The Troubled Paradise

Ain't Nothing But Trouble

Onew looked at his children. As always they are perfect, especially his first child Yunho.

"Yunho," Onew smiled, showing his perfect teeth. "How was China?"

Yunho remained looking at the floor, to show respect to his father. "China, as always, is a success." Yunho bowed lightly after he fished his sentence.

Onew said nothing and dropped his smile as he looked at his other son, Siwon. "And what about you Siwon, how was India?"

Siwon gulped. He always had it hard compared to Yunho and Irene. It's probably because he-- "It was also a success."

Onew stared at Siwon for a moment before moving on to his daughter. "What about you sweetheart, how is OC going?"

Irene glared at Onew, staring straight in her father's eyes. Onew did not flinch nor looked away. Instead he gave her his sweet, fond smile he used (Still) give her. Irene looked away and said nothing.

Onew blinks in understand. While Siwon was anticipating what is going to happened next and Yunho, he judge Irene for disrespecting their father.

"I heard you had a rough night." Onew said making Irene roll her eyes. He was talking about when Irene had a break down. "Sehun… He did not know what to do." Onew sighed and shook his head. "I don't know why you want to keep it a secret from him. He is a family after all."

Irene remained silent and Siwon blink at the word family. He doesn't really think of them as a family. "He will find out." Irene's head shoot up and glared at the man she once respected.

When Onew said nothing and did not take his word or explained them, Irene decided she had enough of family meeting and stormed off.

After a while, the men in the room said nothing.

"Speaking of which," Onew starts. "I found something out." Onew moves his strict eye to his first son. "Yunho."

Yunho swallowed. He knew what this about.

"I heard that Changmin and Kai had a… little disagreement." Onew finished.

Yunho said nothing. He didn't know what to say!

"I thought you had him all under control." Onew's voice was strict and sharp. When Yunho said nothing, Onew slap his hand against the table that was between them, making both of his son flinched. "We can't have your son ruining our relationship with the Kim because he had a little tantrum!"

Yunho remained silent because it was the best thing to do.

"Leave, and make sure this incident will not happen again."

Yunho bows and leaves making Onew and Siwon alone.

Onew studied his second son. "You would have been such a great leader…"

Siwon was surprise to hear those words coming out from his father's mouth. "If only…" Onew said nothing after that and left the room, leaving the emotional Siwon inside.


"Mr. Choi, this way please." Minho and his two bodyguards followed Mr. Kim's secretary. The secretary stopped at two big wooden door. "Mr. Kim has been expecting you." She said as she opened the door.

Leeteuk stood up from his chair as soon as he saw Minho. "Does your wife know you’re here, Mr. Choi?" Leeteuk smirks.

Minho couldn't help but smile, because Irene doesn't. Right now Minho is supposed to be at work and not a Kim's. Before Minho could start he gave the two bodyguards a look, telling them to leave the room. "I need a favor." Minho said, smile gone, face serious.

"Ah, of course." Leeteuk signed Minho to sit. "What can I help you with, Mr. Choi?"

Minho sat down. "Sehun, my son, is growing up." Leeteuk raised his chin, knowing where Minho is coming from. "But he does not understand." Minho looks away and back to Leeteuk. "And he is not ready."

"I understand Mr. Choi, my daughter also--" Leeteuk cuts himself. "She also don’t'--won't understand." Leeteuk swallowed. "What would you like me to do?"

Minho sighed. He really hopes he is doing the right thing here. "Make him ready."

Leeteuk furrowed.


The trio were walking away from school. It was almost spring break and Seohyun is listing all her ideas of what she wants to do.

Krystal rolled her eyes at Seohyun as she listed her ideas. "Seohyun that's what you want." Seohyun ignored her. "Oooo, maybe we should go to one of our private islands, uh?" Sehun chuckles a Seohyun for ignoring Krystal. "What about it? I think it’s a good idea--"

"No its not." Krystal interrupts her this time. "All of us, our family, are you crazy?!"

Sehun agrees. "She's right."

"I know." Seohyun her lips. "But I think we need it…" Sehun looked at her, reading between her sentence. "It's only going to be a week right?"

Sehun smiles. "If everyone comes, doubt it though."


Kai was sitting in his room playing one of his game from his counsel, when a loud Seohyun burst in without knocking.

Kai sighed and shook his head. "You never listened."


"It's hyung brat." Kai turns around. Seohyun wasn't by herself of course, her other two half are with her. "Hey Sehun." Kai smirks making the pale boy flushed and Seohyun and Krystal looks at Sehun.

Seohyun looks disturbed and having a second thought asking his brother. "We were thinking of going to an island this spring break." Seohyun glance at Sehun, who looks smitten. "Want to come with us?"

Kai spins around his chair. "Depends, who's going?" Kai was specifically looked up and down at Sehun.

"Ew." Seohyun breath out. "Yes, his going obviously. So far its just us three, well four now sense your coming too now."

Kai said nothing but his smug face was still on so Seohyun took it as a yes and left followed by Krystal and Sehun who shyly wave goodbye.

"Ew Sehun stop." Kai heard Seohyun.


 'So, so far, it's just the four of us." Krystal sighed. "I feel like no one wants to be with us. I feel offended!"

Sehun grunts. "Like you said it was a bad idea."

Seohyun pouts. "Who needs them anyways. We can still go."

"You don't even sound confident." Sehun scoffed


Leeteuk let out a breath. "Minho," Leeteuk starts. "There is nothing I can do to make him be ready for it. It's either he finds out from the hard way or… the hard way." Leeteuk shook his head. "There is no easy way for this."

Minho stayed quite. "What about Seohyun? What are your plans for her?"

Leeteuk is now the one that stayed quite. "I don't, she finds out, she finds out. I don't have control over that." He shook his head. "Minho, since we are friends, I suggested you don't do anything reckless that can destroy your family."

Minho stood up. "My family is already destroyed." 

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 5: sadly no update
Chapter 5: What are they? They seem to be different but i don't have any idea of what they are.
Chapter 4: The one thing I am most curious is what does Seohyun's family have to do with the problems of the Oh's, because clearly they have something behind their sleeves.
MochiUp #4
Chapter 3: Thanks!! I'm curious about what happened with Irene and Minho snd what does Seo needs to understand.
MochiUp #5
Chapter 2: I like it! Work hard and update soon!!