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I'm back, I won't say anything else and just let you get on with the chapter but I'll write more at the bottom!


The following morning Yoojung found herself making up excuses as to why she might miss work in a futile and ovious attempt to avoid confrontation and the memories the previous day had ripped from their safe confines somewhere in the back of her battered and poorly repaired heart. Ultimately it would have been too easy to pretend like the previous day had never happened and continue on with her life down the haphazard path it had forged for itself but, ever the masochist, Yoojung found herself countering her own excuses with reasons why she couldn't possibly skip and those arguments rung much clearer in her mind, playing on the turmultuous emotions that tugged her heart and mind in different directions.

A soft knock on the open bedroom door broke her from her stalwart musings, enough to notice that her knuckles had turned white around the padded handle of the hairbrush which had unknowingly become and outlet for her frustrations, the strain of skin over bone somehow fascinating the young woman. "Yoojung--" Somi waited for a response before continuing with whatever line of questioning she'd likely intended to open with. "I'm up," Yoojung echoed dutifully, her voice falling a little flat even to her own ears and likely convincing nobody of her wellfare.


"You're going to work?" the younger girl inquired, wasting no time in taking the hairbrush from her shorter friend and gently running it through the short, uneven layers that made up Yoojung's most recent hair style of choice (a choice made when she wasn't wholey coherent and at least partially under the influence of a considerable amount of alcohol.)

Yoojung snorted, the sound bringing with it the first sign of genuine emotion since the ordeal the day previous and Somi let her shoulders relax even while sliding the grips into place that would stop the older girl's hair from falling in her face; something she often complained about after a long day at work. "One of us has to pay the bills on this place, lest we end up freeloading on Heehyun's couch again." The memory brought a grin to both of their faces and the atmosphere in the room was suddenly lighter, a hint that maybe things would be okay again if they just gave it time.

"I wouldn't be so sure that she wouldn't welcome us with open arms again... you'd only have to promise to make that lansanga for her again and I think she'd do everthing short of going to prison for you." Somi countered, tugging at a piece of hair that had fallen free from the grip and tucking it back behind Yoojung's ear where it wouldn't be a nuisence. The act was so instinctual that neither of them thought about the close bond they shared as anything but ordinary anymore despite how intimate it would have looked to an unknowing bystander.

"I'll be okay," Yoojung offered the reassurance that she knew Somi wanted to hear, however unwilling she was to ask the question herself. Despite the heavy cloud that hung over her like a death sentence, she really felt like she'd be able to face the day with a smile on her face, a ready improvement on how she'd been feeling when she'd first opened her eyes that morning and wanted n

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Chapter 5: angst train choo choo
hope youre doing well author :)
Chapter 5: sad that i found this story kind of too late. hoping there's a chance you'll finish this. hope you're doing well
xoxoyourstripes #3
Chapter 5: Come back! Come back here and finish what you started! TT
Chapter 5: Please dont give up and continue this story. It's great!
Chapter 5: they want to hate each other but they cant
Chapter 5: Holy crap the situation is complicated as hell.
And I love little Tzuyu lol, this story is great!
YoodaengStan #7
Chapter 5: this story is gold! thank you author for updating ~ i also hope u can update your other I.O.I stories as well \(o-o)/
asharii #8
Chapter 5: YESSS so happy to see you back :)

I always loved this story and glad you found the inspiration to come back and write again. I really liked this chapter and the ending has got me eager to see what they do next!
Are you not going to continue this author? This is too good to be abandoned :(