ch 6


“How does this look?”


“Turn around again.” Nina looked you over from head to toe and you did another spin. “You’re going to a nightclub, right?”


“That’s what popped up when I looked up the address he sent me.”


“It’s either gonna be hella high class or hella .”


“I know!”


“In that case, I think you’re fine. Keep your head up, shoulders back, and you can pull off classy. Or take off your shoes and dance like a hoe and you’ll fit in.” This was her form of encouragement. Which you gladly took.


“You sure you don’t want to come?” you asked again, pleading. She shook her head.


“I’ve got tests and essays to grade. Plus, he asked you out, not me.” She smirked folding her arms across her chest. You smiled and looked in the mirror again. You were sporting a soft smokey eye and a deep red lip. You didn’t bother with much else because you figured you’d probably end up sweating it off anyways.


Your dress was super short, but not like I’m-a-cheap--short. The spaghetti straps held up the black layered sequin dress that swayed with you almost the way fringe does. You wore your favorite black boots that way you wouldn’t have to worry about your feet hurting. The heel was tall and you were hoping you wouldn’t be taller that Minseok. You let out your hair as high as it could go and put a sleek headband instead of your usual bandana. You small black clutch completed your outfit.


“Okay, call my uber.”



You walked up to the bouncer, who was intimidating in every way possible. Minseok had texted that all you had to do was say you were in “Mr. Kim’s party” and show your id. “Your name will be on the list.” Your name had never been on a list before. It was oddly exciting as the bouncer opened the rope and let you pass everyone else waiting in line.


The music was deafening. The club was luxurious, with a long bar, elegant tables, and private booths. You held your clutch a little closer to your leg, not exactly sure where to go. But that didn’t stop you from starting to move to the music. There were so many people that it was getting hard to tell one person from the next. The lights were dazzling and confusing at the same time. And there wasn’t enough to clearly see someone’s face unless you were at the bar or in a booth.


You walked to the bar and sat down. The bartender quickly came up to you and asked your order. He laughed at your water request but nodded anyways. He brought you a water bottle and asked if you wanted a designated driver wristband. You thought about it, but since you ubered it here anyways you declined. You might want to have a few drinks later.


You slowly started drinking your water. You turned to look at the people on the dance floor, trying to find Minseok. But it was no use. You felt yourself slipping into insecurity.


“Hey!” The bartender called to you over the music. You turned to look at him. “Who ever it is you’re waiting for, just forget it and go dance. If they show up cool, if not, I’ll give you a drink on the house, yeah?!”


The phrase Damn, boy you right had never resonated stronger. You yelled back a thanks and got off your chair. Luckily your clutch came with a strap that your slung over your shoulder so you could free your hands. A new song had just started. The beat was slowly building. You swayed and bounced seamless falling into the crowed. When the beat dropped the entire dance floor moved as one and you almost forgot why you came. You danced with a random girl who was maybe putting the moves on you but you weren’t looking for that, not at that moment at least.


You kind of wished Nina had come with you. You knew she’d get a kick out of this. But on the other hand, dancing by yourself and yet not alone, was feeling so good that you didn’t mind. Suddenly, at the beginning of the fifth - maybe sixth- song by yourself, you felt someone come up behind you. It wasn’t the first time. You felt his hand on your hips and you just went with it. You pressed your back into his chest as the both of you grinded to the music. The beat dropped and you were both jumping to the beat. You had danced with strangers before but this guy was strangely in tune with you.


You turned to face him but you couldn’t get a decent look at his face. But you were too deep into the it mentality that you kept your eyes closed for most of the song anyways, just feeling the music and feeling him move in sync with you. When the song was done, so was the dj. She said some thanks for letting her perform. And while the dj’s switched, your dance partner grabbed your hand and lead you out of the crowd. You made it to the bar before you could see his face.

Honestly, you know where this is going.


Minseok’s face was flushed and he flashed you brilliant a smile. You couldn’t help yourself and laughed.


“I didn’t know you were so willing to dance with strangers!” he yelled over the music into your ear.


“I didn’t know you were so willing to grind like that!” you yelled back, really happy that the loudness forced you to be so close.


“I thought you weren’t gonna show!”


“I couldn’t find you when I came in, so I started to dance!”


“You look really great, by the way!” He even made the point to look you over.


“Come on then! I’ll introduce you to everyone else!”


You took his hand again and he lead you to one of the private booths. The booths were so deep into the wall the music was considerably lower once you were sitting in one. He let you slide in first and then followed after you. There were seven other people there. In total there were nine: five guys, four girls. They all looked at you with anticipation. Except for one person.


“Everyone!” Minseok started. “This is Tylar! She’s the newest employee at my shop. She’s pretty chill, let’s be friends, yeah!” Everyone except for one person excitedly agreed. She was sitting at the edge, directly across from Minseok.


“It took you a while to bring her!” One of the other girls stated.


“Tylar,” Minseok stated, casually putting his arm around your shoulder. You wanted to be like, ‘who the hell does this kid think he is?’ But it was then that you noticed all the bottles of alcohol on the table. You let it slide. Though he wasn’t drunk, he was probably a little buzzed.


“That’s Charlotte, of course,” he started with introductions with the person directly in front of him, working his way to his left. “That’s Chanyeol - we call him Channie. That’s his sister Yoora. That’s Sehun. Then Luhan - he’s the reason we’re here! He just got promoted! Then we have Jenny, and that’s Junmyeon next to you!”


“It’s nice to meet all of you!”


“So, you’re Tylar, huh?” Luhan asked with a raised eyebrow, side glancing Minseok. “I’ve heard a lot about you!”


“All good things I hope!” you responded.


“He hasn’t really shut up about you,” Junmyeon added. You blushed and looked at Minseok who was also blushing. With one arm still around your shoulder, he tried to playfully punch Junmyeon with the other. In doing so, he squished you into his side even more. Junmyeon not-so-gracefully avoided the attack and ran his shoulder into Jenny who was trying to take a drink. The sudden impact caused her to spill her drink over her chin and a little onto her lap.


“Ah! Look what you did!” The rest of the table burst out in laughter.


“You haven’t started drinking yet, have you?” Yoora asked you. You shook your head in response.


“Hey, hey, poor her a glass!” Sehun called out. Once not only you, but everyone had a full glass Chanyeol raised his.


“To new friends!” Chanyeol toasted. Everyone followed except for Charlotte who bitterly chugged down her drink in silence.


“To new jobs!” You toasted after another round was served. Everyone gladly cheered with you. After a few more rounds of drinks, the lights became less confusing and more entrancing. Through the power of liquid courage you had place your hand on Minseok’s thigh during the course of drinking and talking.


You were quickly learning a lot about Minseok and his friends. Apparently they used to all live in the same apartment complex. Most of them had gone to the same middle school or high school. You were amazed at how such a larger group of people could stay in contact for long. Junmyeon had admitted that there were a few years after high school that they all sort of broke apart. Sehun said that they slowly found each other after college.


It might have been just because you were fresh ears, but everyone was eager to tell embarrassing stories about each other. During this time Jenny had laid her head down on the table when suddenly a new song started playing. She sat up so quickly everyone was caught of guard.


“Whyyy are we still sitting!?” She slurred.


“What do you want to do?” Yoora answered back.


“You damn lightweight,” Sehun teased.


“Literally no one else is as drunk as you are,” Channie added laughing.


“Shhhut- up!” Jenny slurred, her head lolling to the side. She rested her head on Luhan’s shoulder. “Take me dancing!” She pleaded holding onto Luhan’s arm.


“Tylar’s a dancer!” Minseok added. Everyone was immediately impressed, casting a chorus of “ooh’s” and “omg really’s.”


“Why don’t you show us some of your skills?” Charlotte asked, the first time in the entire night she had addressed you. Her sudden question took you off guard.


“Everyone to the dance floor!” Luhan cried, his arm pointed out like he was directing his troops.


Everyone basically tripped out of the booth. You realized that maybe you had more to drink than you thought. The large group started together in at the edge of the dance floor but as the song progressed you guys began to thin out and merge with the crowd. However, you managed to stay close to Minseok. It might have been the fact that he kept a hand on you at all times. Charlotte had other ideas. Jealousy was overflowing as she watch you two dance. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get between either of you and always ended up a really awkward third wheel.


After about another song, you somehow ended up in the middle of the dance floor. Even as tipsy as you were walking, the alcohol did nothing to hinder your dancing. You started to work the music, letting your body go the way it wanted. It wasn’t long before a circle had formed around you and you were suddenly performing for the whole club. The new group of friends you had been initiated into watched in awe and even Minseok took a step back to appreciate.


You realized that he had never seen you dance before. As the song blended into something ier so did you. If Charlotte was playing games, you were winning. The crowd cheered you on as you completely improvised some of the best choreography ever. You secretly wished someone was recording this just so you could learn it later. When you felt you had showed off enough you reached for Minseok who freely gave you his hand and the circle once again become one crowd.


“That was amazing, what the hell?!” Yoora complimented she was bouncing to the music.


“Thank you!” you replied as the rest of the group complimented you and then began to shut up and dance.


“Ah, , Jenny!” you heard Chanyeol call out a little later. You looked away from Minseok to see Jenny haunched over towards the edge of the dance floor.


“Oh, no,” Minseok said. “I’ll be right back!” He let you go to help his friend. Yoora managed to also make her way to her friend and took her into the bathroom before she could throw up all over the floor. You didn’t comfortably dance again until you saw them go into the bathroom. Minseok and Chanyeol made their way to the bar, both of them to ask for some water and some crackers to settle Jenny’s stomach when she came out. Junmyeon was the one to offer to stay with her at the table.


You caught a glimpse of Minseok as he began to make his way back to you. He was purposely dancing horribly to you. You laughed and tried to mimic his horrible dancing back but the dancer in you just couldn’t do it. In the midst of your laughing you didn’t notice Charlotte behind you.


There was a sharp pain in your ribs. In a crowd this full it’s understandable to be accidentally hit a few times. But this was purposeful. And it hurt like a . You turned around and Charlotte said the most spiteful “sorry” you’ve ever heard in your life. She turned around and began to dance like nothing happened. Minseok reached as you were still rubbing your side.


“Are you okay?!”


“Yeah, just ran into someone is all!” With some of that liquid courage still running through your veins, you put your arms around Minseok’s neck and he placed his hands on you hips. You guys began to sway with each other.


Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the back of your left knee. You fell against Minseok who suddenly had to hold you up. You could feel liquid run down your calf. Against his chest you could hear Minseok clearly.


“What the ?!” His question was full of surprise and anger.


“I can’t stand it anymore!” you heard Charlotte’s scream over the music.


“Can’t stand what?!” He yelled at her as he helped you up. You couldn’t put any weight on your left leg and Minseok was forced to carry your weight. Charlotte didn’t answer his question. Instead, she went back to the booth, got her stuff, and left.


Minseok half carried you back where you could see what happened. He sat you down and knelt in front of you. Charlotte had kicked you with her heel. The sharpness of her heel had gashed right above your calf just below the back of your knee. The pain was ridiculous. You took drink out of the nearest bottle in order not to cry. Junmyeon sat up as much as he could with a sleeping Jenny on his lap.


“What happened?!” He asked in shock.


“Charlotte ing kicked her leg in!” Junmyeon’s hesitated response made Minseok look up at him.


“Do you know why she would do that?” the anger in Minseok’s voice was scary. You’ve known him for about a month and though there was a lot more to learn about him, this wasn’t really what you wanted to see.


“Do you really not know why?” Junmyeon asked back. Minseok let out a frustrated sigh.


“That doesn’t giver her any right to do this.” He looked up to you, an apologetic look on his face. “I’ll help you to the bathroom.”


You limped to the bathroom with your arm around his shoulder. Yoora ended up helping you clean your leg inside the bathroom.


“She’s liked him for a really long time,” Yoora said quietly. You didn’t respond. “When Minseok started talking about you everyone in our group could feel the tension….Minseok even talked to her, you know.”


“He did?!”


“Yeah, like after you agreed to work he told her that she should really give up on him.”


“How do you know?”


“Minseok asked me for help on what to say to her,” she gave you another apologetic smile. It was almost like everyone else was sorry except for the one who actually did this. “I didn’t think it would be this bad if you came.”

“No, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault,” you said still applying pressure to the cut. It took about ten minutes to finally stop bleeding. The both of you exited the bathroom. Minseok was waiting outside with your purse.


“Are you ready to go home?” he asked. You nodded and put your arm around his shoulder and let him help you. The two of you made it outside and the coolness of the air felt so good that you just had to stop and take a deep breath. When you made it to his car, he helped you sit and moved the seat all the way back to the cut wasn’t pressed against anything.


You gave him your address and texted Nina to be ready to help you. The only sound in the car was the voice of gps telling Minseok where to go.


Once you were in front of your apartment, you looked at Minseok. Before you could say anything, he leaned over and kissed your cheek. He rested his forehead on yours.


“I’m sorry,” he whispered. You didn’t respond.


“I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t know she was like this.” Again, you didn’t respond.


“Take a few days off of work,” he said sitting back into his seat. Just then there was a knock your window. Nina was there, her hair messy and in her pajamas. You opened the door.

“Let me know when it’s safe,” you whispered. Nina helped you out and to your apartment. The shower stung and you almost didn’t want to put a gauze on it but Nina forced it on. After taking some pills and letting Nina help you into bed, you looked at the clock on your nightstand. Was it really five am? The sun would be up in an hour. Your eyes stung behind your eyelids. Maybe you’ll feel better in the afternoon.
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