Chapter 2

Fox "whisperer"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Wall…

    The blinds fought against the sunlight, trying to keep it out of the room; however, in the end, the sunlight won and filtered through the blinds. The rays of sunlight illuminated the messy room and dirty floors. The floors were scattered with books, textbooks to be exact, and empty ramen cups. The walls were painted with the most incoherent colors. The human stirred in his sleep and eventually, got out of bed. The pink haired boy tried not to step in empty bowls of MSG and continued over to the restroom. As the boy stared at his complexion, he pondered about life. A loud doorbell immediately disturbed the thinking boy, causing him to jump a little. The pink teen shuffled over to the door, opening the door with a grunt.

“What do you want Mingyu?” the boy said as he gave the taller a glare.

“Oh come on Woozi, today is such a fine day. The sun is out, the robirds are chirping, everything is fine.”

“I hope the sun goes in, the robirds go back, and everything would just go back to being dark.”

“Like your soul?” Mingyu joked.

Once again, Woozi gave Mingyu the glare and let the taller teen walk into his house.

“Did you finish your Math homework? It is supposedly due today.”

The small boy continued to brush his teeth.

“I shall take that as a ‘no’.”

After Woozi finished cleaning himself, he proceeded to add onto the answer.

“I procrastinated on it. I was too lazy to do it so I forgot about it,” Woozi answered.

Woozi heard Mingyu chuckle.
“Eggs and bacon or pancakes and smoothie,” Woozi asked as he poked his head into the fridge.


A ring at the door interrupted Mingyu. The teen sighed and walked over to the door. Today was not his day.

“Shalalalalala,” a boy singed.

“The beautiful angel has graced you with his presence,” a long-haired boy sang.

Woozi forcefully slammed the door in front of his friends and continued on to making breakfast. As he was about to pull out the pancake batter, he heard continuous knocks at the door.

“Mingyu, can you get that?”
Mingyu walked over to the door and pulled the door; however, two boys were also pulled along. The two teens fell face front onto the floor.

“Good morning Jeonghan. Seungkwan.”
“At least give us a warning,” the boy named Seungkwan said as he rubbed his nose.

The two stood up and followed Mingyu over to the couch.

“Where is Jun and Joshua?” Mingyu asked.

“They told us they were going to meet us at school.”
Woozi walked over to the table with plates of pancakes.

“Wow. Woozi can cook?!” Jeonghan joked.

Woozi placed down the last plate and walked over to Jeonghan. The boy raised his arm and lightly punched the so-called angel in the stomach. Jeonghan pretended to fall to the ground and Woozi chuckled. The bunch ate and left for school. On the way to school, Woozi thought he saw a fox shadow; however, the pink-haired teen shrugged the thought off. He knew that it would’ve been impossible for an animal to sneak into the World.


I am so happy that I am getting positive feedback. Thanks for the comments! I have something to explain for Canxiubemybaby. The animals are Seventeen in animal form. They aren’t hybrids, they are just animals and nothing more. They can magically talk to each other because they can(this is a fanfic afterall). Also. rumourhasit12, don’t worry, you shall see them very soon! Sm17eNhyx15 I shall do so and make that couple. Thanks for reading my story. Please continue to read my fanfic. Have a nice day! (ouob)

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fg #1
Waaah.. It so cool, different from other stories.. keep it up..
KimchiCupcakes #2
Chapter 14: Fighting!! I will wait patiently for this haha
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 13: I just hope that being demi human wont affect soonyoung more than it has
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 12: Poor them TT
KimchiCupcakes #5
Chapter 11: Oh no. I think Seungcheol will become human too. Poor hoshi
KimchiCupcakes #6
Chapter 10: Ughh y u do dis. Animals arent meant for u to test and make into humans ffs they have their own rights
Arjei14 #7
Chapter 9: What did they do to hoshi????
They're not turning him into human,right?*imagination's gone wild
iLawlix_ #8
Chapter 8: nONOBONONO HOSHI AND DK NO!1!1!1!
iLawlix_ #9
Chapter 8: nONOBONONO HOSHI AND DK NO!1!1!1!