Confused? Don't Worry, So Am I

Can You Find Neverland

Chapter 2


She was smiling at me. Her smile seemed so innocent and so heavenly to look at. I don’t know who this girl was, but she seemed so excited and relieved to see me. She was shorter than me, honey beige skin, short light brown hair, and big brown eyes. Her slightly rounded cheeks gave her an even more innocent look and made me question how old the girl was.

I was brought out of my observations she held out her hand and I hesitated before taking her hand. As soon as my hand touched hers, I felt my body jolt and then I was surrounded by darkness.

I woke up with a start and held my chest while I panted. Once I managed to calm down, I looked at my phone and saw that I was running late to school. I quickly threw off my blankets and stripped before running to the shower. Within twenty minutes, I was running down the stairs in my uniform and combing my hair. I tossed my comb on the coffee table as I passed it and went to the kitchen.

After making a quick lunch, I grabbed my bag and stuffed my lunch box in it before running to get my shoes. Chen met me by the front door and watched me silently as I got everything ready to leave. As soon as I opened the front door, Chen ran out and I rolled my eyes before locking up my house and rushing to my car.

“Be back by sunset!” I yelled out and a loud howl was my response.

By the time I got to the school, I was five minutes late and I silently cursed as I signed the late book. I ran down the hallway and made a short stop at my locker before reaching my classroom. I couldn’t hear any noise coming from the room and I started panicking thinking they were having a pop quiz without me. I opened the door and saw that, fortunately, they weren’t having a pop quiz, we were having two new students instead. So I can assume you might know the reaction to me walking in late. That’s right, all the attention shifted to me.

“Mr. Byun, so glad you decided to join us,” Mr. Kwon said and a few students laughed. “Take your seat so we can introduce our new students,” he said and I nodded before quickly taking my seat by the window. “Now if you may, please introduce yourselves.”

“My name is Byun Byeol,” the girl said and my eyes widened when I looked at her. She looked exactly like the girl in my dream and when we made eye contact, she smiled brightly at me. “I’m Baekhyun’s cousin from the states. I hope we can get along,” she ended with a bow and winked at me before looking around the class.

“My name is Park Chanyeol,” the other student said with such a deep voice that I shivered. I looked at him and nearly fainted on the spot. The student was tall and slightly muscular. I couldn’t pay much attention to his facial features because his eyes were locked onto mine. He was staring at me with an intense stare and I wanted the ground to just open and swallow me up when the teacher assigned him next to me and my ‘cousin’ was in front of him.

Ten minutes later, the door opened and a boy walked in casually. He looked short and he had short brown hair. He had high cheek bones and a strong chin, but he still looked very young. I couldn’t tell if he was actually smiling or if it was just his normal expression because his brown eyes looked uninterested. The boy looked around and held out a piece of paper to the teacher before making his way and sitting down next to…Minseok…huh, he really was in my class after all. The whole class was staring at the boy as he made himself comfortable in his seat.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” the teacher asked and the boy rolled his eyes.

“My name is Kim Jongdae,” the boy said before giving a short wave.

I heard a barely audible growl and I tilted my head before looking at the student next to me. He was glaring at the boy that just came in and then I flinched when he looked at me. His facial expression softened and I blushed slightly before looking away from him. I turned my attention to my ‘cousin’ and saw that she was smirking at the boy that walked in. She must’ve sensed me looking at her because she glanced at me before looking at the teacher.

Class went on and when the bell rang, I tried to quickly run out of the class, but two hands stopped me. I looked at the hands on my shoulders and then looked at the owners to see Jongdae and Byeol standing close to me. I looked at them confused before the started dragging me off in another direction. I struggled a bit, but then Jongdae’s grip tightened causing me to wince and stop. We finally stopped walking when we reached the roof top of the school. Han was there talking to Kris and another boy, Minseok was having a conversation with Chanyeol, and there was a boy reading a book off to the side. Byeol cleared and gained everyone’s attention.

“So would someone like to explain why there are this many wolves in one area?” Byeol asked and I looked at her confused.

“No one claimed this land so it doesn’t matter,” Kris said and she glared at him.

“It does matter when my master isn’t part of your pack,” she said and Han started laughing.

“No wonder you smelt like him,” Han said and then smiled at me. “You’re a lot stronger than I imagined.”

“Better question is why were you guys really in the woods last night?” Jongdae asked and I only looked at everyone confused.

“You’re a rogue wolf, why do you care?” Kris asked.

“Cause you stepped into my territory after being attacked by one of your own,” Jongdae said and then both of them released me.

“We were invited in,” Han said with a smirk. “You also can’t claim land little beta.”

“I’m sorry, but what the hell is going on? I barely know anyone here, yet you guys talk so casually as if I will understand what the is going on,” everyone looked at me and I glared back at them. “Look today has already been weird enough for me. Just do whatever you guys want, but leave me out of it,” I said and then went to leave, but was stopped.

“Do you really not know?” Minseok asked and I looked at him.

“I don’t,” I confirmed and he sighed.

“Baekhyun, do you at least know the two who brought you here?” Han asked and I shook my head.

“You created the girl and Jongdae is Chen. Byun, how did you not notice anything?” Minseok asked and I started laughing.

“You’re saying that his guy is my wolf? Okay, look I don’t care what you guys say anymore. How about you guys continue your little conversation without me? I rather not get involve with something like this,” I stopped laughing and then glared at them, “Also, if I see any of you near my wolf, it will be the last thing any of you ever do.”

With that I left and ignored the calling of my name. I walked into my class and ignore the teacher’s questions as I rested my head on the desk. The rest of the day moved in a blur and as soon as I heard the bell signaling school to be over, I all but ran out the building. When I got to my car, I paused slightly when I saw Jongdae leaning against it. He snapped his head up to look at me and bit his lip as he fidgeted nervously.

“What?” I snapped and he flinched slightly.

“Baek, I know you don’t believe that I’m Chen, but please try to. I can change back and we can forget all this ever happened,” he said and I frowned.


“Just watch please,” he cut me off and then looked around. “Take me to the woods by your house. I can’t really show you here without causing a scene.”

“Why should I trust you?” I asked him and he looked at me determined.

“Because I’m here to protect you from the others. You don’t have to believe anything I say now, but when I show you in the woods, I’ll explain everything to you and apologize,” he said and then we stared at each other silently.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before gesturing towards my car. “The door is unlocked so get in and I’ll drive you, but best believe if nothing happened, I will leave you stranded,” I warned and he looked at me hopeful before getting in the car.

I got in after him and we drove to my house in silence. From the corner of my eye I saw him opening and closing his mouth as if he was trying to think of something. His facial expression changed multiple times and I felt slightly bad for him, but I kept my expression neutral and my comments to myself. When we reached my house, I got out the car quickly and he seemed to hesitate before getting out and looking at me.

“Well?” I asked him and he nodded before walking towards.

I followed him quietly and made sure to watch his every move carefully. I noticed as I followed him, he kept touching the trees or bushes and carefully moved around them with ease. We arrived at my favorite spot and I had to stop myself from looking up at the old willow tree. Jongdae turned to face me and his face was a little red.

“I need to remove my clothes because I’ll tear them if I don’t,” he said and I scoffed.

“Look if this is some twilight bull, then I’m leaving,” I said and turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

“Buy me a new uniform then,” he said and I raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?” I asked and he sighed.

“After I show you, buy me a new school uniform,” he said and I nodded.

“Deal, but only if you ‘show’ me what you’re going to do,” I said and he let go of me before backing up.

He closed his eyes and then…I honestly don’t know how to describe what I saw. He…he started clawing at his skin and actually tore his skin off, but instead of blood, fur started appearing. This was the most gruesome thing I ever saw and I was surprised I didn’t throw up when I heard bones breaking. This continued on for a few more moments and then I found myself staring into the eyes of a large reddish-brown wolf.

My body started trembling as fear started to invade my mind. I took a step back and the wolf’s eyes seemed to widened before it crouched down. The wolf seemed to shrink and then I noticed how familiar the wolf looked. The wolf raised his head and I felt like my body went numb when I knew exactly who this was.

“Chen…” I whispered and then my whole world became dark.

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Chapter 8: This is soooo good! I can't wait to read more. Taehyung is such a confusing character but I guess I would act the same if I was in his place xD
tn10tn #2
Chapter 1: Nice. Thank you for your hardwork ❤❤