He's Back

Can You Find Neverland

Chapter 3


I opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was that I was in my room. I couldn’t hear anything, but I knew someone was in the room. Slowly, I sat up and looked around my room for anyone and I spotted Chen curled up on the foot of my bed. I flinched slightly when I saw him and I held my head in pain when a flashback of the woods entered my mind.

After carefully getting off the bed, I quietly made my way to the door of my bedroom before I heard a sigh. I turned my head and saw Jongdae sitting on my bed , but thankfully he moved a pillow to cover himself up. Saying it was awkward was an understatement, but I couldn’t do anything to change it. I mean, what can I say? He turned into a wolf in front of me and it was horrifying.

“Baek…” he trailed off and I tensed up. “I know you’re scared of me and I’m sorry for what you saw. We can honestly pretend none of this happened.”

I stared at him quietly and then looked at the ground. “You can wear my clothes, just come downstairs and tell me everything,” I said and then quickly left the room.

When I got downstairs, I heard noise coming from the kitchen and it smelt like something was burning. I quickly made my way to the room and stopped mid step when I saw Byeol cooking something on the stove. She was humming to herself, completely unaware of me in the room. The kitchen was also a mess and I really cannot get over the smell.

“You know, you can always ask questions,” she said and then looked at me with a smile. “I can never lie to you.”

“How did you get in here?” I asked and she giggled before turning back to the burning food…really what is she making? “Also what are you cooking? It smells like you burnt it.”

“O-Oh, I did?” she quickly turned off the stove and then moved the pot to a different burner. “Your guard dog let me in and I thought I could make you some food, but this is my first time cooking. I tried to copy what you’ve done before, but I guess I still messed up.”

“How do you know me?” I asked and she sighed as she turned to look at me.

“Can I ask you something and in return, I’ll answer your question?” she asked and I nodded. “Master, have you ever wondered why you’re more in tuned with nature than you are with civilization?” I stared at her confused and she took a deep breath before frowning slightly. “I guess you could say that I’m the reason you’re like that. It’s not common, but sometimes wolves can take a form of another creature. There are also special cases when wolves can have a rare talent.” She paused and then turned her attention to her hands. “This is where I come in. Well more like you. You see, with each wolf their talent is different. It can be physical or mental. Sometimes both, but those are more elemental. You are part of the rare talents.”

“Oh so you already started?” Jongdae’s voice was heard and I turned to see him leaning again the door frame. “Baek’s case is more special than that.”

“How?” I asked and I was surprised that I could even talk with all this information running through my head.

“Like I said before, wolves sometimes take the form of another creature. One of your parents was a wolf and you are half wolf. Normally when this accords, you wouldn’t have a talent and you wouldn’t be able to turn into a wolf until your eighteenth birthday,” Byeol answered.

“You my friend are a talent user and you let your talent take a form,” Jongdae added and it became quiet.

It was silent as I processed everything and looked between the two. Jongdae looked like he was begging for me to believe him and Byeol only gave me a comforting smile. After a few more moments, I started clapping and laughed at their confused faces.

“That’s a good story, but I’m not going to believe that part about me. I’ll believe everything else because I saw what happened with my cub…I mean Jongdae,” I said and then took a deep breath. “My parents are away right now due to business and when they return, I can’t have you two here. So you seem like you knew those group of boys well, stay with them please.”

“Baek, we can’t unless you join the pack,” Jongdae said and I shook my head.

“I’m not getting myself involved with you anymore. I’ll miss you as being Chen, but from this point on, please leave me alone,” I said and he frowned before nodding. “Now as for you, I’ll keep up with that lie about you being my cousin at school, but do not talk to me afterwards and don’t come back here.”

“Master, I literally cannot be away from you longer than two hours. That would kill both of us,” Byeol said and I groaned.

“Then turn back! Go back to where you came from!” I yelled and she looked at me shocked before biting her lip with a slight nod.

She opened to say something, but then a loud knock was heard on the door. We turned to look at the entrance of the room and when I went to answer the door, Jongdae stopped me. The person knocked a few more times before a click was heard and then the door opened.

“Baek are you awake?” a voice asked and then Jongdae growled.

“Master knows him,” Byeol said and then Junmyeon walked into the kitchen.

“Oh, so you finally made friends when I leave?” Junmyeon asked and I shook my head.

“They were here for this new project we’re doing for class,” I lied and then Junmyeon pointed at Jongdae’s clothes. “I took them to the woods for a break and he fell. So I gave him my clothes to wear.”

“Where’s Chen? He’s usually growling at me by now,” Junmyeon looked around for the cub.

“The sun is still up and you know he doesn’t come back until sunset,” I said and Junmyeon shrugged before looking back at me, “When did you get back?”

“Ten minutes ago. I came to check on you, but it seems as if I interrupted you being social. Who are they?”

“Byeol and Jongdae. They’re new in our class.”

“Well then, I’m Junmyeon. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you,” he said with a smile and Jongdae glared at him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. Jongdae is just in a bad mood from falling,” Byeol said and Jongdae looked at her. “We were just leaving. Baek please remember what we said and I’m sorry for my horrible cooking skills.”

“It’s fine, I’ll see you guys in class hopefully,” I gave her a fake smile and then she dragged Jongdae out of the house.

It was silent for a few moments and then Junmyeon sighed making me look up at him. “Baek who are they really?” he asked and I shrugged.

“They hang out with Minseok’s group and tried to get me to hang out with them. It’s nothing to worry about,” I lied and Junmyeon tensed up.

“Minseok’s group? How did you get their attention?” he asked and then looked towards the front door. “What did they say?”

“Minseok got hurt in the woods and I helped him. I guess he was wanting to be friends afterwards.”

“I see,” he said and his tone threw me off.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he looked at me with a smile.

“I’m fine. I just don’t really trust Minseok,” he said and I nodded.

“Like I said, don’t worry about them. I don’t plan on leaving you Jumma,” I said and he rolled his eyes at the nickname.

Junmyeon helped me clean the kitchen and we talked about his trip to his grandparents as we cleaned. When we finished, we went to the living room and watched tv. He ended up staying the night and slept in the guest room where some of his clothes were already stored from past visits. When I woke up the next morning, he was in the kitchen making breakfast and greeted me with a smile.

“You know, you would make a fine wife,” I joked and he gave me a playful glare.

“Is that the thanks I get for making you breakfast?” he asked and I laughed.

“So I assume I’m driving you as well to school today,” I said as he sat a plate a food in front of me.

“What were you going to do, make me take the bus instead?” he asked as he sat down with his plate. I nodded and he frowned slightly, “Yah, don’t forget I’m older than you.”

“Which is why it would be good exercise if you walked to the bus station,” I teased and he rolled his eyes before eating.

We finished eating five minutes later and then quickly got ready for school. We talked idly about plans for the weekend since I finally didn’t have work. By the time we arrived to the school, we both agreed on seeing a movie and hanging out at the mall. As we walked through the entrance of the school, we were greeted by Minseok and Kris. We stopped walking and Junmyeon stared at them while I looked at him concern. I looked at the two in front of us, feeling slightly uneasy about the tense atmosphere.

“I see you’re back Kim,” Minseok said with a smile and Junmyeon nodded.

“I heard you got hurt playing in the woods. Did you piss off another animal?” Junmyeon asked and I was surprised by the anger in his voice.

“You know Xing misses your bossy attitude,” Kris said and Junmyeon tensed up.

“Did he say that before or after you ed him?” Junmyeon asked and Kris was instantly angry.

“I would never…”

“Kris, calm down,” Minseok interrupted the angry giant and then I saw Chanyeol and another student walking up. “I didn’t come here to start a fight, but only to pass on a warning for little Byun,” he said and then looked at me. “Stay out of the woods for the next week. I don’t want someone like you getting hurt and I hate putting out fires.”

“Thank you for the warning,” Junmyeon said before I could speak. “Now it’s best if you leave with your mutts.”

“Who are you calling a mutt, half breed?” Chanyeol asked and I shivered just hearing his voice.

I felt my heart starting to beat faster and then Junmyeon grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused as he quickly dragged me away from the group. As I glanced behind me, I made eye contact with Chanyeol and then my body stopped moving. I could feel Junmyeon tugging my arm to try to get me moving again, but I couldn’t move. It felt like I had no control over my body as I kept looking at Chanyeol’s eyes.

Suddenly Byeol was in front of me, breaking the eye contact between me and Chanyeol. I felt like I could breathe again and then Junmyeon was dragging me to our classroom once again. It was silent between us and it felt like if I had said anything, Junmyeon would’ve snapped at me. So I silently watched him as multiple emotions flashed across his face.

“Baek,” he suddenly said and stopped in front of the classroom door.

“Yes?” I asked and he turned to look at me.

“Keep that girl near you and stay away from Chanyeol,” he said and I looked at him confused.

“Chanyeol is my desk partner and that girl is…”

“I know you lied about her being involved with Minseok. She actually came back when you were sleeping and I answered the door,” Junmyeon cut me off and I looked at him shocked. “Just, trust me on this. She is more useful than she seems.”

“Hyung…” I trailed off and removed my arm from his grasp. “Do you know what’s going on?” I asked him and he shook his head.

“You know I would never lie to you about something important. I have no idea what is going on, but I have a feeling that it isn’t good. Byeol explained to me some things and I don’t think you should be around Chanyeol,” he explained and I bit my lip unsure. “Baek trust me on this please. I would never tell you to do something unless there’s a good reason for it.”

“Okay,” I said and then we walked into the class.

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Chapter 8: This is soooo good! I can't wait to read more. Taehyung is such a confusing character but I guess I would act the same if I was in his place xD
tn10tn #2
Chapter 1: Nice. Thank you for your hardwork ❤❤