Deja Vu?

Dare gone wrong?
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Dahyun yawned lazily as she slowly pushed open the door to Yeri's family-owned cafe, the group decided to meet up there on Sunday morning to grab some breakfast together before going out to the shopping mall. 

" calm and wonder the business is going so well." Dahyun nodded to herself as she walked towards the group's usual spot while listening to tranquil music of the cafe. Huh? Did she just say calm and peaceful?! Dahyun's eyes snapped open wide awake. The cafe is never peaceful because they're always so rowdy!

Before her, sat four figures huddled up close together in the usual corner with their faces buried in their hands looking as if their life was over. Strange glances from both concerned and slightly annoyed customers were sent towards their direction as the sounds of ugly sobbing could be heard.

"Aigoo their scaring away the customers...did I miss something?" Dahyun nudged Yeri who was busy drying the tableware as she curiously stared at the weird behaviour of the squad's unnie line.

"Mm? Tzuyu said something about someone being a tree and some odd-looking bushes running around the school when she finished her class rep duties yesterday." Yeri calmly replied as she handed Dahyun a freshly brewed hot chocolate.

Dahyun slowly sipped her hot chocolate. "Ah I see, so that's what they were doing at school..." She immediately spat out some of her drink as she processed what Yeri said. "WAIT! TREES AND BUSHES RUNNING AROUND THE SCHOOL?!"

"Yep. The council discipline team rounded all four of them up and had a really long talk with them, I'm not sure what they said to make their eyes so lifeless when they walked out of the student council room." Yeri leaned against the counter while wiping the spilt milk. 

At the chime of the doorbell, the duo looked up to see a beaming Tzuyu and Jihyo walking into the cafe. Although Jihyo was the secretary of the student council and rumoured to be the next president, she had a really close relationship with the squad, looking after the rebellious children as if she were their mother. Despite being graced with the presence of the kind-hearted, and angelic Park Jihyo, the dark atmosphere surrounding the four sulky figures in the corner deepened.

"YOU TRAITORS!" Joy finally looked up to point her finger accusingly at both Jihyo and Tzuyu who simply grinned back unfazed by Joy's booming voice.




Kang Seulgi 3rd Year Class 1

- Caught sleeping during class 35 36 times

- Caught escaping detention for skipping class 

- Offered to refill a students water bottle from the bubbler but ended up giving the student a bottle of vodka

- Brought a pot to class and cooked 30 packs of instant noodles for the entire class during Maths period 

- Registered Mr Park Bogum (History Teacher) onto a single women aged 30+ online dating site which resulted in him receiving numerous phone calls from interested older men.

Irene paused for a moment in disbelief before re-reading the last sentence. "Damn...Kang Seulgi actually did a good job with that last one." Irene let out a small smile before hardening her cold expression "Focus Joohyun!" she internally reminded herself before scribbling onto the misconduct roster.

- Pretended to be a tree while escaping from detention with President Bae whom all students would actually volunteer to spend detention with for 3 hours.

"Congratulations Kang Seulgi, you have just added another line to your resume." Irene stated sarcastically.

Truthfully, the calm president was annoyed by Seulgi. Despite having a highly respected image as President and as one of the school's most revered beauties, she felt extremely insulted by Seulgi who was the first student to escape detention with her when she had purposely lightened the punishment of skipping class just to spend some time with the said bear. 

"Wait, Prez Bae you forgot one more thing." Seulgi gently took the piece of paper and pen from Irene before quickly jotting something down.

- Got her heart stolen by President Irene Bae

Irene felt a surge of warmth rise up to her now reddened cheeks. She shot the grinning bear a quick glare despite being unable to hide her flushed face and  weird feeling of relief. 

"Stupid bear." Irene mumbled.


Meanwhile on the other side of the room...

"Ya! Yoo Jeongyeon! If you wanted some of my food, you could've just asked me to make some for you." Nayeon pouted. "But nooo you had to go on a small picnic date with Momo while eating MY food at the sportsfield."

"Eh? Nayeonnie you just said you'd make food for me?" Jeongyeon's eyes twinkled at Nayeon's suggestion before immediately being shot down. "Hmph. Not anymore." Nayeon said before walking towards Irene.

Mina, Sana and Momo were just speaking Japanese to each other leaving Joy staring boredly at Chaeyoung who was glaring at her.

"What are you looking at midget?" Joy patted the small first-year council member on the head.

"M-midget?! I'll make sure to catch you properly next time you long-legged giant and enemy of all short people!" Chaeyoung frustratedly stomped away.

Joy sighed before walking closer to Seulgi to make sure the bear wasn't killed by the angry president. But to her surprise, she saw Iren

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Red Velvet and Twice are still going strong (the companies are ehhh) but I hope everyone can still support them - I went to a Twice concert last year which was awesome!


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Chapter 10: Lmfao they “blessed” the couch.. this was a really funny
kudos on being featured!
cupcaketree123 #3
Chapter 10: Oh dear, this fic was hilarious xD
kudos on being featured!
reveluv316 901 streak #5
congrats on the feature
1123 streak #6
276 streak #7
congrats 👏🏻
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwww Im gonna miss this🥹 more pls
Chapter 9: I burst out laughing at the joygi scenes🤣 you are one talented author👏👏👏👏
Congrats on the feature!