Alt. Ending #1.

Summer Fling

 [1 year later]

 Mark turns the corner to his favourite cafe on campus and comes in contact with another human. He was hit with a feeling of deja vu, he brushes it off and quickly apologizes. A gasp escapes from the masked girl he ran over, he was confused on why she gasped and she saw the confusion. The white masked girl bows in apology, which was not something people in L.A. did, then the girl runs off.

Mark watches as the girl got further.

She was wearing a white mask decorated with splashes of colour, which was common in Asia. Asia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan... Korea! 

Mark's face lit up upon realization, that girl she is his first love, his only love. He needed to find her, his heart clenched at the thought of her avoiding him, why? 

Mark spends the rest of his day wandering around campus, asking around for his first love. 

As the day comes to an end and the sky got dark, Mark found himself sitting on the ledge of the fountain in the centre of campus. The water splashes behind him, the light shines around him, the atmosphere is calming but Mark found himself being frustrated, being sad.

A sudden giggle catches his attention, the giggle came from a group of girl that just walked into the area. The girls were all giggling but only a certain girl catches his attention. A blonde with the ends of her hair dyed. They lock eyes, her eyes widening at the sight of him. She freezes while her friends walk away. She quickly stutters a good bye to her friends and runs off in a different direction. Mark's heart speeds up, fear builds up in him, he was going to lose her for the second time if he doesn't do anything. 

She was getting away, leaving him behind, 5 metres, 7 metres, 8.5 metres, 9 metres.

He sprints after her, calling her name, he alccerates and catches up to her. Mark grabs her arm and pulls her into an embrace. Her back stiffens against his chest, he buries his face in the crook of her neck. 

"Heiyi..." he sobs.

He spins her around and crasses her face. 

"Heiyi." he calls her name, she looks up and he slams his lips against her's.

"You're mine and I'm never letting you go, never again." he whispers breathlessly to her.

He looked straight into her unreadable eyes, "because I love you, Wang Heiyi.". He kisses her again.

"Because you are more than just a summer fling, you're my summer love, baby, you're my only love." 

He swoops down and captures her lips again.

"Mine." he mummbles.

A smile slowly makes way to her face.

"Yours." she replies, bit her lip, trying to supress a smile.

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Chapter 3: *squeals* love this so much!