Chapter 3

She Is My Girl!


To anyone passing by the street, it must have been an odd sight. It's not everyday you see six members of Super Junior M sitting on the street corner, all looking bored. Well, except for Donghae. He was expecting, and hoping, for Zhou Mi and Henry to start fighting each other soon.


People recognized them, of course they would. Wouldn't you recognize a Super Junior M member? But surprisingly, no one approached them. They were probably scared away by the tension around the group. With Henry on one side and Zhou Mi on the other, they kept exchanging glares every two seconds.


Instead, they walked by whispering to each other, "They have too much time on their hands..." or "Is that what they do all day? Sit outside glaring at each other? Maybe they need more practice time."


It was funny. Zhou Mi and Henry were practically brothers. They sure acted like it. They're especially close and shared a special bond since they were both Chinese. Even if Zhou Mi was more mature and Henry was a lot more childish, they still loved each other like brothers would.


But once you pit them against each other in a competition it was like they were complete enemies with each other. But then, after the competition they'd tell each other they did good, give each other a brotherly hug, and walk off together laughing about it all.


That's probably what they were going to do after this whole thing is over, but unfortunately they're still at the 'we're enemies' stage.


Ryeowook scratched his head, suddenly thinking of something, "Uh, Zhou Mi, Henry. You do know you both knew the girl for about five minutes..."


Even though both of them realized this, they just scowled and told him to shut up.


Ten minutes passed and still no sign of Ji Ae. By now, everyone, even Donghae, was getting bored and irritated.


"Seriously? Can we go? I don't want to stay here anymore." Eunhyuk whined.


"Then go home." Zhou Mi said, pointing down the street towards their house.


Eunhyuk got up, Ryeowook too. "I'm going with you. Have fun staying out here all night." Ryeowook waved and ran off with Eunhyuk.


Henry looked at Kyuhyun and Donghae. "If you want to go, just go." He felt kind of bad for dragging them into this.


Kyuhyun shrugged. "It's fine. I wanna see you guys' faces when she rejects the both of you." And all of Henry's sympathy went flying out the window and he resumed his scowling.


So the four sat and waited, and waited, and waited. Still no sign of Ji Ae.


"You know, you all are really stupid for fighting over a girl you knew for five minutes." Donghae said. Since when did he become the reasonable one?


"I know!" Henry and Zhou Mi both shouted. Donghae held up his hands in defense.


"It's a matter of pride right now." Henry stated.


Kyuhyun scoffed. "Pride? What pride?" He shut up when both of them sent a deadly glare his way.


Twenty more minutes passed, the sky was getting darker and darker but still, Zhou Mi and Henry just would not give up.


Just as Donghae was about to get up and go home, something caught his eye. Or rather, someone.

A girl, around their age. Long brown hair, small face, thin lips, big eyes, and a smoking hot body.


Donghae went over to Kyuhyun, "Hey, you see that girl over there?"


Kyuhyun nodded, "Yeah, she's hot."


"I know right. You know what would be extremely funny, if that was their girl." Donghae laughed and pointed to Zhou Mi and Henry.


Kyuhyun shrugged. "Let's ask." He poked Zhou Mi, "Hey, what was she wearing when you met her?"


Zhou Mi racked his memory, "Uh, blue skinny jeans, and a purple top why?"


Donghae's eyes widened. "I think we just found her." He pointed to the girl he saw.


Zhou Mi's eyes widened, but not from seeing Ji Ae. It was from seeing Ji Ae with another boy.


"Maybe that's her brother...?" Henry said slowly.


"Let's find out! HEY! Ji Ae!" Donghae yelled, making a complete fool out of himself.


Ji Ae looked up, recognized Zhou Mi and Henry and smiled. She walked towards them, dragging the boy along.


When she reached them she gave them a smile, "Oh! Hey! I didn't know you knew each other. What a small world." She laughed.


Zhou Mi and Henry offered a weak laugh. Instead they were more focused on the guy that had an arm around Ji Ae.


Ji Ae brightened, "Oh, before I forget. Zhou Mi, Henry, meet Jay. He's my boyfriend." Ji Ae smiled and Jay gave the two of them a wave.


Kyuhyun and Donghae widened their eyes and almost busted out laughing, but they held it in. Barely.


"Well," Ji Ae said again, "We better get going. I'll see you two around? Bye!" She waved and just like that she was gone.


As soon as she was out of hearing distance Kyuhyun and Donghae busted out laughing. "She. Has. A boyfriend." Donghae said in between laughs.


"I. Told you. She'd. Reject. Both of you." Kyuhyun manage to get out between each laugh.


Henry and Zhou Mi just stared at them and looked at each other. They both nodded and quickly walked away, leaving the two laughing idiots behind.


"So..." Zhou Mi started.


"Uh..." Henry said awkwardly.


"She would have liked me better if she didn't have a boyfriend." Zhou Mi said childishly.


"Nu uh! I'm much cuter than you!" Henry retaliated.


"Whatever. Who wants to be cute when you can be handsome? Like me." Zhou Mi said with a smirk.


Henry rolled his eyes. "No one wants a handsome guy. When you're cute you get all the girls!" He said proudly.


"Too bad you're not cute!" Zhou Mi teased and ran away.


"Yah! I am too!" Henry chased after him.


And just like that, they became the best of friends again. All that girl drama long forgotten. 


A/N: And it's finished now! Yay! I'm so sorry to anyone who has even stayed subscribed this long and waited for the last two chapters, lol.

Um, well, this was just a quick thingy I wrote up to cure my writer's block (from a long, long time ago) and decided to post it.

Thanks for reading and commenting, lovelies<3

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Posted up the last chapter!


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CUTE STORY ! ;D I thought they will both court her but it end up like that :) keke. So Nice :>
I saw this coming. AHAHAHAH. At least Henry and Zhoumi are back to being good friends and not in the enemies stage.

~ FlyingHigh
i love the childish bickering between Henry and Zhoumi. seems like they're really close, just like brothers :)
ohh how cool this was my cute Mochi and mi handsom Mimi
ohh great !! she can stay with Zhou Mi while i get Henry problem solved haha forget it !! So good you updated i really wanted to read this and pleaseeeeeee make her stay with Henry !! If not he can stay with me just ignore me !!
AHAHAHA. Kyuhyun. "She won't like either of you. Problem solved."

~ FlyingHigh
yeollercoaster_ #7
not fair!y do maknaes have to do evrything! lolbut u got a good reward henryyy :p

update soon
aww poor Henry. it's because he's the magnae that everyone asked him to go buy the milk, isn't it? >_< but he's also lucky cos he got to meet a pretty girl. well according to him anyway XD<br />
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will be waiting for the next update ^^
This looks like a cute story! <br />
Update soon~ =^.^=