Don't Make Me Angry

Can You Find Neverland

Chapter 7


I honestly don’t know how long I’ve been here, but this wolf is starting to get on my nerves. All we do is argue about what is real and what is fake. He’ll growl at me and I’ll narrow my eyes at him. He’d let out and annoyed huff and I’d roll my eyes. A conversation between us barely lasted three seconds before we were staring at each other annoyed.

For the last time, I don’t need to be here.

Boy if you don’t stop trying to ignore me…

Stop threatening me because I’m no longer scared of you.

Once again we are glaring at each other and it’s silent.  This is starting to feel like a never ending loop between us. Suddenly everything feels weird and the wolf in front of me has a look of discomfort on its face as well. We turned our attention to a figure that starts forming and then I see Chanyeol. I looked at him confused before turning to the wolf to see that it had lowered its head, as if it was submitting to him.

“Baek,” Chanyeol called out and I snapped my attention towards him. “Are you…”

“Just leave. We are in a middle of a never ending conversation and I don’t need random illusions popping up. I just want to leave and you’re delaying that,” I snapped at him, cutting him off.

“Baek, it’s been two weeks. Everyone is getting worried about you and…”

“Chanyeol you’re just my imagination. I’m more surprised you’re here instead of Chen.”

He seemed to tense up at that and then he released a growl. Something in me told me that I needed to apologize and that I needed to quickly take back what I said. I did neither and just watched as Chanyeol walked up to me.

“Why is it that you always bring up that mutt?” there was so much venom in his voice that I flinched and took a step back. “Chen this, Chen that…do you believe that he is your mate? Do you honestly believe that weak beta could protect you?”

“He’s protected me against you,” I said quietly and this made him pause and laugh darkly.

“He protected you against me? How Baek?” his tone changed into a mocking one and I was beginning to lose my composure. “How can that mutt protect you? Do you even know who hurt him in those woods? Did you ever question him on how he got injured? Stop being so naïve Baek.”

My eyes widened at those questions and then I started to glare at him when he asked who hurt Chen…my Chen… “Was it you that attacked him Park?” I spit out harshly and he smirked at me. “So it was you. Here I thought you were actually concerned,” I scoffed and then looked at my wolf. “Yah Byun,” I called out and it looked at me. “If you really want me to accept you, then you’d have to know by now that Chen is off limits and that anyone that hurts him, is a threat to us.”

Baek…do you know who this boy is? The voice was timid and unsure and I scowled at that. I’m not weak and I’m not going to have a wolf that is.

“I don’t care who Park is to us. As far as I am concerned, he is a threat and if you don’t ing grow balls, then I won’t accept you as my wolf,” I threatened and the wolf’s eyes grew.

Are you….

“Yes I accept and I already know what I want to do when I wake up,” I looked back at Chanyeol with a glare and he held my look with a challenging one. “You’ll regret coming into my life.”

“Doubt it.”


I was jerked awake and the first thing I did was punch the person leaning over me. The person groaned and leaned back while holding his face and I took that chance to jump up from the bed I was on. “I would be back in this room,” I scoffed and then stormed out the room, ignoring the person telling me to lie back down. As soon as I got to the bottom of the steps, the sound of footsteps running was heard and I picked up my pace before running out the front door.

“I wouldn’t if I was you,” the book boy from before warned as he stood at the bottom of the porch. “I rather not use violence.”

“Byeol meaning shining light right?” I asked him and looked slightly confused. “That means I can use light, so what does force have on speed?” I challenged him and he smirked.

“Impact,” the boy said and then the ground was shaking.

Behind you. I quickly moved out the way and then a boy stumbled out the house. I quickly looked around for anything to use and my eyes landed on the trees. Baek I wouldn’t…

No one knows these trees like me I said and then looked back at the now multiple boys that were slowly trying to approach me. How do I move fast?

Picture yourself moving at the speed and I will do the rest.

I nodded my head and then closed my eyes. My body felt light and it felt like I was moving too fast. When my eyes opened, everything around me was a blur, except what was directly in front of me. I forced myself to stop and then I was surrounded by trees. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth and I looked around for anything to use, in case they caught up to me.

Just get to higher ground.

Will that even work?

It’ll work for now…

I sighed at the unsure tone coming from Byun and then started climbing the closest tree to me. Once I was up high enough, I sat down on a branch and then really took in my surroundings. I’m not too far from my home surprisingly, but it’s still almost a twenty minute walk. The sound of a branch snapping caused me to look down and I saw that there was a squirrel at the base of the tree. I released a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding, but then I gasped when I felt something start to wrap around my arm. Praying it wasn’t a snake, I slowly turned my head to see…okay not a snake, but the actual tree was trying to wrap itself around me.

It’s that wolf boy from earlier.

Be more specific.

The one that caused the ground to shake.

I groaned and rolled my eyes because that still didn’t help me. I used whatever strength I had…that’s not much…and tried to pry myself free. Luckily I did get free, but I lost my footing and fell. I managed to grab onto the branch before I completely fell and now I was hanging from the tree while it was still trying to trap me.

How fast do I heal?

Baek if you do that, then you’ll be running on a broken ankle that will take a week to heal.

Not like I haven’t walked on it before…

I’m just going to call Byeol instead. She’s the one that does the real damage.

“Master, if you’re trying to kill yourself, then you’re doing the job perfectly,” Byeol said and I looked up at her annoyed. “Don’t worry, I’m here to help, but keep your eyes closed or you’ll go blind.”

I nodded my head and closed my eyes. I was suddenly yanked upwards and then I felt myself moving once again. Before I knew it, I felt my feet touch something and then everything stopped. A comforting hand on my shoulder made me tense up slightly before I hesitantly opened my eyes. The front door to my house greeted me and I could only stare at it.

“You wanted to come home right? Isn’t that what you wished for Master?” Byeol asked quietly and I glanced back at her.

“This isn’t my home. Where I was in the woods was twenty minutes from the place I regularly escape to. This place was closer, so I guess I could see some confusion on why you brought me here.”

“Master this is your home…”

“As long as those imposters are in there, this is not my home,” I deadpanned and then started walking off the porch. “Let’s go Byeol, you have a lot of explaining to do,” I said and I didn’t receive a response.

It was quiet as we walked through the trees. Byeol was surprisingly keeping to herself and I was grateful because it gave me time to think.

That boy that can control the trees…

He can tell where you are at any time.

He won’t come for me.

How do you know? He doesn’t really like you.

I’m too much of a hassle for him and he actually respected my decision to leave. He won’t do something that will cause him trouble.

So are you thinking he is an ally to you?

No, far from that. He probably hates me the most. All I’m saying is that he won’t come for me unless I provoke him.

“His name is Kyungsoo,” Byeol said and I looked at her. “Junmyeon-oppa was talking about him to Chen and I. He’s very quiet and prefers to watch than to take action.”

“Do you believe he would come looking for me?” I asked her and she shook her head.

“He’s more loyal to Junmyeon-oppa. He only stayed because of his mate.”

I paused at that word and she looked at me as if she was expecting my reaction. “You already know what I want to ask.”

“Will you get mad at me?”

“Just tell me what a mate is. Chanyeol already brought it up and you just did. So just tell me.”

“Well, I know as much as you do. Ask Byunnie instead since he is the wolf,” she said and I groaned.

“Stop acting like you know everything if you only know as much as I do,” I snapped and she pouted.


Ah this question. A mate is like a life-long partner. You’re bound together mentally and emotionally until you die. Think of this like soulmates.

Okay then, now why did Chanyeol get angry when he thought Chen was mine?

That…you might not recognize the scent yet, but Chanyeol is…uh…special to us. You hanging around Chen and being protective of him only makes Chanyeol feel jealous.

Why would he be jealous when all he does is irritate me? He has to know that I don’t like him.

Are you sure about that?

Sure about what?

You don’t like him?


Not even a little bit?

He’s an . Why would I like someone like him?

Do you like Chen?

Of course! Chen is my friend!

“I would stop thinking like that if I were you,” Byeol said and I looked at her confused. “People might get the wrong impression and think you want Chen as your mate. Nothing is wrong with that, but you’re hurting more people thinking like this.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked her and she looked around nervously.

“I can’t tell you now since they’re closing in, but I will explain,” she said and I narrowed my eyes at her.

“So what, as soon as I get to the place, which is less than five minutes away, I will be fine. Now tell me,” I told her and she flinched.

“I’ll explain at the place since it’s going to take a while.”

“How long is a while?”

“At least an hour. You see, you’ve missed a lot when you refused to wake up,” she said and I sighed annoyed before I started walking once more.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked. “Baek, it’s been two weeks. Everyone is getting worried about you and…”

“Two weeks,” she confirmed Chanyeol’s voice.

“I see, what have you been doing?”

“Well I kind of just hung out around that house. I couldn’t do much without you being near and I tried to talk to you, but you blocked me out.”

“I see…” I trailed off and then stopped walking when we reached a small house. A soft smile graced my lips when I saw that a light was on in one of the rooms and that the garden in the front was growing beautifully.

“Baek!” a voice yelled when I went to walk closer to the house and I turned around to see Chanyeol and Han. “Don’t go in there.”

“Who are you to control me?” I asked him and he went to step closer to me, but Han stopped him. “Chanyeol, I am not yours to control. You made everything perfectly clear to me already. You’re my enemy and I rather you keep your distance.”

Chanyeol frowned and then went to talk, but was interrupted by Han saying, “Baek I know you’re upset about everything, but do not go near that house.”

“Oh so you already know what’s in here?” I asked with a slight smirk. “See I remember when Chen had the same reaction when I tried bringing him near this house. He tried his hardest to get me to leave and ended up running away because I refused.”

“How do you know about this place?” Han asked and I shrugged before taking a step back as I heard the front door open.

“You see, everyone has secrets. My family tends to have a lot more than the average one,” I explained and the two’s eyes widened.

“Hyung?” a voice called and I turned my head to the person who opened the door.

“Dae…long time no see,” I greeted the confused boy.

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Chapter 8: This is soooo good! I can't wait to read more. Taehyung is such a confusing character but I guess I would act the same if I was in his place xD
tn10tn #2
Chapter 1: Nice. Thank you for your hardwork ❤❤