The 97-Line

The Lucky One

Jeonghan didn't have to think long about why and how his and Minghao's relationship developed so quickly. There was honestly no other way it could have happened. Minghao was the last to join their team, into a group of 12 boys who already knew each other and trained together for at least a year if not longer, and Jeonghan immediately sympathized with him. He himself had joined the boys after they had been together for quite a long period of time and even then he could still feel the remnants of that tension as he tried to fit himself into their family. But Minghao also had the language barrier, which fortunately could be partially bridge by Junhui, but not totally. Jeonghan wouldn't consider himself someone to immediately come to the aide of every stranger who was struggling, but it was only too easy to see himself in those anxious eyes and fidgeting hands. There really was no other way it could have happened.

Jeonghan had always been patient with communicating and understanding Jun and he treated Minghao no different. But where Jun was all smiles and long clingy arms in the face of miscommunication or confusion, Minghao was frustration and anger. The boy had a very calm and surprisingly playful disposition most often, but when it came to language difficulties and misunderstandings his temper was surprisingly short. Jeonghan always did his best to make it easier for him, placing a hand on his shoulder while trying to walk him through whatever he was trying to say, or explaining when he didn't understand a concept from his Korean lessons, but sometimes it just wasn't enough. Sometimes Minghao would storm out of the practice room muttering to himself quickly in mandarin and tugging his hair in both hands, only to be followed by Junhui. Times like those when Jeonghan knew he couldn't help were hard, and left him quiet and withdrawn until the younger boy came bouncing back into his space, calmer and smiling.

Minghao had grown so much since then. His language improved, he'd comfortably fit himself into their team, and his dancing and vocal abilities were increasing everyday. He and Jeonghan had only continued to grow closer as his sarcastic and teasing sense of humor surfaced, so much like Jeonghan's own. Jeonghan couldn't help but notice their dynamic had shifted a bit however. Where as Jeonghan had prided himself a bit in his efforts to take care of the boy early on, now he found he didn't need to any longer. Minghao happily pulled him into his lap if there weren't enough seats for everyone. He was constantly tucking Jeonghan's hair behind his ear and wrapping an arm around his shoulder so they could talk even closer. Minghao had definitely grown and their relationship had certainly changed, but when he would still come looking for Jeonghan with a glowing smile on his face Jeonghan was certain he was fine with that.

Mingyu, like Jeonghan, was also someone who was easy to be close to. Ever since they first met the boy's entire being just screamed "puppy dog" to him. While he had grown a bit more mature, and even a bit taller since their trainee days, he was still the happy and hard working kid he always was. He was also generally calm enough for Jeonghan to match energy levels with, only really getting more worked up during hip hop unit practices or when they all played mafia. Plus, while he had a stronger stamina then Jeonghan by far, when he did tire himself out he was dead on his feet.

Mingyu and Jeonghan had a very easy relationship from day one because of these similarities. Their easiness to be close to and readiness to give affection only multiplied in when they were together. While Mingyu would hide his face in Jeonghan's shoulder and neck when they all watched horror films together, Jeonghan would drop his head into Mingyu's lap as he sat, back pressed to the mirror, in their practice room during breaks. Simple things like those that left Jeonghan feeling content and warm. They were also similar in their disposition to cleaning. Jeonghan personally just felt off being in a room that was visibly messy unless he was very tired. He assumed Mingyu shared that trait as the younger boy often helped him keep their dorm clean the most. He also had a knack for cooking, a talent that Jeonghan didn't necessarily envy, but definitely respected. Honestly with all his traits coupled with his height, Jeonghan sometimes forgot that other boy was younger. He was easily reminded though.

A time that stood out was 3am after a nightlong practice proceeding a jacket shoot and interview regarding their upcoming album. Jeonghan remembered being incredibly tired as they packed up and prepared to head back to their dorm. He remembered large arms wrapping around his upper torso from behind and a large, sweaty weight leaning into his back with an indistinguishable grumble spoken into the his neck.
Even as drowsy as he was he looked back to the other boy to try to coerce him into walking by himself to the car but the taller was not having any of it. Mingyu only whined more before leaning more into Jeonghan with closed eyes and nuzzling his cheek into the elder's likely very gross hair. Jeonghan remembered thinking there wasn't else much he could do besides slowly shuffle them both to the van, walking slowly with the giant still leaning into his back and matching his steps, and then repeat the process into the dorm when they arrived home. He remembered thinking there wasn't much else he could do when they both flopped down onto his bed, on top of the comforter, still exhausted and gross from their busy day, and tiredly curled into each other. He could only barely remember falling asleep like that, back pressed to front, and staying that way until they were woken up for breakfast the next day.


To Jeonghan, Lee Seokmin was characterized best by his anxiousness. Most of their fans knew the boy as the bright, happy, comedic mood maker. A member of the comedy trio of their group. Maybe if they paid close attention, they would catch wisps and hints of his lower self confidence. An interview question here, a nervous glance there. That's not how Jeonghan saw it though.

He saw a boy who constantly stayed back in the crowd unless called out to the front, one who didn't really sing unless prompted, one comfortable with playing and talking with his groupmates but not standing too close. He saw how he was constantly wringing his hands. Whenever he noticed that awkward fidgeting he would make a point to go stand next to the other boy and smile widely at him. Seokmin was good at small talk and if Jeonghan approached him the boy would almost immediately try to make a joke or tell a funny story to rile him up. He certainly didn't mind the laughs, and if it stopped the younger from feeling so nervous for a few moments then all the better.

Another thing he noticed about Seokmin is that he watched a lot. Watched their stages, watched the members, and even watched him quite a lot. Jeonghan hasn't ever been a confrontational person, and it wasn't as if the younger boy had caused any issues, but he found it quite odd at first. It wasn't until later that he noticed Seokmin relaying information to Seungcheol, Jihoon, and even himself a few times. Letting them know things like "Chan has been favoring is left foot all practice." Or "Boo skipped breakfast". Based on how Vernon and Seungcheol flanked him immediately when he stumbled while he was feeling faint during their last Chinese performance, he assumed a "Jeonghan-hyung looks pale" was somewhere in there too. It was interesting to him, Seokmin's distant way of taking care of the others, when his own was maybe still sneaky but definitely more direct.

Jeonghan cannot pretend to have Seokmin figured out even now. As their group grows in popularity and they grow with it he seems to be getting happier and more comfortable being quiet but content around the others. As if not feeling the need to be loud and energetic whenever he plays with the members as much as he used to, but he still watches, and occasionally relays. Seokmin seemed to definitely be doing better. But as he watched the others, Jeonghan would keep watching him, and keep an eye out for those wringing hands.

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TofuTurtleHime2468 #1
Oh hey, you've finally posted it on this website ^^ I've kinda been reading it on archiveofourown but since I rarely go on there (due to not having an account on there =v=") it's been hard keeping track of updates there, so thank you for uploading it here too :)

now it's just the 95line huehuehue my otps...