Chapter 17

It Started With A Cucumber

“See you guys tomorrow then!”

I dashed out of the room before anyone could say anything else. I was kind of scared that the PD guy would just suddenly say it was a joke and tell me to leave and never return to his sight or something. He was surprisingly nice. A little too nice, enough to make me suspicious.

Well, maybe he thought that he was doing the best for the BTS people. After all, they think I had a voice record of Jimin admitting he was gay.

Ha ha ha of course I didn’t! My brain works too slowly to have thought of recording the conversation from the start. Only near the end of our 'conversation' (can it even be called that?) did I realise that I should of, and by that time Jimin had long already stated that he was gay. But hey, they seemed to be fooled by me just showing them that I had recorded something. I didn’t even play the recording and they believed me. All I had was one minute of all of the squabbling.

I practically ran down the stairs and out into the cold night.

I had no idea why I ran, it wasn’t like anyone was chasing me. I admit, I could be pretty extra sometimes.

I stopped outside the entrance of the building and put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath.

While trying to solve the problem of getting a job, a new problem has arisen.

I have to live next to BTS, and I’m pretty sure I’m not on their good side right now.

And if they give me a place to live, that means I won’t have to pay my rent or bills for my old place. That then technically means that I don’t need the job, but if I quit, I would need to pay the rent again and then I would need the job back.

Hmm, I guess I really had no choice but to keep the job. It would just mean that I could save up a lot of money, and I guess I would be spending more on food if I need to feed seven boys.

But hmmm, would they accept my food? I tried to blackmail them, they may not trust me.


I was so lost in thought, I didn’t notice someone come and stand next to me until they coughed loudly. I turned quickly, getting ready into my defence position I had learnt from that one Taekwondo class just in case it was another ert.

Oh, it was just the ert.

As in the old ert, not a new ert. Otherwise I would still be in defence position.

“What do you want?” I asked suspiciously

“Hey, I don’t think that’s how you should address your employer” Jimin smirked

Ugh, I do not like it when he smirks. It infuriates me.

“Actually, the PD guy is my employer” I said, crossing my arms.

“But I could still get you fired” he said, stepping closer.

“Sure” I scoffed, turning away so I didn’t have to look into his eyes.

Did I mention he infuriates me?

“Whatever, just take this” he said, shoving something in my hands. “As great as your moo-moo jumper looks, I don’t think it can withstand the cold.”

I looked down at what he hand placed in my hands. It was the black hoodie he had been wearing previously. As much as I wanted to reject it, he was right. I was freezing.

“…Thanks” I muttered, and placed the jumper over my moo-moo one.

It was already baggy on Jimin, and since I was pretty small it seemed to just eat me up.

Jimin started laughing again, clutching his stomach.

“Oh my God, you look even smaller in that”

“Shut up! You’re pretty small too”

“I’m not that small! And I’m still taller than you” he smirked again.

Man, I hate that smirk.

“Whatever ert, see you tomorrow”

“Are you seriously still calling me a ert? And ‘see you later today’ you mean. It’s already two in the morning.”

“Seriously?! I have school in a couple of hours!”

“You’re still in high school? Well, makes sense, since you’re that small”

I hit him in the arm “I’m not that small! And I’m leaving now, bye ert

I stomped away (with no real sense of direction) until I realised something.

I had no idea where I was, and how to get back.

Aishhh, Kim Hari, why must you embarrass yourself like this?!

I turned around, only to see Jimin still watching me, as if he was expecting me to comeback. I slowly stepped backwards until I reached him again.

“…Can you drive me back” I mumbled

“What’s that?” Jimin said sarcastically while cupping his ear. “You want what?”

“Can you drive me back?” I said clearer this time.

“I think you forgot the magic word”


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Yo guys, my school break has ended so updates may be slower now, but I'll try my best to be fast :)


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Chapter 31: I wait for the new updates Author-nim~
Fifie03 #2
Chapter 32: still waiting for your update author-nim....
Chapter 32: Woohoo so gld you're back~ I don't have a life so I can wait forever lmao
hoonakki #4
Chapter 32: I'll wait for the next update, welcome back ^^
Chapter 31: Waahhhh next chap plisss.......
Chapter 31: Jiminxhari love them so much
Chapter 31: Jiminxhari love them so much
Chapter 31: Jur back!!! Great update! :)
jyearm #9
Chapter 30: Plzzz update! I rlly like this story! xx
Chapter 30: Uhhh can't wait for the upcoming chapters authornim.. ^^