Chapter 3

The Knight, The Princess, and The Falling Star
Jimin really annoyed with her parents. She just wants to live a normal life like other students. She doesn't need bodyguards around her. She can understand the purpose of her parent it was her safety. Her father has a lot of competitors in business. However It was too much. She almost couldn't make a friend. Her bodyguards always followed her even to university. Fortunately they did not followed her to the classroom. 
She missed when she was nine years old. Life is like there's no tomorrow. She could played whenever and wherever she wants. She used to sang in the church every week. She really liked it. Since her father's business into a huge success she couldn't do it anyomore. She had to take a lot of courses. Swimmimg, golfing, horse riding, ballet, and musical instruments. She didn't know what the purpose of all the lessons. In the end she could not be a swimmer, golfer, dancers, or musicians. She must follow her father's path. Her father said it for her own sake. However she feel did not receive anything from all the lessons but praise from his father's colleague.
Jungkook walked alone around Han river. He was a bit bored in dorm, he wanted to refresh his mind. It was a long time that he didn't walk around like this. He remembered when he started to be trainee at fourteen. He was really young at the time. However his passion was really strong to be singer and unfortunately his parents allowed him. He was a little regret that he became an idol at very young age. He missed many things. He never knew how fun hang out with friends at the same age in high school. He never knew how movingly school graduation event. He just has a very tight schedule. School just a formality. He was too busy to attended school like the others. However he knew that the consequence of being an idol. Though now he has money and popularity, he felt there was something missing, memories.
Jungkook just propped up in his bed. It was a family day. Eventhough he couldn't see his family, he was happy enough that his fellow members with him. They were like a family to him. He only really close with his fellow members. Since he became an idol his friends see him in different way. The boys approached him with purpose and the girls just afraid of being hated if look close to him. In the end he has no friend. Suddenly he remembered the girl that he met yesterday. She was different from others. Her spontanity, her straightforwardness. Although she knew that he was an idol, she didn't care. She treats him like a common people. And one thing, her voice was wonderful.
Jungkook back to the practice room the next night. Maybe he could meet jimin again. But she was not there. When he wants to go out of the building he saw a young girl entered the building with a worried look.
"Jimin-shi?" jungkook called her, make sure.
Jimin startled. She crossed her arms to prevent jungkook calling her name.
Jungkook confused with jimin's act. However her reaction so comical. He smiled restrained.
Jimin rushed to took jungkook to piano room.
"I'm sorry. There is same strange guys that follow me" jimin explained
"Really? Where is?" jungkook going to check.
Jimin a little bit panicked. She immedietely handle the situation.
"But I think they already go. You don't need to check them".
Actually the strange guys were her bodyguards. She was really annoyed. Her father really overprotective these days.
"Oh..." jungkook tried to understand. However he wondered who is the stranger.
"Are you practice again?" jimin asked him, trying to shift their conversation
"Ah...yes. I've just finished it. Are you practice again?" jungkook asked her back
"Practice? Ah no..I just do it as a hobby" 
"So..are you gonna play this stuff?" jungkook pointing to the piano in front of them.
"Ya..of course"
"Oh.." jungkook tried to find a right reason to stay still. He really wanted to heard jimin's voice again.
"Why?" jimin curious
"Can I be here?" jungkook asked carefully
Jimin frowned. She was a little bit confused for what the boy in front of her said.
Jungkook immediately handling the situation before it became awkward.
"Mm..I mean I just want to see your performance. Yesterday I overheard you singing. You know I practice in the next room. Your voice was good" jungkook explained his reason.
"Ah..thank you" jimin blushed
Jungkook was relieved. 
"And also I wanna make sure that strange person not follow you" jungkook add more excuse
"What? He believed me?" jimin thought. She smiled.
"Okay, you can sing with me" she offers him since she knew he was a singer.
" I won't distract your voice with mine" 
"Okay" Jimin start to play the piano and sing Zion.t's song "eat".
Jungkook smiled. "Zion.t again?" he thought
Jungkook hummed. Actually Zion.t his favorite singer.
Jimin smiled when he heard jungkook hummed. It was a long time since she sing with someone else.
Jimin finished her performance.
"Wow, daebak!" compliment jungkook. He claps his hand
"Why you not take major in music? I believe with your voice you can debut soon" jungkook really curious about this. Even she sang better than him.
"Really?" jimin excited. Someone support her dream.
"Of course" jungkook make sure. Even she did not need training to make debut
Jimin silent "I want it so bad" she thought
"Jungkoo-shi, if you have to choose. what will you choose. Freedom or family?" jimin asked randomly.
"Mmm..what?" jungkook was a little bit confused. Her question was unexpected
"I just want to know other people's opinion" she explained
"Mm..I will choose family" jungkook put his finger to his chin.
"Why?" jimin asked for an explanation
"Because freedom is nothing when you are lonely" Jungkook answered simply, but his reason not as simple as he said.
He really misses his parents. His parents gave him a freedom but did not give him their time. Since he was young his parents always busy with their work. Before or after he become an idol his parents didn't have time for him. He obviously knew his parents loved him. However what's mean of love if they never get to spent time together and create memories? It's almost two years since he didn't see his parents.
Jimin silent, she was thinking. His words truly wise. It seems that he has experience a lot of things. Honestly she thinks a lot these days. Should she give up on her dream and just followed her parent's wise eventhough she did it without passion. She tried to make his parents understand, but they do not, especially her father. She wanted freedom but she was not ready to loose her family. 
There was a long silent between them. Jimin tried to dispose her problem for a while. She looked at jungkook, he seemed to think of something. Suddenly jimin remembered about her project.
"Oh ya jungkook-shi. can I ask you a help?"
"Ah..what's that?" jungkook startled. He did not realize that he was in his own thought. Her question so relate to him.
"I have a project to measure korean wave effects to development of hallyu it self. You know I'm economic student. Can I interview your group?" jimin asked
"My group? Mm..let me check my scedule" jungkook replied 
"Really?" jimin was a bit surprised. She knew bangtan boys was really busy.
"I'll try" jungkook smile saw jimin's reaction
Suddenly jimin's phone rang. It was her mother. She began to panic. She remembered about her bodyguards. She looked at the clock, nearly midnight. They'd be looking for her.
Jungkook wondered. Who was texted her. She look worried.
"Jungkook-shi, I think I should go now" jimin prepare to leave. 
"Oh..okay. Just give me your number. I will tell you if my group have empty scedule" jungkook give his phone to jimin
Jimin save her number in jungkook's phone and return it to him.
"And you can call me just jungkook" jungkook smile
"Okay, thank you jungkook. Anniyong" jimin
walked, waved her hand to jungkook
Jungkook stared toward jimin walked. He thought It's like a cinderella story. She always hurried away before midnight. However at least he got her number. He smiled.
Taehyung asked Mark to accompany him to do a performance in Hongdae area. He would played the saxophone instrument. It was the first time he did it in a public place in Korea. He was a little bit nervous, but he was really excited. He was played saxophone since he was young. He often made performance in school festivale when he lived in U.S. He and Mark were classmates when they were high school. Mark was one of his best friend. Mark came to korea after they graduated. He followed his parents in business. He was a model. His agency was one of big three agency in korea.
Taehyung was preparing his performance when a group of girls came to them. They looked excited.
"It seems you have fan already" teased Mark
"Really? I knew I quite handsome. But I think they are your fans 'Prince Mark' " taehyung laughed. He teased back Mark. 
Mark blushed with embarrasment.  Prince Mark was a nickname that given by his fans. Although he has just started his carrier, he quite popular.
Taehyung started his performance. More and more people crowded him, especially girls. Obviously they gathered because Mark was there. However the audience still curious who the guy who plays saxophone. His playing was good and he has a handsome face.
After the performance Taehyung invited Mark to his house. His grandmother's house. Mark was excited to see Taehyung grandma's house. Taehyung always mention it when they were high school. He was really curious. The house was large enough with garden around the building. Eventhough his house in the edge of city it was like in the village. Taehyung's grandma had strawberry field behind the house.
Mark leaned back on the couch when Taehyung brought two glasses of juice into the living room.
"Don't you want to take over your father's company Tae?" asked Mark while took his drink.
"Company? I have not think about it. I'm still enjoy my current life" taehyung replied casually
"Current life? Be a character clown? Small performance in Hongdae?" Mark confused with taehyung's view of life
"C'mon mark. Don't be sceptical. That's my way to enjoying the life. It's make me a live" taehyung smirk
"You're smart, tae. If I were you, I would make a lot of money"
"So, just be my CEO Mark!" taehyung teased
"Oh.. C'mon, tae! it seems I will not make money but I just spent it. You know my score in highschool, right? That's why I became a model" mark smirk
"Moreover, how can a CEO as handsome as me" mark giggled. He was narcissist
"ya..jinca!" teahyung laughed. He knew how mark study in high school. He was so bad. Sometimes he can't handle him. However he was still his best friend.
Mark always scolded him to become a normal person. It's not mean he was weird, he was just different from others. That was his charms that made him had many friends. However his choice of life often questioned by others. 
After Mark leave, Taehyung begin neat his old stuff. He found a big box in his room that he left ten years ago. He opened the box. He found a lot of old toys. He remembered he always played them with his neighbors. He look it on by one. It bring back his memories. At the bottom of the box he found a book. A book of fairy tales. He observed the book. The book title was "The knight, the princess, and the falling star", finally he found it. He was looking it for a long time. He didn't remembered he left it in Korea. He really liked the book. He remembered, he always asked his grandmother to read it for him. He even wished to become a falling star. At the time, His grandmother asked him why he wanted to be a falling star. He said he really liked to see people smile and he hopes he can help the knight and the princess.

Hi guys, finally I've finished chapter 3. In this chapter I want to bring up their internal conflict, however I find a little difficult to express their feelings since I had limited in english. Also I'm sorry if scene between jiminnd jungkook a little bit awkward, it's a bit difficult for me to make them close in natural. However I'll try better for next chapter. Thank you for reading and subscribe :)

Anyway, have you seen Yerin's new mv?


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tehanie #1
Chapter 5: update soon authirnimmm this story is lit
Shaboobla #2
Chapter 5: All of my old favorite stories are making a comeback heck yeah Pls update soon
Chapter 5: thank you for the update.... and please update soon........................
Jiminpark123 #4
Chapter 4: Please update soon..i love this story..
*Also JiminxBTS Trash*
Chapter 4: CLIFF-HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuh
Chapter 4: DA
DANG!!!!!!!!! AFTER MANY MONTHS!!!! FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY .... YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CCCookie #9
Chapter 3: I saw Yerin's new mv too. I found it visually pleasing.
Naw don't worry, Jimin and Jungkook's scene wasn't awkward at all. It seemed more natural to me because they don't know each other that well yet.
Thank you for updating author-nim!
Chapter 3: me!!! Author-nim ~~~~~ Yerin new MV... Ops... Thank you for the Exciting story... Update soon Please~~~~