
Teen Top Plus+1

Yo! since i haven't have d mood to continue from the prevoius chapter, so i did a spoiler! Tadda! leave a comment will you??


“Whoa, he’s practically a sleeping machine. He just woke up 3 hours ago and went out to buy groceries and he is already flat?”  I commented on the sleeping boy at the L-shaped sofa.

“Machine? What machine?” Clueless Ricky asked as he sat down on the couch opposite you. He just finish his dinner, a little sauce from the pizza is still visible at the corner of his lips.

I stared at his dirty lips. In realization, he the sauce and smacked his lips. I gulped as my stomach growled.    

“She said Changjo is a sleeping machine. I agree with Plus. He keeps sleeping in the day but he can’t sleep at night. Poor boy.”  CAP stated, not looking up from his video game.

“I say CAP Hyung is a game machine. He never loses the video game.”

“I say you are eating machine.” Oh no, here comes the taunting.

“If I’m an eating machine then you are a taunting machine, L.Joe” I said it with a duh manner.

“I say L.Joe hyung is a meanie machine!”  Niel said as he popped out of nowhere.

“I’m the dance machine for sure!” Changjo said as he rubbed his eyes.

“Sleepy dance machine!” Niel corrected.

“Chunji hyung is the puzzle machine for sure!” Ricky taped his forehead thought fully.

“Hey, I got an idea. We write what machine we think each other is!” I suggested.

“Ok, I go get paper and pens.”Changjo volunteered.

“And Chunji Oppa too!” You half-shouted to Changjo.

Soon,  all of us are scribbling on the papers. Then, we read them out loud. CAP go first because he is the oldest.

“Me: Rap and game machine,

Chunji: Puzzle machine, Hello Kitty machine

L.Joe: Annoying and ert machine.

Niel: Ear-busting machine.

Ricky: Useless aegyo machine.

Changjo: Sleep-Dancing machine.

Plus: Washing+ Cleaning Machine”

Everyone looks like this (O_o) and CAP looks like this (==||) with did-I-go-too-far written all over his face.

To his surprise, everyone started laughing at each other.

“WASHING MACHINE!” Clearly that’s L.Joe.

“Oppa…” I growled.

Everyone finish their list and read it off. I got tied with Changjo on the eating machine part.

“ I eat more than Plus, I swear on it. NO WAY I’m tied!” Changjo kept whining on it.

“No no no ,Plus eats more. The refrigerator doors are falling apart because of her!” CAP somehow backed me up.

“Yah, I don’t lose when it comes to food. I want a match!” I exclaimed, challenging ChangJo.

“Oh a match! Me like!” Niel and Ricky said together.

“So, maknae. You are not a coward right? A match tomorrow, we eat dubboki.” I challenge very confidently.

“Yah, who are you calling a maknae?! Imma your oppa! Be ready to go down, broomstick!” Changjo can’t resist the challenge, and accepted before storming back to his room.

Come on baby, I got a strong digestive ACID get ready to lose to the Almighty Plus!


so who is this Plus? Guesses anybody?



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articuno #1
@ AsianDanG657: nah....i just don't want to update for a few weeks maybe? Just to keep you guys on your toes~ *wriggles eyebrow*
Ohh. . . I wanna know who knows next. . . :3 *CURIOUS MODE ON*!!
Thia Chapter was great ^_^, ahh i was confused at first until i read ChunJoe's fight about his eye liner hehe L.joe you and your eye liner is priceless,
good job, fighting
The chapter was cute, same with this one awww chunjoe are fighting
ah that reminds me, Will changjo fall for his noona lol ^_^ he seem to like her
articuno #5
@heejungie; thanks, i'm not THAT great..thanks again... *bows 90 degrees* would you like a subservice?
Omo...i love this fic!!!~ <3
i can't wait for the next chapter :D
articuno #7
@kkcherryme: never mind. thanks. i will get my beUTY SLEEp ASAP
soory i acidently clicked on unsubcribe unnie so dont worry i still like you fic update soon fighting~!
hope you get enough sleep and take your time~
articuno #9
@ MulticultureINSPIRIT , wat's cute?