
Summer Fling

 [July 5, 2016]

 I shuffled off the Cathy Pacific plane, eyes tearing up from yawning. The 4 hours plane ride was tiring, though I slept for most of the time. I was in Seoul for a short exchange program. I was just here for the summer, from July to August. 

I walked out of the airport after grabbing my pastel purple luggage. The sun was starting to set and the view was amazing. I look around for the bus that was suppose to take pick the exchange students up. After a few minutes of wandering and searching I find the big white bus and board it. I sit my self near the back, where it was rather empty. My suitcase and backpack took one seat while I sat on the other. The bus's engine start when a few more students shuffle in, one settling across the aisle from my seat. I did not see and did not look over to see who settled in that seat. I blast my music using my Samsung Levels as the bus drives us to Seoul National University. 

I take off my head phones as the bus pulls to a stop. I grab my belongings and leave the bus, not once looking back.

The exchange students gather at the foyer of the dorms, waiting to receive their keys to the dorm they were assigned. 

The moment I got my information package I left the foyer to my designated dorm. I flop onto a random bed and lay there for a few minutes waiting for my roommate to show up. After a couple more minutes I figured that she'll come another day, so I got up to take a shower. Around 15 minutes later I walk out of the shower and realized something, I forgot to bring clothes. I wrap my self with my light pink towel and walked out of the bathroom. I was sorting through my clothes on my bed when the room door opened, I didn't react to the door thinking it might've been my roommate. When I finally grabbed the outift I wanted and turned I was shocked, or embarassed, or maybe it was horrified. At the door was a girl with wavy brown hair(who I assume was my roommate) and a guy with blonde hair. I quickly ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. 

10 minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom in white jean shorts and a sea blue translucent t-shirt. The boy was still here. Infact he was on my bed.

"Blonde, get off my bed." 

He doesn't respond as he laid there with headphones blasting. Wait, wait, wait, rewind, 

"Are those my headphones?"

The blonde continues to bob his head to the beat. Ugh, he was getting on my nerves. 

I grab my phone from beside him and walk out the door, leaving the blonde inside by himself. (My roommate disappeared)

I wandered the familiar streets of Seoul, searching for a peticular guy. When I can't find him I bring out my phone and text him through LINE chat.

\ I'm here, where are you? \

\ 3rd floor, Aries Cafe \

\ kk~ \

I walk up to the said floor and head to the mentioned cafe. 

I sat down across my friend and was handed a milk tea with white pearls or tapioca. I look up to see who handed me the bubble tea and was shocked to see who it was.


"Blonde?" asked my friend, Yugyeom.

"It's Mark, Heiyi."

"What?" Yugyeom asked confused.

"Nothing, wasup Yugyeom, why are you with her?"

"Oh, uh Mark hyung, this is my friend, she's from Hong Kong." 

"Mmm I know, Heiyi Wang, often addresses herself as September."

"What?" I asked in disbelief, how did Yugyeom know Blonde.

"She's a year older than you, 20 this year, currently 19, but birthday is coming up in September."

"What the ?" Yugyeom and I scream at the same time. 

"F-reak much?" I asked

"Nah, I just read your information sheet."

Well, what a creep.

"How did you even get in?"

"Oh, your dormmate came around and let me in before getting called to the foyer." he coolly replies

Oh my god, creep alert.

"Uh yeah, bye." I say streching my e for bye.

I walk out with Yugyeom tailling behind. I then stroll to food stall we often went to. Yugyeom ordered a bimbap and I ordered two servings of fried beef with rice. Yugyeom gave me accusing eyes when I ordered two servings. I brushed him off like it was nothing, though I did stutter a bit. His order was finished first so he left with his take out first. Shortly after he left my take out was also finished and I left, walking through the now dark streets. I was near the dorms when I accidentally bumped into someone. 

"Oof" the person let out.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." I blurted in Chinese, before switching to English and then realizing I was in Korea, therefore changing to Korean.

"You alright?" a concerned voice asked.

 "Huh? Uh y-yeah." 

"Really, why are you stuttering?" he asked as he grabbed my hand to lead me somewhere.

We ended up in his dorm room. Sitting on his bed.

"Hey, bubble tea, you didn't get to finish your other one." he shyly said while rubbing his nape. 

The atmosphere got real awkward.

"Uh, for you.." I muttered as I place the rice infront of him.

He then smiled widely and ate contently.

Without me knowing a smile strecthes across my face too.

I fell asleep that night, a smile embeded on my face, my heart beats faster everytime I think about him. Mark, the blonde.






The next day he appeared at my door right when I was about to go out for the opening ceremony. His precence no longer irk me, infact I'm starting to enjoy it, and it has only been a couple of hours.

"Ya know Mark, you are real creepy, and I just met you for a few hours." I told him.

"Ya know Heiyi, I still have your headphones."

"Ya know, I know." I scowled

Mark only hummed in response as we made our way through the halls of the dorm. We padded down the staris in silence as we headed for the opening ceremony.






As the weeks carried on, the two got closer, spending majority of their time together. Studying together, eating, going around, they did almost everything together.

As the program neared an end Heiyi realized something, Mark was not the only one that had feelings, she did too, and Mark realized that he might have a chance, a chance to win her heart.

One week before they were to leave Seoul, Mark confessed to her at the ending ceremony. She shyly accpeted his confession.

[6 days before they were to leave]

They went to watch a moive together.

[5 days before she left]

He brought her to the busy streets of Seoul, wandering around and buying anything she wanted.

[4 days before they left]

He brought her to Lotte World.

[3 days left] 

They visited the Seoul Tower and went on a stroll along the Han River.

[2 days]

They went for bubble tea at her favourite cafe in Seoul.

[1 day]

They stayed in his dorm, cuddling, kissing, doing things that couples would do, enjoying each others precence.

[5 hours before her plane departs]

He takes her to the airport to check in, they wander around with their fingers entwined.

[2 hours]

They get food at a Japenese resturant near the boarding gate. Mark slips away for a while. 

[1 hour 45 minutes]

He gives her a silver braclet that he bought when he slipped away.

[1 hour]

She brings him to the same jewlery store where he bought her braclet, she buys him a silver chain, one to match her.

[40 minutes before her plane takes off]

They kiss one last time before she enters the boarding gate.

"Don't forget me, think of me whenever you see this braclet." 

Sorry Mark.

"It's just a summer fling, you're just a summer fling Mark Tuan. Thank you for your time." she replies bitterly before flashing him a smile and leaving.

Summer fling, if this is a summer fling then why are you so bitter about it?  

[30 minutes]

"Good bye Heiyi, good bye to the girl that stole my heart.".

[15 minutes before her departure]

 "I will miss you Mark, I'm sorry for being so harsh, please forget this summer fling." she whispers to herself.

[5 minutes before she departs, 2 hours before he departs]

Mark looks out the window of the airport and smiles sadly at a Cathy Pacific plane.

[30 minutes before he departs]

He sips on an iced coffee he bought, there was so much sugar in that one cup, but he still felt like he was drinking essperesso.

[10 minutes]

"Shall we meet again." he whispers into the air.







Alt. ending #1.


Alt. ending #2.

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Chapter 3: *squeals* love this so much!