Chapter 9. [The Nightmare]

Running Deep.

"Sun Min...." 


I woke up to find myself in the cold. Fog was all around, making it impossible to see whats in front of me. It was so bad, I couldn't even see my own feet. I was in a heavy winter jacket, my hands in winter gloves. The jacket covered only my torso, leaving my legs in jeans freezing in the cold. My hair was down and covering my neck. Despite the constant wrap of shawl around my neck, I could feel the biting cold wind on my bare skin. I shivered and looked around. 


There was dead leaves and the cold freezing grass at the bottom of my boots. I moved a single step forward, hearing the crushing of dead leaves under my boots. I breathed out, causing vapor to appear as smoke in front of my nose and mouth.


Where was I? 


"Sun Min...." 


"Umma?" I called out, walking a few steps forward. 


I knocked onto something and looked down to see my knees knocking on to something concrete that was sticking upright from the ground. I cursed when I saw my knee exposed to the sudden cold, there was a cut on my jeans. I bend down on one knee and examined the cut, the bleeding on my knee. The concrete slab had made a deep cut into my knees, leaving me in total silent agony. 


I touched the cut a little, feeling the stinging pain shooting up my leg. I cursed and sweared, looking at the concrete for the first time. 


And then I stopped. 


My eyes widened in alarmed when I realised what was on the concrete slab. 


Kim Min Sun

Dearly Departed, Loving Mother and Memorable Daughter.



I fell on my , and crawled backwards, ignoring the scrap on my knee. I watched as the fog slowly disappear a little, showing the other tombstone beside it. It was my father's tombstone. 


The cold fog slowly cleared like a gust of wind had whirled it away. I widened my eyes as I saw the huge oak tree behind the graves. 


It was all too familiar. 


I was at the graveyard. 


I gave out a little cry and felt my tears tearing down my cheeks. I picked myself up and turned behind, only to stop then. 


Behind me the fog was still there. But it wasn't that that stop me in my tracks. 


There were two shadows deep in the fog. It was coming up close, the shadows showing itself  quickly. The shapes were vaguely familiar and I widened my eyes in surprise and shock when I finally saw the shadows emerging from the fog. 


My mother's long hair was flying on her face but her smile was there. My father's loving smile was there, as he looked at me with loving eyes. 


I wanted to run into them but their colour was wrong. 


Pale and white? 


My mother came up and put a hand on my shoulder, the cold fingertips of her fingers burned me and send shocks of electricity through my skin to my nerves. I jerked back but her grip was firm. 


Her eyes turned bloodshot red and her smile turned from pleasing to creepy. Same goes for my father who placed his own hand on my other shoulder, making me stand there like a stone. I tried to pry their hands off from me but their grip was firm and clearly states that...


That they wanted me. 


Dead with them as well. 


I screamed as I felt their fingertips seeping of something thick and gooey. 


Before I could process what it was, I could already smell it through my own nose. 




I screamed. 


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


I continued screaming, shooting up from my bed. My whole body was drenched in sweat. I gasped, and panted. I could feel something thick on my shoulder and when I looked slowly to my right shoulder.... 


I screamed. 


The door to my room burst opened, and the light was immediately . Onew, Minho and Key burst in, looking around the whole room before they laid their eyes on me. I breathed hard, feeling faint. Onew widened his eyes in shocked as he saw the blood on my shirt. 


"Shoot..." He cursed, running towards me. Minho ran to the window to see if anyone had broke in to the window and caused something terrible to me. 


Key ran away, most probably to grab some towels and stuff. 


Onew placed both his hands on my sweaty face, looking at me with concern and alarming eyes. He breathed in and out, his mouth moving in front of me but my ears were deaf for a moment. He looked at me, wiping the sweat off my face. He shook me a little, stopping me from screaming into his ears. 


"SUN MIN!" He shouted, shaking me a little more violently, "Stop!" 


I shut up and looked at him. Minho flew to my side and asked if I was alright. 


"Neh...." I whispered, my dry lips. 


I was still breathing hard. 


Minho and Onew shared a brief look and I winced a little, trying to pry the sheets off me. 


They both widened my eyes at the scraped knee I had. I shrieked, feeling more faint. 


"Its real....Its real...." I repeated over and over, staring at the scrap knee that was still bleeding. 

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Hey! Hows the story coming along? I notice no one reads them. *cries* Boo hoo~ oh well, I'll still update. Please leave a comment guys! Komawo~


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Chapter 58: damn i was so frustrated while reading this fic
Ppl like me arent suitable for this kinds fic >: *cries*
Great fic btw! Off to sequel~
Chapter 58: AHMAGAWD! This story is very amazing and I love it a lot! Off to the sequel >.<
Cool description & story! - Yuki
pradiv1819 #4
Chapter 58: awesome story i couldnt stop reading this...the suspense u gve was terrific...i loved t to the core...diff story...
Chapter 56: thank you for the update.
cant wait for more.
What does he mean that there is more to Taemin?
Is Taemin all powerful?
Taemin Hwaiting.
Cant wait for the next update.
I hope that everything will be okay as they head towards the last item. Cant wait for the next update.
hye_yong #8
ugh.. that monster.. Whatever it is.. YUCK I hope SunMin is safe. Please let her be alright
KPOPlover_Girl #9
Please Update Soon >.< I love this fanfic~♥