Oh! Its you!

Teen Top Plus+1

3rd person P.O.V

You reached home  after the 15 minutes’ walk.(Plus walking up the stairs to the third floor) You opened the door and flick the switch on. You bath and changed out from “Park HyeWon” to nerdy boy. While wearing your clothes, suddenly there was a blackout. Finding your way to the main switch box wasn’t easily, you tripped over two cushions, one coffee table and your backpack. But eventually you survived, and made it to the box. Fumbling with it for a while, you still can’t get it working.

“There must be some repair going on.” You mumbled to yourself.

 The room is getting stuffy and very hot. You put on a long-sleeved hoodie and headed outside. (You were wearing a track bottom as your pajamas, so you didn’t change your pants.) With your hands are stuffed inside the pockets you strolled around the area. You entered a 7-11 store to buy some lollipops and a cup of coffee.  After stirring your coffee with a vanilla flavored lollipop, you finish it in a flash and walked out from the store. on the lollipop you casually strolled the street, the night came to life with all the music, hotties and nightclub. Some of the girls scoffed at your nerdy look.

While buying and stuffing your mouth with some food from the food stalls, someone bumped into you. (your chest to be exact)

“Oof, Hi there! I’m sorry!”

 Looking through your glasses, you eyed a young girl around your age in a low cut blouse, rugged shorts and knee-length boots. Her straight hair was let down, bangs slightly covering her face.

“Urmm,hyeyo?(Hello)” You tried replying with your mouthful.(bad choice you look disgusting)

“I’m sorry, I need to rush off. See ya!” She apologized and ran off in a direction.

Looking at your watch, you started head home with your spicy rice cake in a plastic bag. Throwing away the lollipop stick, you on a new cola flavored lollipop. Whistling on Troublemaker tune, you break into some dance moves while walking. Luckily, you are at a deserted street, so nobody saw you blushing. You can dance really well but never dance in front of people before only to your sister.

“Nononono, get off me I don’t want to do it! Heffffff…..”A scream broke out then muffled. Then, you saw two bodies at an alley. The girl is struggling, while the boy pinned her to the wall. Just then, the girl’s face caught a glimpse of moonlight.

Your eyes widened in surprised, it was the girl that bumped into you earlier. Your protective instinct kicks in; you walked up to the man and shouted,

“Yah! Free the girl!”

The boy turns around and looked at you in the eye. You daringly stared back.

“What are you going to do? Huh, nerd? You can’t even kill a fly. Let me finish you first.” He threw a punched at you. You caught it in time and twisted it while you mouth the girl “Run”. The girl started running away and of course, the boy was FURIOUS.

“Yah! Let me finish you off, goody shoes!”

With that, a fight broke between both of you. As he kept throwing punches, you merely dodge them. The boy made a surprise move, punching you in the face causing your spectacles to fall off. Then, he steps on them crushing them.

“You can see anymore! Blind bat!” He taunted you. Firing up, you stared boxing him in the stomach. Both of you throw punches and kicks at each other. Without your glasses you fight better (strange huh?) When both of you start to run out of breath, you caught one of the coming fist and twisted it behind his body, causing him major pain, hurting him.

“ARGH, you’re strong. I’m sorry for messing with your girlfriend. Let me go.” The boy was surprised with his strength and started pleading.

You threw him a warning look then let his hand go. Rubbing his sore and sprained arm, he ran away in a flash. Dusting yourself, you picked up the crushed spectacle on the floor, sighing.

“How can I pay for another spectacle? I’m not very comfortable with contacts lens…*sigh*I should have killed him for breaking me spectacles…” You examined the remains of your crushed spectacles, talking to yourself a bit too loud.

“I’ll buy another one for you! And thank you for helping me!”  You looked up and saw a blurred vision of a girl, you squinted and the vision cleared, the girl started to walk towards you. The person seems familiar, but not quite.

“Park ~~~~? It’s really you! Annyeong dongseang! ”

Rinnie’s P.O.V

I almost got into trouble when this super dorky boy came.
“Yah! Free the girl!” He shouted, I gasped. He sounded like my favorite, cute. handsome donseang but…he don’t look like him. He mouthed me to run, so I ran but hid between some trashes and watched them fight. Suddenly, he got punched by the jerk and his spectacles fell off. The moonlight seem to focus on his face, making it sort of angelic a familiar angelic face, Park~~~~!

He got super-duper angry and well, the guy is doomed.  But ~~~~ let him go, seem like his temper problem is gone. After the jerk ran away, I walked towards ~~~~. Seeing him mourning over his crushed spectacles, make me want to howl in laughter. Just a minute ago he was fighting like there’s no tomorrow, next minute he’s mourning over a SPECTACLE? Muhahahah. He never fail to amuse me.

ANote: I made it a bit shorter so it has a cliffhanger. Stay tuned, the next half will be coming!

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articuno #1
@ AsianDanG657: nah....i just don't want to update for a few weeks maybe? Just to keep you guys on your toes~ *wriggles eyebrow*
Ohh. . . I wanna know who knows next. . . :3 *CURIOUS MODE ON*!!
Thia Chapter was great ^_^, ahh i was confused at first until i read ChunJoe's fight about his eye liner hehe L.joe you and your eye liner is priceless,
good job, fighting
The chapter was cute, same with this one awww chunjoe are fighting
ah that reminds me, Will changjo fall for his noona lol ^_^ he seem to like her
articuno #5
@heejungie; thanks, i'm not THAT great..thanks again... *bows 90 degrees* would you like a subservice?
Omo...i love this fic!!!~ <3
i can't wait for the next chapter :D
articuno #7
@kkcherryme: never mind. thanks. i will get my beUTY SLEEp ASAP
soory i acidently clicked on unsubcribe unnie so dont worry i still like you fic update soon fighting~!
hope you get enough sleep and take your time~
articuno #9
@ MulticultureINSPIRIT , wat's cute?