Chapter 2

It's Not Love!

Baekhee's P.O.V

No gramps, that's not how you use that. Here, let me show you.”
“Those damn phones, I can't figure them out!”
“Calm down, I will show you.”


Baekhee grabs her grandpa's phone as she shows him the basic things like how to turn off the sound and how to turn it back on. She also shows him how to call someone and how to send a text. The rest will have to wait until he has figured out how to call people and how to unlock the phone. And how to answer an incoming call.


Thank you dear, you're so kind.”
“It's no problem gramps.”
“You know, your father was as kind as you. You truly got his heart.”
“And your mothers looks.”
“Oh don't say that... Anyway, should I make dinner tonight?”
“Oh you don't have to do that. Aren't you busy with friends, studying and school?”
“I'm... I'm not that busy.”
“It's your Junior year, aren't you busy?”
“Not really... Not enough to not make dinner.”
“But what about friends? Aren't you going out or something?”
“Actually no, they're busy.”
“Again? Why are they so busy but not you?”
“They got a job, I don't.”
“Is that the truth?”
“If I'm lying, what else possible reason can you think of grandma?”


Baekhee smiles at her grandma who smiles relieved. But to be honest, Baekhee hates to lie to her. Yeah, she lies to her grandparents and it's the most disrespectful thing she has ever done towards them. But on the other hand, it's just a white lie that won't hurt them. As long they think she has friends, nothing should be wrong.


Ah, I just remembered, your mother called.”
“Again? What does she want?”
“Why are you sounding so annoyed? She's your mother.”
“I didn't mean to sound annoyed, sorry. But what did she want?”
“She asked if you were alright like usual, but she also wondered if you could visit her soon again.”
“Your father has also called, he wonders if you're going to celebrate Christmas with your mother or with him.”
“I... I don't know...”
“I think it's about time you make up your mind.”
“I celebrated Christmas with mom last year, so I guess I will celebrate it with dad this year.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
“But mom will get really angry...”
“Doesn't she have a new boyfriend?”
“Yeah, she does and she wants me to be there and show him how good of a family we are.”


Baekhee watches her grandpa chuckle while her grandma scolds him. Baekhee agrees with her grandpa, they're not really a “family” anymore. But on the other hand, she doesn't hate her parents. She just... doesn't live with them anymore.


But Baekhee, I think it's time we talk a little.”
“Talk about what?”
“Well... We're getting old you know, we can't stay young forever.”
“I know that, that's why I'm cooking as much as I can and-”
“Baekhee... It feels like you don't have any life beside being home and taking care of us.”
“I-I do have a life, it's not like you think.”
“We know that you won't really like this idea, but why don't you move back to one of your parents? Just for a while. Try it out and see how it feels like.”
“But I can't choose one. Someone will get upset and I don't want that to happen...”
“We don't know who you should choose either, but I think that it's better if you move back to one of your parents.”
“Well... They both are busy with their new lives...”
“They haven't forgotten you Baekhee, don't think that.”
“Not? My mother got a new boyfriend and they're going to move in with each other and my father is already living with his girlfriend.”
“Baekhee... They have just moved on, but they don't hate you.”


Baekhee just sighs as she curls together on the couch. Her grandparents stare at her as she avoids their glances. Maybe they're right? They just want her to be happy, she knows that. But she doesn't want to make her parents sad or upset with her choices. She just wants to stay with her grandparents until she can move out into an apartment and live on her own.


Then why don't I just move out on my own?”
“I don't really need anyone to watch over me, all I need is myself and food and somewhere to sleep.”
“Baekhee, that's not what we meant when we brought up this topic.”
“We just want you to get closer to your parents again.”
“I know that, but I just can't choose and I can't stay here like forever. I'm probably bothering you soon and I don't want that to happen.”
“Baekhee, we don't want you to feel like that.”
“But I understand and I'm fine with it. I will talk with mom and dad about it and see what we can get out of it.”
“Baekhee... just don't rush things too much, okay?”
“Okay... I will think about it.”


Baekhee nods a little for herself as her grandparents sit and talk about the weird neighbor. Actually, the thought of moving out into an own apartment suddenly sounds really good. She won't have to lie about not having any real friends and she can stay up as late as she wants and go up as early as she wants. She will be able to study as much as she can and still have time to cook and clean her own place.

Baekhee feels how she smiles as she closes her eyes. She's already looking forward to moving out. Even if she isn't allowed to do that now, she will still move out in the future. But until then, she can only dream about it.




Absolutely not! You're too young!”
“But mom, I'm 17 years old!”
“No! Absolutely not! You're still in high school and you live too far away from me and your father if something happens!”
“B-But I got grandma and grandpa.”
“They can't help you all the time Baekhee! Why don't you just come and live with me if you're tired of your grandparents? We still got an empty room that you can use.”
“Mom... Dad said it was a good idea...”
“Don't listen to that fool, he's just being foolish and is only thinking about himself.”
“He's not. He listened to what I had to say and said that if I promised to keep my grades up, he would let me live on my own.”
“And you think you will manage everything on your own? Where will you get the money? The food? How will you pay the rent?”
“Dad said you two could pay for it until I have gotten a part time job...”
“What?! He can't go around and promise things like that!”
“Please don't scream, it's so unnecessary to scream.”
“I don't care! Hey, why can't you just come and live with me? We're both girls and you're old enough to hangout with me at the mall and at the hair saloon and-”
“I'm sorry... But I said that either I stay with grandma and grandpa or live on my own. I won't pick between you and dad, that's why I want to move out.”
“Seriously? You're being so childish. None of us would get upset if you chose to live with one of us.”
“Then it's okay for me to live with dad?”
“W-Why your father? I-I mean, we're both women and I thought you would be happier here-”
“See, you're getting upset right away. Please mom, just let me live on my own and help me out. Please.”
“I don't know, what if something happens? Busan is at least up to 4 hours away with car, it's not like we can come and help you if something happens. And your grandparents are getting old too.”
“Then... Then what about I come and live in Seoul near you and dad?”
“Well... It would make things easier for sure.”
“And I will be able to see you more often too.”
“That's... true...”
“I think dad also would like that to happen mom. Don't you want to see me more often?”
“Of course I do, don't think otherwise!”
“Then can you at least consider this idea a little more and support me? Please?”


Baekhee listens to the silence for a long while. Her mother is literally considering this! Baekhee feels how she bites her lower lip and listens to the silence until her mother's voice comes back on.


Fine, I will call your father and talk with him. It's not a yes though! We have to look over our economy and see if we have enough of money to pay for your food and rent. And we have to find a place for you to live and that will be hard too. I won't say yes until your father has discussed this matter with me.”
“Thank you mom! This really means a lot to me!”
“But remember, you will have to get a part time job to help us out to pay everything too.”
“I promise I will help!”
“Remember, it's still not a yes Baekhee. But I will discuss it with your father. Now, if you don't have anything else to tell me, I will have to go.”
“Okay, I hear from you soon then.”


Baekhee talks a little longer with her mother and they say their goodbyes before they hangup on the phone. Baekhee smiles like fool for herself, she might actually get her own apartment! But it's not sure yet, her mother is really tricky to understand and Baekhee isn't sure if she had managed to convince her mother that it's a good idea. But at least she has tried, right?


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Yah, you're too tall!”
“And who called me shorty for a few years ago?!”


Chanyeol mocks the other players as he scores once again. The basketball rolls over the ground after Chanyeol has dunked it down into the basket hoop. The girls cheers for him from a bench near the court as he flashes a bright smile towards them.


Yah, if you want to be a part of the basketball team, you have to be better!”


Chanyeol mocks the Freshmen kids who think they're better than him and the other Juniors and Seniors. They're just newbies, they have no idea how to actually play basket. Chanyeol plays with them for a long time, getting more and more cheers from the crowd that gathers around the court until the Freshmen kids finally give up.


Fine, we won't mock you again!”
“Chanyeol, you're too harsh towards them!”
“What? They mocked me and said I . I just proved that I'm not that bad.”


Kris sighs from the other side of the court as he comes over and takes the ball from Chanyeol. They begin to play against each other like they always do during the practice and as usual, they're as good as the other one. Their games always end up being tied all the time! No one wins and no one loses, but Chanyeol guesses that's just natural since they're equally strong and skilled.


Park, today I will win for sure!”
“Hell no Wu!”


Chanyeol blocks Kris who has to find another way around him as they keep run all over the court, blocking each other or shoot a few shots towards the hoop. The crowd cheer them on until the school bell suddenly rings and the game ends. As usual, the game ends up being a tie.


Dammit! You're too good Park!”
“You're not that bad either Wu!”


Chanyeol laughs with Kris who thanks him for a good game before they begin to walk towards the classrooms. They talk a little more about their last game with the basketball team and how well it went. And like usual, they only talk about basketball after they had mentioned the game.


Well, here's my classroom. I will see you later Kris.”
“Yeah, I see you at the training.”


Chanyeol smiles as he walks into his classroom and finds his seat. He manages to come in time before the teacher walks into the classrom. Chanyeol feels the relief wash over him as he leans back in the chair and relaxes a little bit while the teacher gets his things ready and begins to write on the black board.


Okay class, today we will talk about the war that occurred...”


Of course, it' history class today. Chanyeol isn't that interested in history, it's not boring but it's not fun either. He rather have P.E classes than history classes. But of course it's not up to him to decide what classes he should read and so on.


So if everyone picks up their books and take a look at page 204...”


Chanyeol feels how he moves on his own. He's not actually listening to his teacher, yet he picks up the book and turn to the page that was mentioned and stares at it. He's so used to space out during his classes that he moves on his own. That's actually quite scary to be honest.


So, during year...”


The classroom is silent except for the teacher's voice echoing through it. Chanyeol stares at the text in the book without reading it as he sighs mentally. He's not the studying type, yet he has pretty good grades. He doesn't have any problems with learning, but he doesn't like studying. Who does? Well, some do like studying...




Like usual, after school Chanyeol goes straight to the P.E hall where he and the school's basketball team meets up to practice. They practice different passes and shoots, but also dribbling and running. They sometimes just go out and run a couple of blocks and then stretch afterwards.

It's not weird, it's a basketball training after all. You need to have to be pretty fit, you can't be lazy and walk around on a basketball court. The game is fast and intense, you have to have a good stamina to be able to play the whole game out. But of course the coach switch players during the game so everyone can rest a bit and make sure that no one gets too exhausted so they can't play or come to the practice the next day.


Hey Chanyeol, let's have a game at the end of the practice!”
“I don't know Wu, we just can't beat each other.”
“Are you chickening out?”
“No, not really, I'm just not interested to play against you until I have gotten better.”
“Ha! Like I will let you win!”


Chanyeol smirks as Sehun and Kai, two other members of the basketball team, sigh and tell them they're being more childish than them. Chanyeol doesn't agree with them, but he doesn't have the power to argue against them either.


So did anything exciting happen today? Something new?”
“No, not really. Everything is just like always.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
“Did antyhing nice happen today?”
“I got to play against Kris.”
“And I got to play against Chanyeol.”
“Oh, that sounds... normal.”
“Well, it is.”
“God, we need to do something new for once.”
“What about a gaming night?”
“Dude, we do that a lot too.”
“Oh right... Then what about going shopping?”
“Haha, I don't know if that's something we should do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Imagine us going shopping! We will buy all weird kind of stuff!”


Sehun laughs as Kai nods, but Chanyeol and Kris stare seriously at them. They wouldn't buy weird stuff, they would actually get fashionable clothes. Oh god... Are they becoming gay?! Chanyeol truly doesn't hope so!


Anyway, shopping you said?”


Chanyeol's P.O.V

Chanyeol sighs tired as he puts away the empty bowl. He has just eaten his plain and totally boring bowl of cereals to breakfast. Though he can't help to admit that cereals is the best breakfast he can eat and manage before going to school. His mother doesn't have time to make his breakfast and he's way too old to let her make his breakfast.


By sweetheart, I'm off now!”
“Bye mom! Have a nice day!”
“You too!”


Chanyeol hurries up to his room as he changes his clothes. He knows that after his mother has left, he only has 15 minutes to get to school before his first class begins. But with the bus, it only takes 7 minutes to school. But if it is running late, he might only have three minutes to get to his classroom.

Chanyeol hurries to fix his hair a little quickly before he hurries to go downstairs and get his shoes and jacket on. Just when he gets his shoes and jacket on, the door to the house gets open as his father comes in with a smile. What is he doing here? He's supposed to be at work by now.


D-Dad, what are you doing here?”
“I forgot some things. Are you heading for school?”
“Ah yeah, I was thinking to take the bus.”
“Then let me drive you. It's on my way back to work anyway.”
“Really? Thanks dad, you're the best!”
“Haha, no problem. So, any games coming up this weekend?”


Chanyeol thought a little about the weekend ahead of him while his father fetches a couple of papers in the living room.


Yeah, I think so. If there isn't any game we will at least have two hours practice on Sunday.”
“That's good, I'm glad to hear that you practice a lot. Just don't forget to study.”
“I know dad, I promise to study well.”
“That's my boy. Now, shall we go?”
“Yeah, let's go.”


Chanyeol follows his father to the car and gets in. It's a quite luxury to get a ride to school from his parents, so that's why Chanyeol feels a little extra happy today. Chanyeol smiles like a fool as he watches the cars pass him by outside the window. After only some few minutes, they arrived to the school.


There you go son, have a nice day.”
“Thanks dad! Have a nice day as well! See you tonight then!”
“See you tonight!”


Chanyeol hurries out of the car and closes the door after him before he lets the car drive away. Chanyeol takes a quick glance at his watch as he smiles, he's actually early today! The class begins in 10 minutes, so he's not in a hurry for once.

Chanyeol begins to walk towards his classroom right away as he gets lost in his thoughts about today's classes. He has math and English class today, oh and P.E at the end of the day. But he also have Korean class and he thinks he has history class today as well.

Chanyeol almost sighs out loud as he suddenly feels how someone grabs him and pulls him down a bit. Chanyeol stares shocked at Sehun who tries to talk to him, but his words get mixed as excited he sounds. Kai gasps for air as he pushes Sehun to the side to say what Sehun said, but in Korean.


Hot chick!I swear, she's the hottest girl I have seen at this school!”
“Are you deaf?!”


Sehun asks as he takes a couple of deep breaths to catch his breath. While he does that, Kai continues to talk.


I saw her walk with the principal, so she must be new!”
“New? We got a new student?”
“And she's hot!”
“She's hot? Really? You're not joking, right?”
“You bastard, we saw her enter your classroom! Why must you get the hottest girls?!”
“Can you stop screaming? I won't say she's the hottest girl until I have seen her.”
“And you got P.E with her today! You lucky derp!”
“Haha, I guess I am lucky if she's really that hot. Well then, I will go and have a look at this new hot girl.”
“We saw her first, so don't you dare to take her from us!”
“I can't promise to not flirt with her, that's all I have to say.”


Chanyeol just teases them, he won't flirt with the girl if she isn't his type. There aren't many girls whom are his type, but when he finds someone who he really likes, he can't hold himself back. Sure, there are many hot and pretty girls at their school, but their personalities aren't his style.

Omo, Chanyeol sounds like Kris! He has been with him way too much! Chanyeol shakes the thoughts away fast as he enters his classroom. The first thing he sees is that mostly of the girls sits in a corner of the classroom and glares at a person who sits alone, but Chanyeol can tell that everyone has their eyes on the person.

Chanyeol stares at her as well as he feels how he nearly gasps. The person who sits alone is a girl who looks scary familiar, but he has to say that she's definitely not like the other girls at the school. She has long brown hair that looks so healthy and lively and those dark brown eyes are pretty big, but not as big that she looks like an owl. The pale skin match the marine blue school uniform perfectly and the long brown hair is braided and hangs perfectly over one of her shoulders.

She's beautiful. Chanyeol is left speechless as he stands and stares at her like a fool, just like the other boys in his class. The girls glares at him too as he wakes up from the hypnotized state he was in. He smiles awkwardly at the girls who go back to glare at the poor new girl who hasn't really done anything to get the attention she has.

Chanyeol finds his seat as he is fast to notice that he has the seat right behind the new girl. Great, now he can sit and stare at her for the whole class! Not to sound creepy, but her beauty is just... It's hard to explain, it's like she's a plain normal girl, but she somehow has a secret charm that makes her seem more beautiful than she should be.

Chanyeol watches the teacher step into the classroom as he smiles at the new girl who smiles back at him. Chanyeol almost dies when he sees her weak smile. It isn't much to a smile, but the weak smile is so hypnotizing. Chanyeol wonders if she has a boyfriend, he means she's really beautiful and there must be many guys who has asked her out.

The teacher begins the class as everyone is forced to sit down at their seats and concentrate on the class. But Chanyeol can't help but to glance over at the new girl who never introduced herself in the beginning of the class. He wonders when he will get to know her name.


Ayo guys! ^.^

So the second chapter is up, which I think is great! I'm also sorry for the delay with posting it, I was caught up with work and didn't have the power or time to post it until today! ^.^

Thank you all for your wonderful support, I hope you enjoy reading this fiction and will support it till the end! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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Luc4sLuke #1
this story is really cute.
Chapter 6: Awwwwwwwwww!!!! Omo I can't wait until your next update!!!! <3
Tbh you re my fav writer i read almosy allof ur ff kkkk