and taehyung

99% psycho

and taehyung 



   It was a quiet sunday morning in the kim household. Which meant that jin and taehyung would cuddle together and sleep in all day .  Jin puts the red roses taehyung  bought in to a flower vase and arranged them nicely. He was going to say thank you to taehyung when he heard loud banging outside , shaking up the whole neighbourhood . 


Something like a bomb explosion to be precise .


“ what was that?” taehyung peeks from the news paper he was reading and asks from jin who gives taehyung  a confused shrug.


Then the loud noises were heard again and again , the floor of the kim household shook at the current. The sound were heard very near.


“ Is it fireworks ?” Jin tells himself and goes out of the house to find what is happening , despite taehyung’s protests not to go. 


But when the kim couple went outside , they saw something that they never even dreamt of seeing in their whole life …


Am I hallucinating ?


Did I drink too much coffee in the morning?


Am I dying and seeing weird things ? 


“ are you seeing what I am seeing?” Jin’s voice was breathless , he held on to taehyung’s hand for support as he was about to pass out. Taehyung looked blankly ahead at Jungkook’s garden over the fence and mutters .


“ I am seeing my next door neighbour shooting down random objects with a bazooka”


oh my god … Does that mean I am not seeing things?


“ …. and his porch is on fire” taehyung completes his sentence. The beautiful wooden porch was on fire and the flames were spreading in to the house . The whole thing looked like a war zone.


Jin looks at Jungkook maniacally shooting down a white mermaid statue in the garden  like a five year old with a water gun . But the problem is , that he wasn’t shooting with a water gun … he was shooting with a fire spitting, thunder cracking , highly functioning , fully armed bazooka 


 “ should we call 911?” taehyung whispers and Jin thinks it’s a good idea . Jin honestly don’t know what to do with this situation right now.


It’s not everyday that your psycho neighbour goes on a shooting rampage on a nice sunday morning…


“ get the water hose we have a fire to put out !” jin sighs and shouts to taehyung who is already on his way to the water pipe. 








Jin screamed at jungkook , pouring water over the last of the fire on the porch . Jin was covering his nose and mouth because the smoke and carbon dioxide is making it hard to breath .



“ I was just experimenting with the latest models .. the capacity and durability is good even though it is a bit heavy for household use.. But I think this would work fantastically if paired with gunpowder” Jungkook rambles  


“ Experimenting ? Capacity? Household use ? Gunpowder? CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW YOU JUST NEARLY KILLED ALL OF US?!” 


“ aw come on , It’s just a little fire” Jungkook said swinging his arms care freely .


“ just a little fire ? try world war 3” Jin pointed at the mess jungkook had created. Once beautifully arranged garden is now a complete mess . The green grass was now patched by brown holes everywhere . The tree branches were burning and the flowers were stomped to the ground. The beautiful vintage garden statues were ashen to the ground . The beautiful wooden porch was beyond repair .


“ No first of all , How the hell did you get a ninety pound bazooka ?”  Jin asks jungkook. Isn’t it a military weapon ? Who the is dumb enough to give a illegal weapon to  a psychotic nineteen year old anyway?


“ My father manufactures and sells bazookas” Jungkook shrugs “ I was just helping him”



Wait wait wait wait …






W    H   A   T  ?   




so you are telling me .. that Jungkook’s father gives his nineteen year old fetus of a son  to handle exporting of bazookas to the middle east asia ??



“ wait… I thought your dad owned a loan empire or something?” 


“ Loaning among many other things …. Human trafficking , ion , Drugs… selling bazookas” Jungkook says it like it’s the most normal thing in the world and he sits on a sun chair of his newly destroyed lawn.


 Jin takes a huge breath and falls in to the ground clutching on to his dear heart Because this was all too much for Jin. Jin is a ordinary tax paying citizen in Korea and he did not ask for a underground mafia / psycho/ control freak for a neighbour !


okay , this is enough crazy for one day …


“ You make bazookas?” taehyung who had been quiet for all through this shenanigans  suddenly speak with interest “ thats so cool”


Jin looks at taehyung with horror. Kim taehyung , you work for the Korean National Intelligent service !! You out of all the people should not be advocating these kinds of lunatic behaviour !!


“ Its NOT  cool jagiya ” Jin says “ Guns kill people”


Wrong . These aren’t guns” Jungkook interjects smirking .


Do I look like I ing care? 


“ Fine .. BAZOOKAS  kill people”


“ still wrong .. Bazookas don’t kill people”


Jin got irritated “ Please tell me how a machine made to spit out FIRE when it EXPLODES don’t kill people?”


“ People kill people” Jungkook says .


  Jin went speechless for a moment. What jungkook said was true . Guns don’t kill people. Guns just gives the power to kill people . It the person who holds the gun makes the decision to kill . 


  what jungkook says makes sense… not that jin would ever admit.


“ Do you know who will definitely get killed today if he doesn’t get off his lazy and starts cleaning this mess?” Jin says and jungkook his eyebrow in confusion  “ you” 


“ But we can just call the cleaning service?” Jungkook whines.


“ No” Jin pushes jungkook off of his sun chair “ get the vacuum and the dusters … You are going to clean the mess you created young man ”





 In the end , Jin joins in to help Jungkook to clean because the younger’s cleaning skills balls .


      Jin doesn’t understand why people keeps telling that jungkook is some sort of a genius when jungkook struggles to hold a broom correctly without knocking off . Taehyung helped halfway but he had to go to run a errand leaving jin and jungkook alone. 


   They spends the rest of the time arguing and bickering while trying best not to kill each other . They cleaned for two hours because Jin refused to call the cleaning service to teach jungkook a lesson.


“ ah !!!! I am so tired I told you we should’ve just called the cleaning service” Jungkook  sits down on his sun chair again looking at the cleaned garden and house . Jin had managed to make the burned porch and the garden look decent in a short time. 


hmm.. I don’t know … maybe if you didn’t start shooting in broad daylight we wouldn’t have to clean in the first place!!” Jin snaps at jungkook  


  He  nudges jungkook to move a bit from his sun chair . When jungkook shifts and makes place for jin on his sun chair , Jin sits on it . He pats his sweat off of his forehead with his handkerchief . He catches jungkook staring at him.


“ why are you looking at me with your serious psycho look?” Jin asks when he saw jungkook staring at him for a long time. 


“ my serious psycho look?” jungkook his head .


“ yeah .. it doesn’t stray far away from your hey-it’s-monday-so-I-have- uncontrollable-urges-to-kill-innocent-people look”  


  Jungkook  looks dead in to jin’s eyes and both of them bursts out laughing. If someone else saw them earlier , they would think the both of them were arguing but now the  atmosphere  around the both was very comfortable. 


“ No it’s just nice to have someone nag and scold you when I do bad stuff” Jungkook says “ No one scolds me around here because they are scared of getting fired or killed … they just let me destroy and do everything I want to… even if its dangerous and stupid stuff like this …They don’t care if I get killed or hurt ”


Jin feels sorry for jungkook . Jungkook mstve lived a lonely life all his life. He spent his whole life away from his family anyway. He wants to say sorry  but he knows that the younger hates when people apologises . Jin laughs to brighten up the mood instead 


 “ so you want me to nag? Most people hate it when I nag”


“ No” Jungkook says “ it just shows that you are the only person who isn’t scared of me ”


   Jungkook and Jin’s eyes meets for a moment and they looks in to each other for a long time before jin breaks their eye contact and asks softly 


“ why ?” 


Why did you started to shoot stuff out of the blue? why did you let the porch catch on fire? why did you enjoy the destruction? 


“ I told you … I am the brand ambassador for bazookas .. I was testing out our new products” Jungkook stared at the pile of bazookas that jin names as trash . 


“ That isn’t the only reason for it isn’t it ?” jin says , almost as a whisper but jungkook hears it. A comforting breeze passes through their bodies , the leaves on trees rustles and birds starts chirping as if non had happened . Life goes on …


“ doesnt it get a bit lonely? In that huge white mansion?” Jin said and  the both were looking at jungkook’s huge mansion from the sun chairs of the lawn.


“ shooting and destroying is the only way that life gets  interesting isn’t it? It makes sure you are not the only one in that huge house all by yourself”Jin says “ you drowns out your loneliness and boredom by destroying” 


Jungkook hates it. 


      Jungkook hates how transparent he is to jin. Jin can read him like a open book , like he knows everything about jungkook is about. Jungkook is known to be a stoic person who doesn’t show emotions . He leaves other people guessing and confused about his feelings but not Jin . He cant leave the effect he has on other people on Jin. 


  Jungkook hates being this vulnerable to a person but Jungkook can’t help it . He can’t help falling deep in to Jin’s charms. 



  Jungkook leans in to Jin and examines the loveliness of his face and thinks how nice it is to talk with jin without using words. Jungkook appreciates how jin is honest with him . suddenly jin turns around to meet with jin’s face. Their noses were almost touching , and if jungkook leaned a bit more they would be kissing …


    Jungkook thinks how soft jin’s lips would be on his lips and jin smelled really tasty. He smelled like a faint vanilla and sweetness. Jin closes his eyes and jungkook takes it as a invitation to lean in more. when their lips almost touched ….




Jin’s phone rang . 




  Both of them jumps backwards in surprise. Jungkook leaned back in to his sun chair with a unreadable facial expression . Jin felts his cheeks burning up and his hands shaking..


we they about to kiss ??


  Before jin could even collect himself he stood up from the sun chair and takes his phone out of his pocket. The ringing tone was the cringy ‘strawberry milk song’ which jin oddly came to love ( nanananananaaa okay ! nannananananana okay!!) Jin recognised the caller ID immediately .


“ Chimchim !!   ” Jin chirps and thank you for saving me from almost kissing that idiot 


“ Hello Jinnie hyung !  enjoying the weekends I presume?”


Pfft -Enjoying my … 


“ ugh I don’t want to talk about it” Jin said glaring at jungkook’s direction “ remember the psycho neighbour I told you about ? He set his own ing garden on fire … here I was thinking what a peaceful day today was but noooooo he ing had to go experiment with his freaking bazooka and-” 


“ wait … a bazooka?” Jimin sounded not convinced  “ Jin hyung I think you woke up from a dream” 


trust me Jimin … the things that had happen today is too weird for me to make up in my head !” Jin says “ Sometimes I wish this was a dream instead” 


“ I know you’re new neighbour is an ” Jimin said bursting in to laughter “But he is hilarious!”


“ ha ha ha jimin … so much funny . so much comedy . so much humour . my life should be scripted for the Simpsons … Or  nights on elm’s street.”


“ I doubt there is a genre called comedy-horror but this one might make it” jimin said and jin muttered wow that’s so helpful jimin


“ so how is life in busan” jin changed the subject. 


“ Life goes on~” Jimin says awfully lot cheerfully “ I met this cute new guy at work”


“oooOOOOOH is he just cute or the real deal ?” Jin cooed  


“ I dunno” Jimin says “ We’ve been on couple dates here and there … I don’t know if we are official yet”


“ who is this unlucky guy?”


“ Min Yoongi” Jimin says his name like a prayer “ he is also a underground rapper .. he is a bit grumpy but he is also so hardworking and talented..” jimin says dreamily.


“ Jimin you are smitten” Jin laughs “ how was your first date?”


“ Well he showed me around his studio and we kinda - you know” 


“ you know what?” Jin is usually dense as a brick


“ oh come on you know” 




“ men can’t get pregnant hyung  ”




“ chill mama Jin , I used a geez” jimin says laughing




yeah .. all that hot and steamy kissing in the ferris wheel totally didn’t happen” 




“ taehyung told me”


that little traitor 






“ YOU ARE YELLING TOO” jin yells back harder .



  The both of them goes silent for a moment and laughs out loud together . God , jin missed these moments with jimin. 


  Jimin , taehyung and Jin went to the same high school together . The three of them were best friends. Even though jin was two years older than jimin and taehyung , the three of them spent a lot of time together. But unfortunately jimin got a job transfer to his home town busan , separating their friendship. Even though jimin  rarely gets to come to seoul , they still keep in touch . Jin makes sure to call at least three times per week.



“ I miss you Jimin  ” Jin sighs “ I wish you were here”


“ and be the third wheel between you two love birds?” Jimin  scoffed “ No thanks”


“ You little - I take that back ! I don’t miss you at all !”


“  hahaha I am just kidding hyung … I miss you too” Jimin  says sadly “ I hope you stay safe Hyung .. everything is okay right?”


“ Ofcourse I am okay ! Don’t worry chimchim … I have taehyung to keep me safe!”


 He is the reason that I am worried about you Jin hyung… Jimin thinks to himself but doesn’t tell jin. 


“ Hyung you don’t have to miss me for too long !” Jimin  said “ I am in seoul”


“ WHAT ?? you are in seoul ?? how???”


“ I just want to surprise you ! I  came to run a errand for work and I thought of dropping by your house after I am done with my errand  .” Jimin says “  I am driving near your house right now … I will be next to you in a second , Aren’t I so romantic hyung?” 


“ wait what do yo-“ before  jin could finish his sentence , the line got disconnected .






As jimin had said , Jimin’s small car steered on Jin’s street in few seconds. Jimin parked his car in front of Jin’s house and got off his car. Jin awkwardly waved at Jimin from jungkook’s lawn 


“ Jimin I am here!” jin shouted at jimin. Which caught Jimin’s attention . Before jin could walk over to jimin, Jimin came in to Jungkook’s lawn and hugged jin . 


“ hyung !! I am so glad to see you!!” jimin said hugging Jin closer and Jin laughed and muttered a me too!! excitedly. Jungkook watched both of them with a unamused expression and raised his eyebrow.


“ So jimin .. how was-“


    Before jin could finish his sentence . Jungkook peaks over Jin’s shoulder and winks at Jimin. Jimin’s cheeks went red and he waved at jungkook shyly. 


“   I am Jungkook …. I am Jin’s neighbour” Jungkook says winking at Jin and Jin scoffs . 


  He  stretches out his hand to Jimin . Jimin takes jungkook’s hand and shook it and mutters out a shy “ I am J-Jimin .. P-park Jimin-n”


“ Jimin is a cute name” Jungkook flirts and Jin rolls his eyes . Jimin giggled the most eerily girly giggles that jin had ever heard in his whole entire life which made jin’s skin crawl . There is utterly no living organism that jeon jungkook doesn’t in to and jin doesn’t want Jimin to end up heart broken like everyone else in his bitter exes club. 


“ Get out of my face Jeon .. I am talking to my best friend”


“ Wow you have a friend” jungkook says sarcastically .


“ Yes , unlike you I do” Jin said shooing jungkook off with his hands.


Jin turns his attention back to jimin , who seemed to be star struck with Jungkook “ Now that you are here Jimin … why don’t we go have fun somewhere ? Let’s go to the coffee shop you wanted to go last time?”


“ your best friend comes to visit you after a long time … and you are taking him to a coffee shop?” jungkook asked mockingly .


“ Then what do you suggest Mr. know-it-all ?” Jin snaps back.


   Jungkook gave him a mysterious smirk and Jin did not like the sound of it at all …




“ I can’t believe you guys talked me in to this”


Ofcourse , Jungkook’s idea of having fun is going to clubs … what the hell did you expect jin? that he would take you to a tea party?


   Jin sighed and looked at jungkook , who was booking the VVIP section of the club. The multicoloured lights and loud music got jimin excited because jimin is a natural dancer … and by all means which  Jin was not .


“ Jimin , This is a bad idea … We are going home … come on  I will even make your favourite chocolate chip cookies with warm milk”


“ Relax hyung … I know dancing is not your forte but trust me , this is going to be fun …” Jimin grabbed jin’s wide shoulders “ and who the hell knows when will we ever get to sneak in to the VVIP section of the club?”


“ Okay” Jin muttered . He is only doing this for jimin. He doesn’t want to ruin his fun but sure the hell he is not trusting to leave chimchim with that jeonbug !


Jin was never the one who was fond of the idea nor invention of clubs. His awkwardness or his non existent dancing abilities never made a attractive appearances on the dance floors. He hated the crowds , he hated the loudness and he hated the drunkenness 


But this area on the other hand was pretty neat for a VVIP club… 


   Jimin was drinking like a ing bear ( don’t let his small chubby face fool you , he is not light weight at all … He can chug down a barrel of beer and still walk a straight line) Jin on the other hand , is the type that pass out if he even thinks about alcohol. He declared that he was not going to drink because he had to be the sober person to drive two drunk idiots home.


  Jin had never seen this disgusting side of Jimin in his whole life. He was basically all over jungkook, giggling like a high school girl to whatever jungkook says . Jungkook is as charming as ever , working his boy magic on jimin. 


“ I am going to get us some drinks fixed” jungkook said brushing jimin’s stray hairs off of his forehead ( jimin died inside when he did that) 


“ Jin do you need something?”


“ apple juice” jin said absentmindedly and jungkook laughed at it. Jin tried not to find a bigger rock to crawl under when he realised what he said .


“ I doubt there is apple juice in this club” jungkook said “ but anything for you princess” 


Jungkook leaves to get them drinks and Jin scoffs at jungkook’s direction. He turns to see jimin in a puddle of goo looking at jungkook. Jin sighs , He knew jungkook had this effect on people .


“ oh my god ! you never told me your new psycho neighbour is HAWT !! ” Jimin squealed tugging on to jin’s shirt. 


Jin sighed and rolled his eyes “ Jimin … you don’t know him , He is a ruthless playboy . he has girls everywhere …. He is a huge !”


“ I agree.. I have a feeling he has a huge ”




“ hyung , did you know it is scientifically  proven  that if a man has his ring finger longer than his index finger , that man probably has a big ?”




“ I totally saw that jungkook’s ring finger was longer … that means he has a huge di-“




“ why so serious ?” jimin snickered “ do you have his number or something?”


“ what happened to your y underground rapper you ed on your first date?”


“ well …. we are still not official yet so…?” jimin looked at jin with his puppy eyes. “ cute guy’s phone number please”


“ No jimin … you don’t know him he is a-“ psychopath with a criminal record , he plays with bazookas for fun and he had dissected a frog in eighth grade !!  “ He is jeon jungkook  .. he-“


“ Oh my ing god hyung ? Is he that jeon jungkook??”


“ yes yes ! he is that jeon jungkook …” jin sighed “ That jeon jungkook who is the third heir to Jeon enterprises”


“ Does that mean I am partying with a multimillionaire’s son? Oh my god does that mean that you are neighbours with a loan empire’s son?? Hyung he is rich !! filthy rich !! he was in the Forbes magazine as the youngest millionaire !! how can I forget??” Jimin hyperventilated.


oh really ? Jin knew jungkook was rich but he didn’t knew he was that big of a deal 


 “ okay if you stop fangirling over that Jeonpsycho , I would like to go to the bathroom because me bladder is about to explode” Jin said making his way through the crowd. Jimin followed behind jin and they made their way to the washroom. 


One advantage of being in the VVIP  club is that the toilets are clean and the air freshener smells like cinnamon.


   when both males comes out of the washroom after doing their business , someone stopped Jin by his hand. Jin tried to snap his arm out but the man’s hold was stronger. Jin had never seen this man before . He looked like a biker with a goatee.


“ Please let go of my hand sir” Jin said politely as he could. He didn’t want to cause a scene.


“ what are you doing here .. you pretty little thing?” The man snarled at Jin animalistic.  Jin knitted his eyebrow , he didn’t like to be called a thing


“ I am sorry but I am not a thing” Jin tried to push the man off of him but failed “ let go of me !”


“ oooh getting rough aren’t we?” the biker guy laughed at jin’s feeble effort to break free. 


“ I am going to call the police , this is ual assault” Jimin said dialling the police but the biker guy grabbed the phone form jimin and smashed it across the room .


“ so … want to have a ? I promise I will pay well for a person pretty as you” the man winked and jin felt disgusted with his whole body.  Jin opened his mouth to scream but he heard a familiar face from behind.





 “ get you filthy hands off of him”  jungkook’s voice was terrifyingly low , he had two drinks in his hands. He had managed to find apple juice for jin.


“ Oh you mean this pretty thing? he is my tonight” the bicker guy showed his grip on Jin to jungkook “ … and who do you think you are?”



  The grip on jin’s hand was too tight and Jin whimpered because it hurts . 




And jungkook looses his control. 



“ Your worst ing nightmare… that’s who I am” Jungkook muttered under his breath and smashes the glass drink cups on to the Biker guy’s head. Jungkook pushes jin away to jimin and Jimin takes jin away to a much safer distance but Jin struggles and tries to get jimin’s clutches 


“ let me go Jimin ! he will kill that man!!”


“ he won’t ! he will throw some punches !! he is a grown man he can control himself !!! let’s not get in to that fight” jimin said pushing jin towards the exit .


“ No Jimin you don’t understand !!” He has a personality disorder He can’t control himself !! He will kill that man even before he realise it !!


“ sorry Jimin I can’t leave jungkook” Jin shakes jimin’s hand away and runs toward the fight scene and jimin look at Jin dumbfounded. 


  Jin swims through the crowd who is standing in a semi circle watching the whole fight scene. Jin sees what he expects . Jungkook was straddling the Biker on to the floor … punching the man’s face so brutally that blood shoots everywhere . Jungkook's knuckles were dripping with blood , and it was purple where the biker had been able to punch Jungkook. 


“ How dare you touch him ?” Jungkook growled at lifts the biker’s limp body with his collar and smashes the biker’s head to a wall . “ How dare you stain my Jin with your filthy hands?!”


“ Please let me go ! I swear I won’t ever-“ the man pleads pathetically but jungkook doesn’t listen , or he doesn’t even hear what the biker says.


“ You don’t need to live … People like you doesn’t have to live” Jungkook wraps his blood stained hands around the man’s neck and presses on it, making it hard to breath for the biker. Jungkook doesn’t look himself anymore. He looks like a wild animal on loose rather than the playful sarcastic boy jin knows. 


“ No jungkook !” Jin doesn’t know why he hugs jungkook from behind. He wraps his hands around jungkook’s bloody back tightly as possible .


“ Just wait jin … I won’t let him hurt you anymore”  Jungkook pushes his body weight on to the biker forcefully.


“ Don’t !! This hurts me even more jungkook !!!” Jin cries tears out loud “ Don’t do this ! If you kill him that means all the sessions , all the therapy , all the arguments and all the times we spent together is useless !! it means I didn’t do anything to make you better jungkook so please-“


  Jungkook lets go of the grip on the biker’s neck and releases him. The biker tries to run for his life but jungkook grabs him by the hair and smashes him to the wall. Jungkook turns at Jin , jungkook still had his grip on the man’s hair not letting the biker go .


“ Do I hurt you?” jungkook asks jin softly , like a little kid caught doing something bad. Jin runs his hands through Jungkook’s cheeks and looks in to jungkook’s eyes and says ,


“ Yes , If you kill him I will be”


“ but he hurt you..” jungkook looked at jin with glassy eyes. “ I don’t want him to live because he hurt you”


“ and I don’t want you to get hurt jungkook” jin said softly , circling jungkook’s check with his thumb . Jin was crying, he hated seeing jungkook like this , covered in blood. 


“ Please jungkook … for me?” 


Jungkook slowly let go of his grip on the Biker and fully let him go . The man runs for his life away from jungkook , leaving bloody trails of his own wounds on the floor. 


“ thank you jungkook” jin said pulling the shaking teenager in to another hug, not caring if his clothes are soaked in blood. 


“ only for you Jin” Jungkook inhales jin’s scent from the crook of jin’s neck and feels jin’s beating heart against his. Jungkook pulled them closer together and this time jin didn’t push jungkook away. He placed his head on Jungkook’s firm chest and jungkook peppered jin’s head with small kisses to calm him down.


“ Are you okay ? You are not hurt anywhere right?” Jungkook’s voice is traced full of concern and jin wants to laugh at that. Jungkook was the one covered with blood and bruises and he is asking if jin was okay…


“ You are a ing idiot , you know that?” Jin says and jungkook laughs at that before finally collapse unconscious in to jin’s body.






this ... ladies and gentleman is a bazooka 


ooh look jin is the only person who can control jungkook from going beast mode ? I wonder why? *wink*




jungkook is overprotective as


And jimin made a appearance !!! say hello to jimin !!



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Thank you!
This is so infuriating. When you put so much thought and effort in to a story and it gets plagerized by someone is a horrible thing ! Do you know what is more ing sad and infuriating ? Being accused of theft when you are the one being stolen !


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Chapter 17: Such a beautiful story it was. I love it. Thank you
Jintrashhere #2
Chapter 7: Please post this story on wattpad.. I want every taejinkook fan to read this book ??Please.. This is a masterpiece everyone should be able to read
Chapter 18: I cried for Jungkook
Literally criiiiiiii

I really love this ficccccccc damnnn muchhh
T - T
But why i got my heart scattered into damnn piecesss
Pistachiofever #4
Chapter 17: This was so good and much more intense than I expected. I went in thinking it’d be “random patient falls for doctor, doctor’s boyfriend gets jealous” — basically something light-ish? in nature. Boy was I wrong, and in a very good way. The backstories were so fascinating and the characters were so well crafted! The ending was somewhat sad, but at the same time I didn’t want to see Tae neglected either... all in all, great story! What a roller coaster of emotions.
Jinislife13 #5
Chapter 19: I was just scrolling down like a normal person, and boom---- here I am, hopelessly fell deep into your incredible story. I could tell right away you put your mind and heart to the story, cause it made me had lots of real feeling. I understand that what you have been through is horrible, and honestly, I just want to come and hug you right away. Who would have the heart to be able to steal and then not even being sneaky about this? I don't know if it will make you feel better, but seeing a lot of comments here being supportive, I want to be one too and believe me, I really love you and your story. Though I'm new, I hope your situation gets better okay? Love seeing what you have done and still doing, cause I think this ends up being my FAVOURITE fan story I have ever read. My heart still thumbs loudly no matter how many times I keep reading it. So keep going and do your rainbow BETCH~(love the sass you have gotten through this story) and you will always have our support dear Author-nim.
reika_love #6
Chapter 17: If this is end with TaeJin, could you please inform us like the tag : main couple TaeJin... Sorry... But, I'm a little disappointed....
Afuri_ #7
Chapter 1: wow i love it already!
MrsYoo1993 #8
Chapter 19: Keep strong!! Dont let it drowing u.. Plez believe that u hav many people supporting ur excellent work.. Including me.. Hihii.. Still one of my favourite.. Luv it very much.. Beside.. Nothing can bet an original brainjinius♥♥♥ that u hav.. U can do it.. Hwaiting!!!
Vanilla_Llama #9
Chapter 19: Ah, it's sad that people will still do such things these days. I hope that the user will take down your work! On top of it, you were the one being accused.... :(
HanaFair #10
Chapter 19: This is the first jinkook fic that I've fallen in love with and I believe that you're the original author. Stay strong!