The Ghost from the Vodka Bottle
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The woman in front of them was wearing a laced and see-through veil that lightly hid her face. She had her eyes closed and she was humming a mantra of some sorts that the both of them failed to comprehend. Her trusty helpers were fanning her and wiping the sweat off her face and neck. They could see how much she was concentrating. At some point, they even saw her open her eyes to reveal nothing but white but then she lowered her pupils down and released a whimper. 


Jiyong was sitting impatiently across from her but Dara was blocking his view since she was sitting on top of the table that separated them. They saw her hands move into the air and make gestures. Dara was clapping like an amazed little girl on a fireworks show while Jiyong was leaning over to his side and looking intently at the woman who might get him out of this. 


The veiled woman suddenly jolted up while hovering her hands over her neck, seemingly in need for air. Jiyong stood up too and quickly went to her side and helped her sit back down when she almost fell down to the floor. The woman was breathing unevenly and her two helpers were in a frenzy since they didn't know what to do. She weakly pointed at a tall glass of sparkling liquid in the far side of the room and one of her helpers quickly got it for her. She kneeled before the woman and handed her the glass while subtly placing a straw in it. The weird woman waved her hand in dismissal and her other helper got the glass and brought it close to the woman so that she could take a sip. With deeply furrowed brows, the woman sipped a generous amount of this sparkling divine and released a sigh in content. She tiredly leaned back on her intricately carved wooden chair with the help of both of her girls and Jiyong. 


He looked at her expectantly as she massaged the crease on her forehead. That usually meant she got something, or at least that's what he hopes for. Jiyong looked back at Dara and saw her nonchalantly brushing her hair while looking through the cool and mysterious decoration of the room they were at. He darted back to the woman when she coughed. He widened his eyes when he saw blood dripping on her nose. He frantically snatched the tissues away from one of the girls and helped the woman with her bloody nose. She has yet to open her eyes since she had asked for a drink. She lightly moved Jiyong's hand away from her face and put her spare hand over . She leaned forward with a tissue stuck up her nose and her hand holding on to her stomach. She began to gag, and then she gagged once more. They all looked at her, frightened and not sure what was happening. She lowered her head to face the dark floor and gagged once more. She gripped on the arms of the chair tightly and...




She opened her eyes and grabbed the glass of sparkling water and drank from it once again. Jiyong rubbed his face in frustration while her two helpers and Dara looked at her in amazement. Jiyong discreetly pinched his arm to stop her from looking stupidly annoying and she growled back. 


"Sorry, Jiyong-ah. I can't help you." The woman casually folded her legs and sipped from her straw.


"Noona!" he complained and sat back down like a little grumpy boy. Dara glanced at him and formed a mischievous smirk only to be rewarded by a middle finger.


"Yah." The woman stood up and slowly went to him. "Are you pointing that middle finger at me?" She whispered menacingly. 


Jiyong kept his straight face on while slowly descending his middle finger down to his lap with his other hand covering and patting it. He thought he was off the hook. 


Well he thought wrong. 


She began smacking upside the head with her helpers joining in as per her instructions. Meanwhile, Jiyong was just protecting himself by covering his head with his arms because of double standards and all and he had to be the 'bigger man' in this. Dara on the other hand, was just amusedly watching them from the table. She cursed when there was no popcorn in sight. I mean she wouldn't be able to eat it but it it seemed appropriate from her spectator perspective. 


The woman who was currently hitting Jiyong with pursed lips and a stink eye was his very own beloved sister, Dami. And the two helpers who were also adding more to the shame of his manliness were Lee Chaerin and Gong Minzy. Yes, the woman who he thought was going to help him out of this mess with the troublesome ghost was now adding more to his recently troublesome-filled life that he was chained to because of that girl who was sitting on the table with a big grin on her face. 


Dami was a psychic medium much to her parents utter dismay. She had a bright future ahead of her back then and the was initially going to become a lawyer. But one documentary on psychic mediums completely turned her around and now she 'had found the light' as what she said to her parents. They were very, very against it at first. Having their first child become a person that can see past, present, and future through the use of so-called spirit energy was a big and cruel joke to them who were hoping for her to have a stable life. Jiyong was rather nonchalant about her choices. They've always stuck up for each other even though they had that typical brother and sister relationship but he can't help but to admit that her choice of being a medium was pretty unrealistic and stupid. 


But then there came a day when she talked to a random ahjumma on the street about her deceased husband. Dami described her husband perfectly with very specific descriptions and told her that her husband was telling her that she needs to get a life and moved on. The ahjumma nodded and cried in Dami's arms while her family looked at her unbelievingly. They just got out from the bath house back then and they all had ice cream in their hands to battle the hot summer. Jiyong could still remember how he refused to take off his head towel that was wrapped around his head to make Princess Leia buns. He also remembered how he dropped his ice cream and regretted that he only had a chance to get one from it. That was when her family had the realization.


Oh , she wasn't kidding. 


She had a gift. This was the time when Jiyong was just 16 but he knew then that her sister really was the real deal. Heck, the people in his neighborhood can happily attest to that. She just recently moved in Seoul to set up her own 'clinic for the lost souls'. She had her own place and he was even surprised at how nice it was compared to his. He could tell that she really had took off with her profession but now he was doubting if she really was the real deal since she couldn't even see the ghost that was directly in front of her. 


"You can't see her?" Jiyong mumbled low. 


Dami put her hand on the table and leaned into it. The silver ring on her left ring finger glinted against the dim light that was shooting at her. Dara lightly moved her head back seeing how close their faces were. She turned to Jiyong with her lips tight shut with her brows arched up. Dami moved further and Dara squirmed when she felt the tip of her nose brushing her jaw. She stiffened on her spot and Jiyong couldn't help but stifle a chuckle. 


"I can't see her..." Dami whispered unknowingly to her ear. "But I can definitely feel her." She whispered again and it made Dara shudder. Dami moved back to her seat with her helpers following closely behind. "I can't see through her mind. It's like she doesn't want me in there."


Jiyong turned to Dara and lightly kicked the table, getting her to look at him. "Yah, let her go through your mind." he hissed.


"I'm not doing anything!" Dara defended. "I was just sitting he---"


"Ani." Dami unknowingly interrupted her. "I worded that wrong. She doesn't have anything worth seeing. All I see are brief flashes of her sitting down, going through her laptop or reading a book or something. Her memories are also a bit distorted. Whenever I see faces or hear someone, they would always come off unintelligible. I hear someone speaking but it's too faint for me to understand. I'm stumped with this one, Jiyong." 


He saw Dara just look at his sister with a soft, and somewhat apologetic smile. Jiyong messed his hair and let out a long and exasperated sigh. "Do you at least have any idea to make her go back to hell then?" 


Minzy and Chaerin gasped in surprise when they saw the book that was on the table suddenly flying across to Jiyong and hitting him in the head. "I bet you're good with the ladies, huh Jiyongie?" she said sarcastically in between hits. She dropped the book tiredly and got Vladimir out of his bag much to Minzy and Chaerin's further shock. Dara took a big sip from it and wiped with the back of her hand. "And I was really enjoying my time with you. Why do you want me to leave so badly?" she pouted making him cringe. 


"Because you're a pain in the ." he gritted under his teeth. 


"How did you find her?" Dami interjected. 


"She appeared when from a vodka bottle." he answered back while taking out the bottle in his bag. "And then the next thing I know, I'm stuck with her."


"FOREVER!" Dara announced manically and laughed like one of those cheesy villains in those movies.


Dami took the bottle out of Jiyong's hands and inspected it. She opened the bottle and took a little sip from it. She nodded to herself quietly while Dara peered at her, offended that she took a sip without her permission. Dara snatched the bottle from her, making Chaerin and Minzy's eyes widen even more. If you thought that anime eyes on a person was impossible then you better bet your lucky that these two innocent girls got eyes as kawaii wide as humanly possible because of the floating bottle before them. Dami let out a soft giggle while the anger and suspicion from Dara's face had yet to leave. Jiyong stole the bottle from her and put it back in his back as she whined and pleaded for it back.He eyed her sister with a scowl seeing her looking at him almost teasingly and he swears to god that he's going to pop a vein if she adds more to his inner struggle.


"So what now?" he asked, irritated. 


The older woman just shrugged and looked at him, completely clueless. "I can't make her rest if I don't know what's wrong with her. I don't hear her telling me anything and her memories seem as useless as a stop sign in the arctic." 


"That was very irrelevant yet very true." Dara pointed out. 


Dami nodded. "Thanks. I try." 


"You heard what she said?" Jiyong raised a brow.


She nodded again and hummed. "It seems that the vodka strengthened our connection. I couldn't hear her earlier either because she wasn't speaking or our link was weak..."


"Oh believe me, she was talking and blabbering about sunshine and rainbows at every breath and step I took." 


"You make me sound like a little kid." Dara pouted and he rolled his eyes. 


"Anyways." Dami chimed in. "I guess our connection was weak." she paused as if in thought. "I've never experienced that before.. usually the spirits I see form a strong link with me immediately but it was different with her... Tell me, how does that bottle associate with you?" She looked at the table, knowing that she was there since Jiyong told her earlier. 


"It was with me in my last memory---"


"The one where you were in the bridge?"


"Yeah," she mumbled. "I was in the Han River bridge and it was night time... I think. I was looking over the water while holding my bottle, his name's Vladimir by the way, and... I think I bumped into someone before I got there. And there was an old guy with a bunch of old people wanting me to go in his car or something... I... Ugghh... I don't know." She slumped and laid herself on the table in a starfish position. Jiyong was looking over to her silently while Dami continued to nod as her voice entered her ears. 


"And then you committed suicide?"


", I guess." she sighed. "May explain why I can spook the great Kwon."


"I am not spooked by you, alright?" he shot back angrily.


"Geez calm your , princess." 


Jiyong grumbled on his seat in response when his sister raised her hand to stop him from an impending temper tantrum. 


"This... you got a real tough one, Jiyong-ah." Dami sighed and he produced a loud 'amen'. "Dara.. that's your name right? Do you remember your full name?" The ghost shook her head even though she couldn't see her. Dami continued to wait for her answer and Jiyong replied on her behalf with an irritated grunt. "I see... Do you mind if I drank from your Vladimir again?"


"ANI!" Dara yelled unintentionally. "A-ani. Vladimir... he... I get my energy from him and there's only so much left in him." 


"Get energy?" Dami asked curiously. 


"See? I know right? ing whack." Jiyong shook his head. 


Dara then explained to her about the time when she took over Jiyong's body and how she felt completely weak and powerless after it. She told her that the vodka got rid of that exhausted feeling after a few swigs of it. She even told her about how she can feel hunger, the need to go potty, and pain through Jiyong. And all through out her story time, Dami would hum and nod, much to Jiyong's growing impatience. 


"I hope that nodding and humming goes somewhere." Jiyong muttered under his breath.


Dami took a deep breath and looked at her brother seriously. She sent Chaerin and Minzy out raising a few brows from Dara and Jiyong. When the girls gently closed the door, she heaved another sigh and leaned on her chair. "I don't know what to do, Jiyong-ah. I haven't felt this stumped before. I've never seen a ghost that can feel living human qualities let alone have energy to move. Spirits are supposed to be permanently detached to these kinds of qualities since they no longer have a connection with their own bodies. Dara, she... she's a mystery."


Dami looked at the empty table where Dara sat. "Do you hold any grudges or things that you wanted to do before you passed away, Dara? Is there something that's holding you back from taking your rest? Anything at all from your memory?"


"Nah, I don't have anything in here." she frowned. "I don't remember having grudges or something like that. I was pretty chill as soon as I got out of Vladimir." She glanced at Jiyong and gave him a sly smirk. "But I think Mr. Detective holds grudges against me and that's why I can't leave." 


"Stop calling me nicknames!" he rubbed his face exasperatedly and Dara grinned. 


"Help her recollect her memories." Dami announced all of the sudden. 


"And why the hell would I do that?"


Dami glared at him and he discreetly cowered on his seat, earning a laugh from the ghost. The older woman gave herself a subtle pinch in the waist and yelped a bit. She perked her ears up to hear a possible whimper from Dara but she didn't. If Dara didn't react to that even though she has already drank from what Dara called her 'life source' then that meant that the link between them was still weak. But if she could feel pain through her brother, then that would only mean one thing. They have a stronger connection and he himself was the one that can make her rest. 


"Because I told you so, now do you want me to make you follow simple instructions the special way or the normal way?" She told him threateningly. 


Jiyong opened his mouth to speak but closed it knowing that the answer in his head would release the beast. Dara watched his sister in awe and nodded her head approvingly. When he saw this, he scowled at her and grumbled in his seat with his arms crossed. 


"You need to get your memories back or at least try to recall the most essential ones so that we can..." Dami paused and tried to find a word that wouldn't seem insensitive on Dara's part, for her brother... well, he can go a . "Dara can live in peace." 


Jiyong let out a mirthless laugh, "How can she leave in peace if she's dead, stupid." he mumbled, earning him a knock on the head not by Dami but by Dara. He looked at her wide eyed while sporting a double chin, pure shock and the sassy words of 'excuse me?' were practically displayed on his face with bright neon lights. Dara stuck out his tongue at him and he absentmindedly did the same making his sister laugh. They turned their heads to her as they noticed her smiling warmly at Jiyong. 


"You sure look like an insane person." she giggled. "I say, Jiyong, it's been a while since I've seen you act like that again." her voice grew softer. "It's nice having my rather excessive dongsaeng back."


The look on Jiyong's face turned blank. Dara looked at him questioningly while he looked down on his lap and released a heavy sigh. He looked up to meet his sister's gaze and just gave her a half-assed shrug although she could tell from his grim expression that he didn't like what he heard. She didn't know if it was because of what she said or the realization of how his life had gotten completely upside down because of Dara or maybe even both, but she knows that he's not liking what's going on with him right now. She knew how his move to Seoul changed him drastica

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Chapter 23: Kyaaaaaaah!!! This is so lovely!!
Chapter 22: Dara is a ...Why dara-ya~
Chapter 20: I knew it! She was the drunk lady holding a vodka in the Han river in the last part of TDTB that Seungyoon called out..
Aigoo~ just how great is that...
And finally! Dara remembered! I hope she'll find her body, so she can go back...
Chapter 19: Wake up Daraaaaaa
Chapter 17: Awwww~ my daragon heart is bleeding..wahhh!
Chapter 16: I knew it! Bom is that office lady ..
Aigooo~ my Ssangpark heart.
Chapter 13: Shes really dead?
Chapter 12: Oh my! Daraaaaaaaa!!
Chapter 5: I agree Jiyongie~ Dara indeed is a big fat pain in the here hahahahaa
Chapter 28: There's nothing i love more than this chapter rn (´⊙ω⊙`)