Chapter 5: Top media lift incident.

Teen Top Plus+1

3rd person P.O.V

“Rin…” You said as you tossed and turned in your bed. You opened your eyes and blinked a few times. The room is quite dark since it’s raining; dense dark clouds shield the city from the warm sunlight. You glanced at your wrist watch 6.36AM. You snuggled back to sleep again. Suddenly, your blanket start to fall off, you didn’t care and curled up in a ball and continue sleeping since your work start at 11AM.

Few minutes later, your face was being sprayed with water. Mists gather at your face forming droplets. Soon, the droplets gathered at your eyelid, seeping into your eye. Lazily wiping it away with your long sleeve, you turn back to dreamland highway.

Suddenly, you felt a hand at your thigh, caressing your thigh. Annoyed, you slapped it away.  Persisting, it came back and start to move towards your*erhm* junior. You jolted awake, one hand became two and it’s roaming all over your lower body part. Suddenly, it slapped and grabbed your .

On cue, you jerked up and jumped off the bed and landed on the floor instead.

Your P.O.V      

OMG there’s a molester in the house! What should I do?

I know! Rina can help me, she know judo.

“Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa! Help me!” I screamed on top of my lungs.

…Tic Toc Tic Toc…

Nothing, maybe she didn’t hear me.

“Yoo ChaeRin! There is a crazy ert in my room!! Help meeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!” I think heard my glass panel breaking.

“Darling…”Rina pop out from who-knows-where scaring me to half death. But she seems calm enough.

I jumped on her and scream again.

“Ooff, your face is priceless! Help meeeeee!!!!!Ahahahahaha….very funny.” She imitated my scream and sat on the floor pounding her fist there. Yeah I forgot, Rina IS the ert.

“Yes…yes very funny…ahaha…ahaha…”I speak in the bored manner while folding my blankets and puffing my pillow. Then, I left the room of course with Rina still laughing her head off.

Ugh, bad wake up call= bad morning.

First thing to do is on my computer on check out AFF of course. Ah, there’s a new wall post.



Enter this contest to win a golden chance to shine as a famous script writer!

Submit your script foreword and descriptions to this email below:

[email protected]

by xx/xx/xxxx

for more information please contact Manager Jang at


Aha, one of my noona from Malaysia posted it. Scrolling down there is a message too.

“Onlyjjang, I wish you luck in this competition. I know how much you like this job, so give your best shot and beat the other contestants out there!  ~Love, unnie.”

Yeh, noona I will win this and have my dream job and the payment too! I’ll do it now! Immediately I dial the number there to confirm its not a bluff. You know I hate pragriszng A LOT.

“Good Morning, this is TOP Media Cooperation. May I help you?” A lady

“Yeobuseyo? I’m calling about the drama script writing contest.” I said to the receptionist.

“Sure, please wait a second, I will connect you to Manager Jang’s assistant ” A beep followed after.

“Hello, I’m Manager Jang’s PA, May I help you?” A young lady’s voice is heard through the phone.

“The script writing contest, how can I enter it?” I asked.

And soon I am at TOP Media to send in my prewritten script. The noona said I would have a higher chance of being picked by sending it myself there. I ask the ajummma at the reception counter for direction to Manager Jang’s office. She looked at me and said;

“You should go for the audition, you’re very pretty. And here’s the way to Manager Jang’s office.”

I took the card with neat handwriting from her and said thank you.

“Have a nice day, aggashi.” She smiled at me.

I smiled broadly and walked away, but then realized AGGASHI!

Pssh, what’s the matter with people these days? Boys dolled up like girls and vice versa. Can’t you see I’m dressed in sleeveless hoodie and cargo pants?(like the one in chapter 1) Can’t you see my abs? Oh yeah, I’m not shirtless and my arms aren’t that manly either…haha…*awkward*

8th floor, left wing, Room no. 5.  I boarded the lift, but when I reach the 6th floor the door opened. A group of boys squeezed in so I was squeezed to the back. 6th floor, practice rooms, I recalled from the info plate at the lobby.

Suddenly, my foot was being stepped. I glared at the foot then trailed up towards the owner of the foot. Yah, you’re so dead, my PRECISE WHITE sneakers!

“Yah! My shoe is DIRTY! Apologize now!” I roared at the cubby cheek boy.

“Its not my fault! Hyung pushed me!” He glared at another boy with long hair and thick lips.

“What? Its an accident, Ricky kept bumped in to me when he came in!” He  then look at another baby faced boy called Ricky.

“Hey, the lift was closing. I don’t want to be clipped by the lift and you are standing so far out, that I don’t have enough space to stand, so i…” He started his super long explanation, burning my patience.

“Stop, Changjo. Just apologize.” Another boy which looks like a gangster their leader said sternly.

I glared at the boy called Changjo, taunting him to apologise.

“DON’T apologize. Its not our fault.” The fifth boy who was playing with his phone from just now suddenly spoke….



A.Note: halo! Guess who is that…comment and subscribe please…love all of you guys out there…don’t hesitate to comment and bash me if i have a lot of mistakes(not too harsh) Have a nice night…

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articuno #1
@ AsianDanG657: nah....i just don't want to update for a few weeks maybe? Just to keep you guys on your toes~ *wriggles eyebrow*
Ohh. . . I wanna know who knows next. . . :3 *CURIOUS MODE ON*!!
Thia Chapter was great ^_^, ahh i was confused at first until i read ChunJoe's fight about his eye liner hehe L.joe you and your eye liner is priceless,
good job, fighting
The chapter was cute, same with this one awww chunjoe are fighting
ah that reminds me, Will changjo fall for his noona lol ^_^ he seem to like her
articuno #5
@heejungie; thanks, i'm not THAT great..thanks again... *bows 90 degrees* would you like a subservice?
Omo...i love this fic!!!~ <3
i can't wait for the next chapter :D
articuno #7
@kkcherryme: never mind. thanks. i will get my beUTY SLEEp ASAP
soory i acidently clicked on unsubcribe unnie so dont worry i still like you fic update soon fighting~!
hope you get enough sleep and take your time~
articuno #9
@ MulticultureINSPIRIT , wat's cute?