Chapter 7

Boxer and Ballerina

Chapter 7:


"I SAID NO TALKING!! NOW ONCE AGAIN...MUSIC...1 2 3 GO..." The girls kept repeating their dance over and over again which only lead to fatigue. Hana watched as the girls were going through so much trouble making up the right move because they didnt get no break. The new teacher said if nothing is perfect then no break. I squinted my eyes trying to figure out the new moves. Hana was caught talking and laughing so Kwon Mi told her to sit this out and she should practice in her own time or if there is time she will practice till her legs tremble. She was frightened of course and she knew why Kwon Mi treated her like that.


"When is Madam Lee coming back?" Dara moaned as she was massaging the body parts her hand could reach out for. They all cried in pain while all Hana could do is help with a bit of massaging.


"I have no idea. aish i miss her already. i thought freedom but i regret it..." Bom replied as she leaned against the chair. Kwon Mi had given them lunch break and luckily for them there was ice on the list today. They all sighed as all the ballet students ate slowly and mourning about their next 2 hour session with her.


"Im going to die young..." Minzy whined. Hana watched them cry in misery as much as she wanted to help she couldnt. Kwon Mi would never listen to her. She thinks im Jiyong's girlfriend who didnt even deny it. aish..


"Hana you're so lucky..." CL smiled towards her only for it to be interrupted by the new devil ballet teacher.


"Lets go!" The boxers watched for the first time as the ballet girls sweated. it was a new sight for them therefore they sat there in awe. They also didnt like the new ballet teacher as she always yelled at them for making too much noise when Wong wasnt here but she would immediately change when he was. Something is fishy they all thought.


"Wong when is Jiyong coming back?" One of the boys Doojoon questioned as he did some press up. Wong turned around hearing his name as well as Jiyong in the same sentence.


"Tomorrow. I called him.." Wong sighed as much as he didnt want to exlude his best boxer it was in the rules Madam Lee made. Wong watched as half of the girls were panting on the floor while Kwon Mi had a smirk on her face before reaching out for Hana.


"You i want you to dance till you drop! your ballerina skills are weak! is this what she taught you!" Hana gulped hearing her. Her legs and arm were already hurting and she didnt want to continue but the other girls were going through much more and for them she was willing to do it. Hana got into her position before she started dancing away her minds running away into different thoughts about Jiyong. She smiled remembering how caring he can be only towards his sister. Kwon Mi noticed the warm smile on her face and her anger grew more.


"FASTER. HIGHER......NOW JUMP" Hana was hearing those three words for the past 3 hours. Everyone else left, the ballet girls however were forced and threatened to leave because they insisted in staying and waiting for Hana. Hana could already feel her feet swollen and maybe bloods could be seen near her toenails as she put too much pressure on them. She sighed before doing the routine once again. She panted heavily trying to gain back to her normal breathing self.


"Why did you stop continue?" Kwon Mi yelled from the chair as she sipped on her tea.


"AHH...." Hana slipped onto the floor as she held onto her left feet. Seeing the needle poke into her feet made tears automatically slip out of her eyes as the pain was hurting her too much. She pulled it out before gazing at Kwon Mi who had an unreadable expression. Hana was confused though the hall is cleaned everyday and no needle was found the past years. The smirk on Kwon Mi's face answered all her question.


"When i was a ballet student i went through more pain. Now stand up Hana!" Kwon Mi grabbed onto her hand dragging her up only for Hana to yelp in pain.


"Dance or else you i'll kick you out of this course..." The tears kept slipping as Hana tried balancing. She loved ballet and she couldnt let this pain ruin everything for her. Again getting into the starting position she bit her lower lip in pain before dancing away.


"Thats rubbish!" Hana would often fall because of the blood that was already flooding the hall. She felt weak and for the first time ever she wondered why she couldnt speak for herself why she kept quiet infront of this woman?


"omg Hana...." Bom, Dara, CL and Minzy were stood outside the gate waiting for Hana but seeing the pain she was going through they wanted to kill Kwon Mi however the gates were shut therefore they couldnt get through. They decided to take the other route running with their heels around the whole campus to reach the back gate.


A pair of eyes watched as his heart hurt. He didnt like the scene at all. He came to get his boxer kit to wash for tomorrow but seeing the scene right now he wanted to kill Kwon Mi for even returning back into his life. With his strong hand he pulled opened the gate chain and then headed inside making both Hana and Kwon Mi stop.


"thats enough!" Jiyong yelled towards Kwon Mi before heading towards Hana who fainted into his arms after finally finding some support. He gazed at her before at the figure stood right infront of him.


"stop trying to ruin my life! get the out!" Jiyong continued.


"thats not how you talk to the women who helped you grow up and become who you are now son..." She replied with a smirk pushing a strand of his fringes just to get a sight of his full face.

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I thought its a daragon fanfic... Sorry!
Chapter 30: I've always love your story :')
wow... ds fanfic is super duper amazing!!! Love it!!:)
i just finished chapter 25 and i'm so shocked that kwon mi switched the baby's dna test that i don't even know what to do with myself right now!
why can't she just leave them alone? they love each other, so why isn't that enough?
plus, i'm incredibly nervous about kiko because what if she actually got the surgery to look like hana?

ahhhh, i'm definitely stressing even though i know the story will come to a resolution and everything will be okay within 5 more chapters. xD

i'll be quiet now and finish reading the story ahahha.
Athena21 #6
This seems interesting! Ill read it ^-^ <3
gorgeous poetic ending!
kpoplover4life #8
I loved it so cute Lemons are so mouth tingling
awww this is greatttt :)
its a girl!!! or twins?