
Same face like mine, [Sequel of pregnancy,]
Next day

I walked directly on the way to my class, and saw my-new-creepy-hair raising seat mate is there. I smile towards him, brightening the deadly uninteresting mood he has; but I was wrong, he was still the same unexciting male.

I obtained the empty seat next to him. “Hi,” I greeted him. Please, stop being the mind number! You’re killing me slowly!

No reply, just a slight very boring smile. “Uh, what’s your name?” I questioned him, with a cheerful smile.

“Just call me Shin,”
“I’m Kyungshin!” I replied full of glee. I thought you can’t talk.

Break time,

“Shin, Let’s go to cafeteria!” I dragged him and went to cafeteria together.

Sitting face to face; tongue tied. Both of us remain silent and maintain eating.

Aecha distract us by tapping our table. We gazed at her, with our mouth munching the remains food.
“You guys really look identical,” She wrinkled her nose.

I and Shin glare each other. “We don’t,” both of us said in unison causing Aecha chuckled.

“What’s your name?” Aecha took a seat next Shin.
“Shin,” He replied, continue shoving a spoonful on his mouth,

“Your full name is?” She asked again,
“Kwangshin,” he responded,

That name seems familiar…

“Do we know each other?” I butted in,
He shrugged and remains eating.

Just then, the 7 good-looking guy appeared, creating hustle bustle between the student. Noise filled the whole cafeteria.

One of them approached our seats; “Hey!” he greeted Shin,
Shin high-fived him, while the fan-girls kept on screaming making us deaf, literally.

“Oh, you guys must be new here… Let me introduced myself! L.Joe,” He pulled out his hand. Aecha shook hand with him while I continue eating. That L.Joe even winked at her.

“He wanted to meet you,” L.Joe patted Shin’s shoulder and leaved.

I stared at Shin, that still eating. “Doesn’t he say someone wanted to meet you?” I asked him,

“None of your business,” he said mockingly.

Just then, L.Joe came again. “Shin?” he called out,
“Just tell him, I gave up already!” he answered, half shout.

@KayyhM double update today.. :DDD
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youngmin22 #1
Chapter 5: Update please author-nim
Taerinhan #2
Chapter 5: Pleasee update author-nim..i really love this story
skydream #3
Chapter 5: author nim, this story is so interesting, please update soon~!
minnie_minA #4
Chapter 5: Please update soon author nim
Chapter 5: aigoo~~ please update soon !! ^^
*PLEASE* Update Soon! Can't wait!
Chapter 5: update soon please!!!>,<
kwangminshypika #8
Please update soon! I'm dying! D':