In the world where love will still remain

In The World Where Love Will Still Remain

HyeLee walked out of school with Bomi trailing behind her, trying to patch up her wounds.

It was another typical day. HyeLee got bullied by the older girls and she didn’t stop them. She never cried, just endured it.

Bomi ran behind her, applying band-aids to the places that were bleeding. Tears ran down her face. Her best friend never cried, so Bomi cried for her.

“Yah! Can you stop?” she yelled at HyeLee and HyeLee turned around abruptly.

“Go home Bo.” She said and began to walk away.

“But you’re hurt!” Bomi stuttered, refusing to walk away.

“I’m used to it.” HyeLee waved a hand and opened the door to her house.

Bomi looked around. The once beautiful garden was now wild and tattered, weeds everywhere. HyeLee’s mother had loved gardening, and their garden was always the talk of the town. When Bomi’s mum and dad divorced, there was a period in her life where she envied HyeLee.

But now, she felt guilty, that she even dared to have that thought. Sure, her mother was sometimes unhappy when she was sent to her father’s place for the weekend, but still, HyeLee’s life now made Bomi’s life look like an amazing dream.

Bomi sighed and prayed to herself.

“Oppa’s please come.”

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
VIP_Cassie #2
I love this story!
It so intense and angsty :)
update please (:
please comment :)
YAY!~ COMMENTS!~<br />
Thank you to all who did comment, i did read them, and my updates will get longer thankyou!<br />
The story is almost over...T_T
wowowowoowowowowo i hate ChaeYoung & mark (they come every sunday so thats when dbsk can get them)<br />
shes a !!! updates soon pweaze!!!
dewdropper #7
OMG this is the best angst story I've came over so far... Do write longer updates yeah! Love it! ^^