The Ghost from the Vodka Bottle
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Okay, it's been about 3 days and... 8 hours, 3 minutes, and 17 seconds after I visited noona and her husband's clinics. We haven't reclaimed any of her memories yet and I'm blaming her for that because she can't stop herself from being such a pain in the . Hoooo. Deep breaths, Jiyong. You know what Jay hyung said about your temper. Breathe in and out. Yeah, that's right. Don't you feel better? 


Anyways, back to my problem. It's been 3 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes, and 42 seconds since I visited noona and her husband and from that time I can conclude some answers from what I've discovered and/or starting to discover from this cursed she-ghost. God knows how painful my life is right now because of her. Maybe this is a test for not being content at what I have. Yeah, that would explain everything. This is a test! Hahahahaha! A test! 


Well it's a terrible ing test that is seriously not funny and not even close to being laughable. But she seems to be having a grand old time, laughing her unreal . Wait, I'm not saying that her is unreal like she had plastic surgery unreal, or unreal as if 'whoa that is so fine, it's unreal' and like hell would I even say that. I mean unreal as if it's non-existent because she's a ing ghost and GHOSTS AREN'T REAL!


"Oh !" she slapped her knees animatedly while caught up in a fit of some ugly-sounding laughter. "Fuc--Pfffftt!! Hhahahahaha! Oh my god. This is golden!!!" She pointed at my laptop screen, then pointed at me, then back at my laptop screen, and then she crumbled to the floor and laughed there like a maniac. 


I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen counter to check out what she was looking at on my laptop. My arm leaned on the counter and my forehead creased as I scrolled down the page she was on. She was still laughing and squirming on the floor but I didn't bother to look at her. If she sees my annoyed face, I'm not going to hear the end of it. And man, my face right now is completely scrunched up with full irritation. It's like I just on a whole lemon or something. I felt her freezing hands grip on my bare leg and I mindlessly swayed my leg off of her grip unto which she just laughed even more. Damn, why did I wear shorts today.


I quickly deleted everything that served as the cause of her frantic laughter and sent a very angry email to my beloved older sister. From the corner of my eye, I could see her picking herself up and leaning her weight on the table top. She went to me like a drunk, old man and frowned when she saw that the laptop read 'message successfully deleted'.


"Awww, why did you have to do that!" she whined and drank her 'bottle of life'. "I didn't even get to see your baby pictures yet."


, I should've made that angry email even angrier, because I'm hot burning magma angry right now. But be cool, Jiyong. Be cool. Don't let her get to you. Letting her get to you means that she won and you don't want that. No, you are Kwon Jiyong and you don't take from such a hassle of a woman like her. No that. 


"But your teenage photos were way, way better than I expected. I just adored your cheeky and pimpled cheeks~" And every word was laced with a generous amount of dripping sarcasm. 


I just grunted and dragged my feet back to the couch as she continued babbling on about something else that was either totally unintelligible or straight up ridiculous. What was I talking about earlier again? Oh yeah, I self-discovered some answers to my questions for her since she seemed totally clueless and doesn't want to help at all. 


DISCOVERY #1: I can't touch her but she can touch me. 

I don't know why I can't do it. Well, it's not like I want to touch her. That sounded wrong. No, I definitely don't want to touch her. It's just unfair, you know. She can touch me with her annoyingly cold hands no problem and I can't even smack her in the face without my hand passing through. I don't know if she's doing that on purpose, not letting me touch her I mean. 


He eyed her suspiciously as if he was sizing her up. Dara was sitting beside him on the couch while she was caught up watching some show on his laptop. She was hugging a pillow pretty tight and she would sigh or gasp whenever the main character did something cliché or stupid, in his eyes anyway. Seeing as she turned her head to him questioningly, the ghost might have sensed his stare. Jiyong continued to nonchalantly rest his cheek on his knuckle and gave her the same inquiring look. 


"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you wanna watch too, boss?" She was about to turn the screen to him but he just waved a dismissive hand. 


"Ani, can you..." He peered at her. "pass me that book beside you." 


She nodded absently and grabbed the book and reached it to him without sparing him a glance. A mischievous smirk crept up on his lips as her reaching hand was just a few inches away from him. He took the chance and quickly grabbed a hold of her arm but his efforts were put to waste because his hands just passed through. He continued to grab her though even if it meant that she would end up looking distorted because of his flailing grip. Dara finally took her eyes off the screen and looked at Jiyong only to see him playing with her arm like a kitten trying to catch that fur ball toy thing. 


She raised her arm and as expected, his eager and determined hands followed. He just passed through it yet again and inwardly cursed for the hundredth time. She let out a girly-sounding giggle and put her cold hand over his face all of the sudden making him sit still on his spot with his arms hanging and reaching in the air. 


"What exactly are you doing, Jiyongie?"


He didn't answer and instead he tried to hold the hand that was on top of his face but again it would just pass through. His brows scrunched up in confusion as he continued to feel for her hand. He could definitely still feel her frigid hand touching his face but why couldn't he touch it for himself. Jiyong let out a quiet hum in understanding and scooted back to his spot and rubbed his face tiredly. 


"What's wrong?" she asked, side-glancing at him. 


He heaved a big sigh and side-glanced back. "Some weird ." He answered vaguely.


Dara nodded absentmindedly and turned to her quality TV show yet again. Seeing how she was completely into her show, he sneakily inched his hand close to her and try to grab something of her again and not surprisingly, his hand would miss every time. Eventually, he got irritated by this fact and flailed his hand on her again, distorting her. An angry look now adorned her face as she slapped his hands away from her. Now that he could definitely feel. 


"What the is wrong with you???" 


Jiyong just gave her a blank stare then hummed and went back to his original position on the couch. He saw Dara grabbing his laptop and moving it to the kitchen counter where she stayed there for the whole night with an irritated look on her face. He stared at her curiously and nodded to himself.


Interesting, he thought. 


Yeah, so she could basically touch and/or move anything but when I do it, oh no, I don't have those special 'privileges'. God, how troublesome. 


DISCOVERY #2: She can feel the 5 senses but it's through me. 

This one is a weird one too. Even Dami noona doesn't even know the reason for this. She says that Vladimir the vodka somehow 'strengthened our connection' or we just had a 'strong connection to begin with'. But I call bull. I don't want to admit it but maybe, just maybe, Dara is one of those advanced ghosts. I don't even know what characteristics 'advanced ghosts' are but I sure as hell know ghost aren't supposed to feel since they're dead and all. But apparently that doesn't apply to her. From the week of torture that I had to endure with her, I learned that she can feel hunger, my bowel movements, pain and a sense of being tired through me. Those are all I have so far. I know, freaky, right? 


"Hey," Dara nudged him and he grunted in annoyance. 


They were in one of his classes right now. He was initially going to leave her at home knowing that she couldn't leave because of the invisible barrier on his door that Vladimir can't get through, but he chose to let her go with him since there might be a chance that she could regain her memories in a school setting. She looked like she was in his age so there's a possibility that she was in school prior to her death. And lo and behold, she acted like an excited little puppy when they got here as what he expected from her. He thought that they were getting somewhere seeing how her eyes twinkled at everyone and every thing, but he thought wrong. She was just a really overexcited girl. Her gasps that he thought were because she remembered something was actually because she was excited over something. He wonders why he wasn't surprised. 


Thankfully, she had the decency to pipe

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Chapter 23: Kyaaaaaaah!!! This is so lovely!!
Chapter 22: Dara is a ...Why dara-ya~
Chapter 20: I knew it! She was the drunk lady holding a vodka in the Han river in the last part of TDTB that Seungyoon called out..
Aigoo~ just how great is that...
And finally! Dara remembered! I hope she'll find her body, so she can go back...
Chapter 19: Wake up Daraaaaaa
Chapter 17: Awwww~ my daragon heart is bleeding..wahhh!
Chapter 16: I knew it! Bom is that office lady ..
Aigooo~ my Ssangpark heart.
Chapter 13: Shes really dead?
Chapter 12: Oh my! Daraaaaaaaa!!
Chapter 5: I agree Jiyongie~ Dara indeed is a big fat pain in the here hahahahaa
Chapter 28: There's nothing i love more than this chapter rn (´⊙ω⊙`)