow laugh. 

Heiyi's face showed confusion for a split second before it morphed back to hatred.

"I have no excuse for that, but that was the only time, I swear. We didn't even do anything after you walked away."

Heiyi looks at him in disbelief.

"You. Are. Unbelievable."

She can see him slowly losing his cool.

"Look, I don't know why you are being like this, but there is one thing I know, I know I love you, and only you. You can doubt me, but everything I'm telling you is real, the truth. And there is better times but I can't think of a better way to prove that I love you."

Mark grabs her hand and pulls her out of her apartment. He takes her to his car and drives off to a beautiful boutique, he gets her to change into a fancy cream dress that had a slit running down her right leg. He himself was already in a suit.

He then drove up to the Seoul Tower. 

He pulled her to the base of the tower and disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a boquet of cream and pastel pink roses. He then bent down on one knee and pulled out a familiar silver band.

"I bought this ring 2 years ago, when you first left me, and two years from that day I will propose here in the same city we met. I know this is cliché, but I remember you telling me that summer how much you wanted a proposal like those in Korean drama, today I will make your dream come true. I don't know what happened in these 2 years, but I do know I love you, and forever will I love you and only you. I know you gave birth to our son, I know you love me too. So please, will you Wang Heiyi marry me?"

Her eyes teared up from his confession.

"I hate you, Mark Tuan I hate you." she screams her voice cracking.

His smile flatters.

"And I hate myself for loving you, I hate that my heart beats for you, I hate that I get jelous over you."

"So will you marry him?" someone from the crowd shouted.

She nods her heads, "and I hate myself for giving into your love, into our love."

Mark's smile return as he slips the simple wedding ring onto her finger. He then leans down and captures her lips. They both smile as the crowd hollers and cheers.




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Chapter 3: *squeals* love this so much!