angel of assassination


a game where everyone thinks they have everyone else in the palm of their hand. 


after jimin's parents were murdered by a gang and left her with a humongous debt, the gang leader gave her two options; either join the gang and become his eternal slave or die. now, she serves as the gang's assassin to infiltrate and murder their enemies. 


jaebum was once an innocent child but after a supreme court judge ruled his father guilty for a crime he never comitted and sentenced him to life in prison, he vowed to kill him and all of his loved ones. he built a small gang and began to slowly take over underground seoul.


brian never really knew what job he wanted when he grew up, but after witnessing a young boy commit suicide by jumping off a bridge late at night, he ran after him and swam into the freezing water. he barely managed to save the boy's life and the experience sparked a strong sense of justice within him. he suddenly decided to go through training to become a police officer in order to save more people in need. 


taehyung has always been a slightly strange person. he's a detective who never gets shaken by crime scenes and his favorite fruit are strawberries. 


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