
love yourself


Jimin cleaned the dirty tables with a dripping wet towel. Her clothes were spattered with beer, spit and a lot of ketchup. She worked in a small maid cafe in downtown Seoul where drunkards often came to molest the waitresses. She sighed and glanced at her phone that read 11:57 p.m. Today was New Years Eve and at midnight she would become an adult. But that wouldn't matter because her shift ended at 2 a.m. 

Most of her friends were either with family or performing shows. If anyone found out an idol was part time working at a ty maid cafe, her chances of releasing any new music would be slim. Luckily, after 6 months, very few customers recognized her but forgot with a couple shots. 

The door opened and a man walked in and sat in a booth. Her other coworker was reorganizing their alcohol so Jimin walked up to him and asked, "What would you like oppa?" 

Before he could speak the clock behind her chimed twelve times and at the last chime he put his hand in his pocket and placed 57¢ on the table.

"Happy New Years," he said before standing up and walking out. 

She assumed it was an odd tip and took the coins. After that, no one came and her shift ended. Jimin was too tired to even change and shoved her change of clothes into her purse. She walked out strolled along the worn path where couples went to make out behind their cafe. Stars glittered in the sky and everything was silent.

When she came to her favorite water fountain, Jimin took out the 57¢ and whispered to herself, "I wish to enjoy life to its fullest," and tossed all of the coins into the water. She stood there for another minute or two before continuing on her way to her apartment. 

While she was walking, a drowsy woman walked up to her, sobbing. She said nothing but simply pulled Jimin into her tight embrace. Jimin struggled against her until the woman released her, turned around, and stumbled back down the road. She stood in the middle of the street and waited for a car to come. 

Jimin watched in horror as a truck came full speed at her and ran over her. She couldn't find the energy to shut her eyes. Quickly, she rushed down the sidewalk back to her apartment. What a cruel person she was, not even checking to see if the woman was alive. Slamming the door shut, she heard moans of lust coming from the apartment next to hers, which belonged to her dear friend Baek Yerin. 

What was she doing at this time on New Years? It seemed to her that Yerin had now truly become a woman. Hopefully, this wouldn't cause any trouble for 15&. It'd be an affair with her fans if anyone found out. 

Discarding her maid outfit on the floor, Jimin layed down on the cool wood of the apartment in her undergarments and fell asleep. 

Jimin felt a soft tap on her stomach and she let out a small giggle. Yerin said, "Morning Jimin!" 

Jimin's eyes fluttered open and she sat up. The clock read 9:30 a.m. "!" she yelled, earning a disapproved look from Yerin. "You're the one who had last night," Jimin retorted and Yerin blushed a deep red. "I thought you were asleep. But anyways, we're late Jimin, hurry up!"

Jimin stood up and ran to her closet and pulled on a warm sweater and leggings. Pulling on her favorite pair of boots. She shouted, "Let's go!" Climbing into Yerin's car, they drove to a Thai restaurant nearby. To celebrate their adultery, Jimin had promised Yerin, Bambam, and Yugyeom that they'd drink and eat breakfast at a Thai restaurant. Although they agreed to meet at 9 am, it was already 45 minutes past. 

When they walked in and sat down, Bambam immediately whined, "Why are you guys so late?" 

"Reasons," Jimin replied. Yerin was the only one who knew she worked at a maid cafe. If anyone else knew, her reputation would definitely be in danger. 

"Whatever, we're already almost done so hurry up and order," Yugyeom said. 

A waitress came to take their orders but before Jimin could open , she realized the lady looked exactly like the woman who committed suicide last night.

"I-I'm actually not hungry," she stuttered.

Yerin ordered pancakes and a glass of white wine and glanced at Jimin uneasily. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah. Completely fine."

Bambam and Yugyeom also wore worried expressions.

"It's rare for our Jimin to not be hungry," Bambam lightly teased. 

"Hey!" Jimin flicked his forehead.

He smiled back. His violent Jimin was back. 

After Yerin finished eating, she said she had somewhere to go and told Jimin to go with Yugyeom and Bambam. 

"Time to go see my oppas!" Jimin exclaimed.

"You really are bipolar sometimes Jimin," Yugyeom observed. 

"What is that supposed to mean?!" She punched the tall boy and said, "You're getting too tall these days Yugyeommie. You too Bambam!" The giant maknaes laughed and pinched her cheeks. 

When they arrived at the JYP building, Jimin made a beeline for Got7's practice room. She missed a certain someone after not seeing his face for a week. When she opened the door she saw the rest of the members except for Mark. 

"Where's Mark oppa?" Jimin asked. 

Youngjae answered, " He's a little hungover at our dorms." 

"Oh," she sighed. 

"Does my Jimin miss Mark and not me?" Junior pouted. 

"I see your face too many times a day, oppa." she pointed out.

"But I don't see yours just enough," 

"Smooth," Jackson said from behind. 

Everyone bursted into laughter. It was nice hanging out with family like this. She loved all of her friends dearly. If only one day she wouldn't lose them.

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Elizabethxnndd #1
Chapter 4: Please update soon
tehanie #2
Chapter 4: update soon pleaseee new subscriber hereee :-)
Chapter 4: showing her true self???? her wanting to share music she wrote for others, wanting to show herself??? How is that a bad thing?
if you also mean that Yerin wrote something bad about Jimin, please, check YerinB Supporters on twitters bcs they translated this fragment wrongly at first and now they have corrected their translations

Although I rly liked this story, I am very close to unsubscribing.
Briannalyn88 #4
Chapter 5: Yes, do drabbles/one shots compilation!! I know it'll be really good
CCCookie #5
Chapter 5: If it's really what you want then I have nothing against drabbles/one shots. It sounds like a good idea too. Whatever it is that you'd like to make, I'll be looking forward to it. ;)
Lizzy2Liz #6
Chapter 3: Omg you can't stop now!!!!! I need to know what happens next!!!! Ahhhh
Chapter 3: thats all ..... :(((((((((((((( Thank You for updating...
Chapter 3: finally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~