In the world where love will still remain

In The World Where Love Will Still Remain

HyeLee came back from school, her right arm slightly red and her ankles sore and bruised. She popped a piece of gum in as she hopped casually over a piece of trash.

It was the same every day. HyeLee would go to school, get bullied and yet do nothing, and leave Bomi to tend to her wounds while she walked home.

Bomi wasn’t speaking much the past few days, HyeLee was pretty pissed at her for getting TVXQ to her house and messing it up, but Bomi adamantly remained that HyeLee needed help and since Bomi couldn’t afford it for her friend, they might as well accept the fact that the five guys came willingly.

HyeLee waved and gave a small smile to Bomi as she walked up the steps to her house. She took a deep breath and walked in.


For once she was shocked, she carefully crept up to her room and since no one was there to stop her, she started to change.

First it was the hair. Out came the neat black bun the school required, and she twisted it and styled it to finish in a y curl at the base of her neck.

Then it was the clothes. She stripped off the dull grey sweater she donned and the plaid blue skirt that hung on her thin waist.

She replaced it with a green tube top and a pair of white short shorts, complete with silver hoop ear rings and emerald pumps.

“Party time.” She whispered to herself and stalked out the door.

Just as she turned around, she bumped into a hard chest.

Looking up, she saw the cold face of the eldest in TVXQ, Young Woong Jae Joong. HyeLee couldn’t help but gulp. No matter how shut out from the world she was, it was like Jae Joong had crossed and demolished her barrier in a matter of seconds.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked her, his voice impassive and cold.

HyeLee sniffed and gave him a wtf look. “Out.” She said in a dull voice and ran down the stairs.

However, Junsu waiting for her there and caught her wrist. He frowned lightly and said, “It’s not good for you to party like this HyeLee-shi. It makes it hard for us to take care of you.”

Her temper fired up. What was she, chopped liver?

“I’m not thirteen for goddamn nothing.” She screamed and slammed the door shut.

Smirking, she ran her hands through her hair and slowly walked out of the drive way.

Time to get wasted.

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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
VIP_Cassie #2
I love this story!
It so intense and angsty :)
update please (:
please comment :)
YAY!~ COMMENTS!~<br />
Thank you to all who did comment, i did read them, and my updates will get longer thankyou!<br />
The story is almost over...T_T
wowowowoowowowowo i hate ChaeYoung & mark (they come every sunday so thats when dbsk can get them)<br />
shes a !!! updates soon pweaze!!!
dewdropper #7
OMG this is the best angst story I've came over so far... Do write longer updates yeah! Love it! ^^