
please take my love letter



Doyoung was in Jaehyun’s room, looking through the younger’s things, when a certain envelope caught his eye.


To Doyoung hyung, it read.


Who knew Jaehyun had this side to him, huh? He has been sweet ever since they became a thing and the members said that they were waiting and expecting this for a long time already and they will try their best to not throw up and scurry away from the growing number of couples between them.


Taeil hyung said that he was the one who told Jaehyun to talk to him, hence the younger exclaiming his love to him– thanks to him I know I’m appreciated was the elder’s words , making all of Doyoung’s worries go away. He felt silly to have even thought badly of them. Hansol and Yuta were just giving them knowing looks, the first month that they started their relationship, seeming to be mother hens who knew exactly what is happening to their children. They look so proud of themselves and Doyoung just laughs at them. He is happy, he can’t help it. Johnny and Ten were still their usual selves, now asking him and Jaehyun out for a double date. Their first time out had them going home immediately, though, what with the other two kissing and making out when not even 10 minutes of the movie had passed. They just can’t seem to keep their hands to themselves when they are together.


His relationship with Jaehyun is at its best. Who knew that they were actually in love, huh? Well, no matter, they are already together and he assumes that is all he needed.


Now, back to the present– the letter that was in his hands. What could have Jaehyun wanted to say that he hasn’t? Memories of the confession made at the rooftop flood his mind, those sweet words from the lovely lips of the younger was a no mean feat. Those statements he said were enough for him to trust Jaehyun and his feelings, and so he wonders what the contents of the letter may be.


With a fluttering heart, he opens the letter.



Doyoung-hyung, please accept my love letter.

(I would have sung this for you but I end up being tongue-tied whenever I see you so, yeah.)


I want to take those stars

Gift it to both of your hands

I am giving you my all, my everything


Every time you spare me a glance and look at me, I just get lost in your eyes, hyung. How can your eyes be that attractive anyway? Nevertheless, if me looking at back at you would be the only way to keep my sated, I will risk my life staring back at you any day. I love you!


Sometimes I cry, in case I’ll lose you

Sometimes I feel you, who fell asleep on my shoulder


I always revel in myself whenever you say back those three precious words to me, hyung. Like damn, I’m so lucky to have you in love with me, too, but having you in my arms is even better. I still feel scared that one day I will wake up and all our moments would have gone and you’ll end up as just a dream. I would never want that. Remember that I will always have my shoulders ready for you, hyung, for any situation. You may cry, sleep, even drool on them anytime, I’ll surely enjoy those moments. I’ll love you more, then!


I promise you, like on the first day of snow

I promise you, we will be together

We will walk, scream and hold each other’s hands

With intertwined hands, now knowing the years which keep flowing, I love you


I know it must be hard for you, hyung, to be in a secret relationship with me. Well, the members know and I think that helps, right? I hope it does. I tell myself that it does. One day, hyung, just keep that in mind, one day we will be able to go public and I’ll be the first to scream to the whole universe how much I’m in love with the best person I know. I know that promises may seem scripted, or easy to let go of, but trust in me when I say that I will do everything in my power to prove all who say we can’t be together. I look forward to the day that I can hold your hand in between mine while walking down the streets of Seoul, hyung. I will definitely be falling deeper in love with you, then!


I want to keep you warm

My heart that never changes

Sometimes I cry, in case you’ll forget me

Sometimes I feel, you’ll turn blind someday


We are nearing our debut now, hyung, and I got to say that having you with me is exemplary. I would have sulked a lot if we weren’t together. You have gotten your hair color changed and I think it really looks good on you, not that I expected different. I may change in appearance but please promise me that you won’t look at me differently. I might look uglier than usual, hyung, but my heart definitely won’t stop beating for you. Even if things would turn out worse than what we wanted, I’ll love you!


I promise you, like on the first day of snow

I promise you, we will be together

We will walk, scream and hold each other’s hands

With intertwined hands, now knowing the years which keep flowing, I love you


Now here I am, about to finish listening to this song that I have practiced a lot of times but still can’t end up singing it for you. I already mentioned it earlier, hyung, I just can’t. Truth be told, I still have a lot to tell you, to make you realize how much I love and adore every bit that composes you. I don’t know why but I can’t seem to exclaim my feelings to you whenever I’m in front of you. Well, I hope this letter helps, not that I’ll have the courage to give you this, but at least I still got to let some of it out. I just love you too much, hyung, I think my heart would explode from my building feelings for you. I’ll just do my best to remind you of how I feel every day that we’re together and I hope that someday I’ll confidently tell you the things I couldn’t right now.


I love you, hyung. Always.


xoxo Jaehyun



Wow. Doyoung was lost for words. He knew Jaehyun loved him, he was deeply in love with the other himself, but the letter in his hands were definitely an epitome of something deeper and he’ll gladly drown in it.


Keeping the positive feelings he has, he tucks the letter in the back pocket of his jeans and sets out to find his boyfriend.




They have debuted and it was their first radio appearance. Thankfully, it was in Ryeowook’s radio that they were assigned for their first broadcast, and that made them feel better.


The staff told them that they were to sing karaoke live during the radio and they gave them a list to sing. Doyoung caught the paper and skimmed through the list of songs, a title caught his attention and with no second thoughts, he chose it.


“Hey, hyung, what song did you choose?” Mark asked beside him, “I’m allowed to withdraw, right?”


“Yup,” Taeil hyung answered across him, “Taeyong-ah, can you sing a song for me?”


“Hyung, please,” Taeyong whined. Wow, a whining Lee Taeyong.


“I’ll choose Nell sunbae-nim’s song for you, alright?” Taeil smiled, looking at Taeyong with eyes that aren’t asking for confirmation, “I’ll look forward to it.”


“So, hyung?” Mark tapped him on the shoulder, “What song are you going to sing?”


He looks at the man to his right, who is seriously checking the list of songs, and a smile absently spreads across his face.


“I chose 40 sunbae-nim’s ‘Please Accept My Love Letter’, Mark,” He answers, gazing at Jaehyun with lovely eyes before turning his attention back to their maknae, “I guess it’ll be the best song for me to sing. I hope it’ll sound great.”


“I’m sure it is hyung.”


“Okay, it’s time for you to enter the booth. Kindly hold onto the script and keep in mind that you have to follow it,” One of the staff said and they all stood up from the sofas and headed for the door, “Fighting!”


The radio, though all were nervous and wasn’t really aware of what they were doing, they held their head up high and continued the show.


When the DJ said the title of the song and Doyoung raised his hand, he saw Jaehyun shoot his eyebrows in a sudden movement and he just looked at him and smiled– the moment just passed but something much more precious than two eyes meeting passed during that moment.


“I want to take those stars, gift them to both of your hands. I want to give you my everything,” He started, and Jaehyun was giggling so loud that he smiled himself.


It was Jaehyun’s song to him and he was currently singing it back to him.


I love you, he thought.


He could almost feel Jaehyun’s answer.





i was missing dojae too much so i added this - sorry it's so lame, though. - G

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Charliescoutgus #1
Chapter 6: Omg this was so good ^^
loved it ^o^
hope u write more jaedo fics in future (~.^)
Keyq1998 #2
Chapter 6: This is sooo good! <3
puccadelmal #3
Chapter 5: Awwww. This was really cute!
Chapter 5: That's really really cute actually. I really liked this story. I'll look forward to more from you, author-nim!
pinocchio_hae #5
Chapter 5: aww i'm glad this ended like this!
Chapter 5: It's not a lame ending. This is a very sweet story. Thanks for posting this. Please write more dojae :) fighting!
justddoing #7
Chapter 4: Wow, this is certainly intense. I love how this story is flowing, and I certainly look forward to the next updates!
Thank you for writing. :)