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“Like this?”


“What the hell is that?!”


“It’s a cat!!”


“That looks like a troll!”


“Oh my god, no it doesn’t!”


“Yes it does! Let me show you a cat.” Minseok scraped of the top foam and started over. You were in a new coffee shop, deeper into the city. This one Minseok co-owned with Luhan. This date consisted of Minseok teaching you how to make coffee art before actually drinking it. Needless to say, you were not an artist. He made the cat effortlessly and you just let him make the other cup as well. The two of you went out with a plate of cookies to the patio and sat across from each other. You took a sip of the delicious coffee, trying your best not to ruin the foam cat.


Minseok looked at your face, trying to read your face but gave up pretty easily.


“You’re not going to ask me?” He finally said. You were in the middle of chewing and almost choked trying to answer quickly.


“Ask what?” you said, chewed cookie still in the back of your throat.


“Where me and… where me and Charlotte are at now?”


“Oh….No. I figured you’d bring that up when you wanted to…. And I guess that’s now.” Truthfully, you didn’t want to bring her up. Minseok sighed before answering.


“I think you should know,” he started slowly. You sat back, sipping your coffee, waiting. “Well, I’ve started talking to her again, sort of. It was a few months after we fought that I accidentally ran into her. She seemed to be doing good. She’s found a good job as a receptionist at a company. Luhan pulled a few strings,” he joked. “But even after that we kept our distance. However, just about a month ago, Luhan showed me a pic that she posted of her and this guy. And she looked happy. She was the one to contact me first. And we’re on good terms right now. I’m not sure if we’ll reach best friend status again-- I don’t think so. But I want to give her more time before we decide if we’re still friends or not.” He took a deep breath and then a gulp of his coffee. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at you cautiously.


You surprised him by laughing. You reached across the table and held his hand.


“I’m glad you’ve found some closure with Charlotte. People who were that important don’t go away so easily. It would be nice if you two decided to become friends again, in a healthier way. I’m also glad you told me. Thank you.” Minseok looked deep into your eyes and held your hand back.


He smiled mischievously before pulling on your hand, bringing you closer, and leaning over the table.


“How about we get out of here?” You heart jumped because you’re a ert and some not-so-clean thoughts ran through your head. Play it cool, you’re not a hoe… maybe, you thought.


“What do you have in mind?” You asked bringing up your free hand under your chin and batting your eyelashes. The two of you stayed like that for a good second before bursting out laughing. You both sat back trying to wipe tears from your eyes but not letting go of each other’s hand.


“Ahh-haha, I was just thinking we could go see a movie or something,” Minseok said finally.


“Buy me dinner?” you asked innocently.


“I’ll buy you breakfast, too.”


“Deal! You can’t back out! I like the whole American breakfast! Eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns, pancakes, orange juice!”


“That’s like the entire breakfast menu!”


“Uh, no. Did I say cereal or oatmeal or waffles?”


“Alright, then you need to be up early if I’m gonna feed you all this.”


“I can get up at any time for food,” you said with conviction that made Minseok laugh. He stood up then, still holding your hand.


“How about you tell me more about the food you like on our way to the theater?” You stood as well, lacing your fingers together.


“Are you sure you’re ready for this conversation?”


“I’m ready for all your conversations.”

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