Chapter 19

It Started With A Cucumber

“That , I can’t believe she slapped you!”

I just sulked in silence, while Jiwoo carried on screaming obscenities.

I can’t believe I let her slap me. Come on, Hari, what happened to that one Taekwondo lesson you went to? You should have been in defence position!

I was distracted from my sulking when I got a text.


From: unknown number

Bang PD told me to pick you up and take you to our apartment block.                     

To: unknown number

Who are you and why do you have my number?

From: unknown number

It’s Jimin, you idiot. And Bang PD gave me your number. Do you not remember giving it to him?

To: ert


And no need to pick me up, just tell me the address and I’ll get the bus. I haven’t packed yet, and what if people recognise you?

From: ert

I have a disguise so I’m still picking you up. See you at four. Make sure you’ve packed by then.


Jiwoo sat back down after her rant about Sora.

“Hey, is your face alright? It looks like a bruise is forming”

“Yeah, it’s fine. Doesn’t even hurt”

Jiwoo hugged me. “Ew dude, get off me” I said, struggling to free myself from her embrace.

“No, not until you smile. Remember Hari, you’re pretty awesome for pouring paint on top of the jerk.”

I laughed bitterly. “See look I’m smiling okay?” I said, ruffling her hair while I forced my lips to strech upwards.

“Hey, don’t mess up my hair! And are you sure that’s a smile? You look possessed.”

I tried to hit her and she dodged, laughing. I started laughing too; I couldn’t help it, Jiwoo’s laugh was just too infectious.

“See, now you’re smiling. Let’s go to class now.”

"Bye Hari, I'm leaving now!"

She came and helped me pack even though I told her not to, saying something about how I was 'unorganised' and that I would 'probably forget the baisic stuff like underwear'.

Pfft, I would never do that. Just because I forgot to pack underwear when I slept over at her house once, doesn't mean I'll do it again. That was just one time.

"Bye, see you at school tomorrow."

I checked the time on my phone. It was 3:30, so I had about half an hour till the ert comes and takes me away to my doom. Just then I recieved a text.


From: ert

I'm here :)


Ew, what was with the smiley face? And why was he so early?

I didn't bother replying, and hauled my stuff into the elevator. When I reached ground floor, as soon as I stepped out I was greeted by a person in an iron man mask.

That's weird, why would anyone wear an iron man mask in public unless they were a kid?

I shrugged, and walked past the weirdo and attempted to walk out of the lobby but was stopped by iron man grabbing my wrist.

"Hari, it's me" Iron man whispered.

Okay, so that isn't creepy at all. Maybe I should run?

I was about to, but then I realised that I've heard that voice before.





A/N: In the previous chapter I mentioned that Jiwoo has a bias. Can anyone guess who he is? (Hint: Jiwoo’s personality is very similar to her bias) ;)

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Yo guys, my school break has ended so updates may be slower now, but I'll try my best to be fast :)


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Chapter 31: I wait for the new updates Author-nim~
Fifie03 #2
Chapter 32: still waiting for your update author-nim....
Chapter 32: Woohoo so gld you're back~ I don't have a life so I can wait forever lmao
hoonakki #4
Chapter 32: I'll wait for the next update, welcome back ^^
Chapter 31: Waahhhh next chap plisss.......
Chapter 31: Jiminxhari love them so much
Chapter 31: Jiminxhari love them so much
Chapter 31: Jur back!!! Great update! :)
jyearm #9
Chapter 30: Plzzz update! I rlly like this story! xx
Chapter 30: Uhhh can't wait for the upcoming chapters authornim.. ^^