
Dare gone wrong?
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.........One week after the interhigh dance festival.........


"Triple scoop vanilla and swiss chocolate ice-cream for Table 27!"

Yeri sighed as she lazily scooped the ice-cream into the cone. She was supposed to be spending her beautiful Saturday afternoon out with the squad but thanks to the persistent pestering of her best friend Saeron, she ended up helping out at the Kim's Ice-cream Parlour.

The fact that the parlour was located just by the beach on a warm Summer's afternoon simply meant that there were more customers and less free time.

Ugh. Couples everywhere. If there was one thing Yeri hated even more than working on such a busy day, it was having to witness or overhear all the cringeworthy moments between couples.

"Hey, brighten up a bit or else you'll scare all the customers away." Saeron gently nudged Yeri.

"Yeah yeah..." Yeri rolled her eyes as she grudgingly walked towards a couple sitting happily at a table with the ice-cream in her hands.

And just when she thought her day couldn't get any worse, she spotted 4 familiar figures walking towards the entrance of the ice-cream shop.

I gotta get away from here real quick before those shikshins are going to clear out the restaurant!

The ice-cream platter was slammed abruptly onto the table, causing the couple to flinch in shock as they watched Yeri sprint towards the kitchen as if her life depended on it.

A-Almost there!! Yeri screamed as her fingers reached out to pull open the closed door...but to her despair, they fell one centimetre short of opening the door.

"Ya! Where do you think you're going? You just had your break half an hour ago!" Saeron pulled Yeri's ear mercilessly.





Tzuyu's ears perked up at the sound of a familiar squeal.

"Hey guys...I swear I just head Yeri's voice..."

"Hm? Why would Yeri be here? Didn't she say she was busy so she couldn't hang out with us?"

"Oh? Doesn't that waitress over there kind of look like our Yerim? But I can't really tell because her back's facing us."

Joy squinted her eyes to get a clearer look at the squirming figure while Jeongyeon peered from side to side to catch a glimpse of the mysteriously familiar figure.

The group stealthily edged closer towards the counter where the waitress duo was still bickering...

"...Maybe I was just confused with somebody else." Tzuyu stated loudly.

Yeri's body stiffened at the sound of Tzuyu's voice but relaxed almost instantly when she heard that they couldn't recognise her.

"Yeah, you're probably just hallucinating or something lets go find a table before we eat first."


At the sound of steps moving away, Yeri breathed a sigh of relief as she freed her reddened ear from Saeron's now loosened grip.

Phew. They're finally gone. That was one hell of a close call.

Yeri smiled as she turned her head around to resume her work.

But to her disappointment, the sounds of snickering forced her eyes to look up to see 4 extremely amused faces staring at her.

She groaned as Joy shot her a triumphant grin.

"If you thought we couldn't see you then you must be stuuuuupiddddd AHAHAHA!" Joy let out a boisterous laugh which echoed throughout the ice-cream parlour.

Yeri sulked. She might as well get this over and done with.

Yeri rolled her sleeves up and began to stretch out her fingers in preparation for the lengthy typing she was about to do on the register. 

"Just tell me already...what do you guys even want to eat?" The maknae finally asked the dreaded question.

"OOH! I thought you'd never ask! We want...a scoop of the chocolate tiramisu, a scoop of the strawberry, a scoop of the vanilla-caramel-"


.......................Ten Minutes Later..........................


"-and the blueberry cheesecake triple scoop." Joy finished happily.

"Alright that comes to $615

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Red Velvet and Twice are still going strong (the companies are ehhh) but I hope everyone can still support them - I went to a Twice concert last year which was awesome!


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Chapter 10: Lmfao they “blessed” the couch.. this was a really funny
kudos on being featured!
cupcaketree123 #3
Chapter 10: Oh dear, this fic was hilarious xD
kudos on being featured!
reveluv316 901 streak #5
congrats on the feature
1123 streak #6
276 streak #7
congrats 👏🏻
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwww Im gonna miss this🥹 more pls
Chapter 9: I burst out laughing at the joygi scenes🤣 you are one talented author👏👏👏👏
Congrats on the feature!