Crushing Reality

This world is nothing without you.


The day Seokjin disappeared was the day Namjoons dreams started.
First they were faint and he could barely see anything.
As time went on, and the more he missed Seokjin...the more vivid his dreams became.
The members and manager would often scold him for how much he slept.
Be he couldn't help it, something about his dreams makes him want to keep coming back.
Weeks later he finally saw the familiar voice he kept hearing.
"Jin hyung?" He breathed out.
"Hi Joonie." His voice was just how he was soft and gentle.
"...I-I missed you." Namjoon whimpered as he tried to reach out for him.
"I know...I'm sorry."
"Why can't I touch you?" He asked trying to reach farther.
"You can...just wait, your dreams aren't strong enough yet."
"But I need to touch you....please..."
Seokjin seemed hesitate as Namjoon saw him close his eyes.
"Wake up."

"Hyung! Wake up! Wake up! We're late! Why didn't you wake us up? PD Nim hyung is gonna be so mad!"
Jimin shook Namjoon until he opened his eyes.
Namjoon blinked until he remembered what exactly they were late for.
"Oh crap the meeting!" Namjoon bounced up and the rest of the morning was a blur.

"Namjoon...I'm disappointed...I know...all of you miss him, and I know it's hard to work without a member...but you can't let this effect your work."
How could he say that? 
Seokjin was gone...and no one knew where he was or if he was even alive.
The manager might not think its a big deal, but without Seokjin...nothing is the same.
They need him...He needs him.
Namjoon stayed quiet as the manager scolded him for being late.
Namjoon apologized and left the room as soon as possible.

The next few days were the same.
Except Namjoon worked more.
Everyday he would work for 15 hours and fall asleep as soon as he could....for as long as he could.
He would hardly eat.
Each member brought him food but he barely touches it.
Not that he wasnt grateful, he just didn't have enough time.
The members would often try to take him out but he refused every time.
He needed to see Jin.
Without seeing him, Namjoon would become even more depressed.
He knew it wasn't real
He knew that the Seokjin he made in his mind was just to keep him happy.
And he accepts it.
He just wants to be with him.
And it's been amazing...

"Hyung! How are you? I missed you."
"Hello Joonie." Seokjin placed a small kiss on Namjoons head and smiled.
Namjoon clung onto him and sighed happily as Seokjin held him closely.
"I finished work fast today."
"You did..a good job Joonie, I know army is gonna love it." Seokjin softly said while playing with Namjoons hair.
"But you work too need to with your dongsaengs with them for me okay?"
"But if I don't work hard enough...I won't have enough time with you."
"Joonie...your reality needs you more then you need me." 
Namjoon sighed and placed a small kiss on Seokjins neck.
"I'll always need you more....because this reality has you ."
Namjoon turned to meet Seokjins eyes.
"I know this isn't real....but this keeps me happy."
"If you leaned more on your members it'll help Joonie..."
"I am leaning on my members. I'm doing it now, Seokjin hyung, whether real or not, Seokjin is still a member and he'll always be."
Seokjin sighed and slowly pecked Namjoons lips.
"Okay, whatever you say, I can't stop you." Seokjin mumbled against Namjoons lips.
Namjoon smiled against him.
"I'll try though, it's what he would want." Namjoon tried not to breathe so hard.
"Mmm." Seokjin mumbled again as he ran his hand through Namjoons hair.
Namjoon kissed him and Seokjin reacted immediately.
This is what he missed...
'"This"  is just a dream' he reminded himself everytime he came here.
 It reminded him so much of how Seokjins lips felt.
It isn't the same he knew that for a fact..the real Seokjin would hold him tighter, he would kiss his cheek before kissing his lips.
He would whisper in his ear that he loved him...that they belonged to each other.
Seokjin pulled away from the kiss and lifted his chin.
"Why haven't you tried looking for him?"
"...I don't know...I don't know where he is...or if he's even alive."
"He your heart he'll always be alive."
"But where would I look?"
"Anywhere, as long as you know you tried..." 
I closed my eyes and when I opened them again.
I was back in my world...
Cold, dead, and hateful world...where Seokjin was no where to be found.

(A/N: heyyyyy so yea I was having a midnight "oh my gosh this world is terrible" kind of night, so I wrote this and yea, I felt like it Namjin fit this quite well! Anyways hope you like! :3)

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Chapter 3: Worth the wait, I guess ;3
Chapter 2: Awww :( :'(
Chapter 1: Jinnie *sniff*
Where are you?