Chapter 11. [Being The Oldest, We Think Alike.]

Running Deep.

It has been two days since I was down with fever. 


But it has been two whole days, I refuse to see anyone else except my brothers. 


Even my best friends. 


Since I received the invitations, I have been too embarassed and stunned to see either of them. 


They heard of the news. Yet, they insist on coming. 


I didn't want to see either of them at all. 


Inviting your best friend to a dance.... Isn't that like a violation of friendship? 


I gulped and stared at the paperbag of invitations I had put near the paper waste basket in the corner of my room. 


I have the urge to burn them and send them to hell, thinking where I have gone wrong or what have I done to earn this kind of invitations. I didn't have any feelings for them.....


Do I? 


I gulped and swallowed the pills that Sunggyu gave me earlier. I sniffed as I felt another snot stuck in between the both tubes in my throat. I reached for a tissue and sneezed the unwanted substance out, and throwing it into a small garbage bag I had tied to the bedside table for easier disposing. 


The door creaked open slightly and a head popped in. 


"Sun Min-ah..." Sunggyu's voice was calm and concern. 


When I looked at him and smiled, he took that as an invitation to come in and settle on my bed. But unknown to me, he brought a visitor as well. 


Onew trudged in, scruching his nose at the smell of ointments that filled the room. He looked around and spotted the bag of invitations at the waste paper basket but looked away almost instantly. He blushed a little as he approached me but he never fail to give me one of those smiles that could brighten the whole field of dull sunflowers. 


Among all the 7 best friends I had, Onew was the oldest. Close to Sunggyu's age, they were both close but between me and him, we were inseparable. He met me first in the park nearby, when I was younger and Sunggyu was not there with me, when I fell and hurt my knee. He saved me and look after me since, even with Sunggyu or without Sunggyu around. 

He was like another brother to me. 


"Sun Min-ah...." He climbed on the bed and sat on the foot of my bed, lifting my feet to rest on his lap and his hands started to give it a slight massage. He smiled and tilted his head a little to the side, looking at me in the most brotherly way. 


Sunggyu sat beside me, touching my forehead for my temperature. He looked at his watch at the same time, taking down mentally the heat emitting from my forehead. 


"Onew..." I smiled and showed my white pearls, "Glad you came..." 


Sunggyu sighed and muttered something about getting another cough drop for me and refill my glass of water. He kissed my forehead and left the room hurriedly, saying he will be back in a jiffy. Onew watched him go before he looked at me again. He frowned a little as he looked at me and sighed. 


"Sun Min-ah..." He called out to me again, "Why didn't you want anyone to visit you?" 


I sighed and pulled my legs back from his hands. He paused for a moment but placed his hands on his sides as he watched me curled myself up and hugged my legs to my abdomen. I looked away and my eyes fell upon the invitations at the corner. 


"Just.....Just didn't want to see them." I muttered under my breath, sighing. 


Onew must have felt my concern. He walked over to the bag and took it in his arms. He brought it back to the bed and sat next to me, taking out the turqoise envelopes one by one. He silently read through, and contemplated for a moment before he his lips and slid the envelopes into the bag again. 


"Is it the dance?" He asked, glancing at me with worried eyes, 


I shrugged, not wanting to answer. 


He sighed and placed his hands on my shoulder. "Sun Min-ah....Its not easy to think that you are like one of us, you know?" 


That caught my attention, "What do you mean?" 


"Have you ever heard of stories where gender of opposite became best friends but as they stick together longer, they began developing feelings?" He questioned me, watching me carefully. 


I gulped. 


I heard of those stories before 


But I didn't thought they would all fall for me at once. 


I breathed in and out and nodded my head. Onew sighed and smiled a little, "Well, it goes to show the I right?" 


"Why didn't you send me an invitation?" I asked him, gaining enough courage to look at him in the eyes. 


He gulped and sighed, "That's because I'm only like a brother to you and you're like my sister...nothing else..." 


I keep quiet and looked at the bag. 


There were 6 envelopes. 


I found myself looking for Onew's eyes and being interrupted then when Sunggyu walked in and sat on my other side. He looked at the bag and sighed. He must have heard it from Jonghyun about the cards. He put his hand on my back, patting it in a comforting gesture and smiled. He pulled me closer and gave me a hug. 


I mumbled against his shirt, loudly so the both of them could hear. 


Onew was staring at the cut on my knee and he turned pale. He must have remembered what happened that night and still figuring out what and why did it happened to me. 


I looked out the window, seeing the breeze blew the curtains, making them dance high in the air. The soft and gentle sounds of the curtains flapping in the wind was soothing and I found myself breathing again. 


"Tell me then," I muttered louder, "How am I to do this?" 

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Hey! Hows the story coming along? I notice no one reads them. *cries* Boo hoo~ oh well, I'll still update. Please leave a comment guys! Komawo~


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Chapter 58: damn i was so frustrated while reading this fic
Ppl like me arent suitable for this kinds fic >: *cries*
Great fic btw! Off to sequel~
Chapter 58: AHMAGAWD! This story is very amazing and I love it a lot! Off to the sequel >.<
Cool description & story! - Yuki
pradiv1819 #4
Chapter 58: awesome story i couldnt stop reading this...the suspense u gve was terrific...i loved t to the core...diff story...
Chapter 56: thank you for the update.
cant wait for more.
What does he mean that there is more to Taemin?
Is Taemin all powerful?
Taemin Hwaiting.
Cant wait for the next update.
I hope that everything will be okay as they head towards the last item. Cant wait for the next update.
hye_yong #8
ugh.. that monster.. Whatever it is.. YUCK I hope SunMin is safe. Please let her be alright
KPOPlover_Girl #9
Please Update Soon >.< I love this fanfic~♥